
194 lines
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#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import errno
import os
import time
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
from octavia.amphorae.backends.agent.api_server import util
from octavia.amphorae.backends.health_daemon import health_sender
from octavia.amphorae.backends.utils import haproxy_query
from octavia.amphorae.backends.utils import keepalivedlvs_query
if six.PY2:
import Queue as queue # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
import queue # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SEQ = 0
# MSG_VER is an incrementing integer heartbeat message format version
# this allows for backward compatibility when the amphora-agent is older
# than the controller version and the message format has backwards
# incompatible changes.
# ver 1 - Adds UDP listener status when no pool or members are present
# ver 2 - Switch to all listeners in a single combined haproxy config
def list_sock_stat_files(hadir=None):
stat_sock_files = {}
if hadir is None:
hadir = CONF.haproxy_amphora.base_path
lb_ids = util.get_loadbalancers()
for lb_id in lb_ids:
sock_file = lb_id + ".sock"
stat_sock_files[lb_id] = os.path.join(hadir, sock_file)
return stat_sock_files
def run_sender(cmd_queue):
LOG.info('Health Manager Sender starting.')
sender = health_sender.UDPStatusSender()
keepalived_cfg_path = util.keepalived_cfg_path()
keepalived_pid_path = util.keepalived_pid_path()
while True:
# If the keepalived config file is present check
# that it is running, otherwise don't send the health
# heartbeat
if os.path.isfile(keepalived_cfg_path):
# Is there a pid file for keepalived?
with open(keepalived_pid_path, 'r') as pid_file:
pid = int(pid_file.readline())
os.kill(pid, 0)
message = build_stats_message()
except (IOError, OSError) as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
# Missing PID file, skip health heartbeat.
LOG.error('Missing keepalived PID file %s, skipping health '
'heartbeat.', keepalived_pid_path)
elif e.errno == errno.ESRCH:
# Keepalived is not running, skip health heartbeat.
LOG.error('Keepalived is configured but not running, '
'skipping health heartbeat.')
LOG.error('Failed to check keepalived and haproxy status due '
'to exception %s, skipping health heartbeat.', e)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error('Failed to check keepalived and haproxy status due to '
'exception %s, skipping health heartbeat.', e)
cmd = cmd_queue.get_nowait()
if cmd == 'reload':
LOG.info('Reloading configuration')
elif cmd == 'shutdown':
LOG.info('Health Manager Sender shutting down.')
except queue.Empty:
def get_stats(stat_sock_file):
stats_query = haproxy_query.HAProxyQuery(stat_sock_file)
stats = stats_query.show_stat()
pool_status = stats_query.get_pool_status()
return stats, pool_status
def build_stats_message():
# Example version 2 message without UDP:
# {
# "id": "<amphora_id>",
# "seq": 67,
# "listeners": {
# "<listener_id>": {
# "status": "OPEN",
# "stats": {
# "tx": 0,
# "rx": 0,
# "conns": 0,
# "totconns": 0,
# "ereq": 0
# }
# }
# },
# "pools": {
# "<pool_id>:<listener_id>": {
# "status": "UP",
# "members": {
# "<member_id>": "no check"
# }
# }
# },
# "ver": 2
# }
global SEQ
msg = {'id': CONF.amphora_agent.amphora_id,
'seq': SEQ, 'listeners': {}, 'pools': {},
'ver': MSG_VER}
SEQ += 1
stat_sock_files = list_sock_stat_files()
# TODO(rm_work) There should only be one of these in the new config system
for lb_id, stat_sock_file in stat_sock_files.items():
if util.is_lb_running(lb_id):
(stats, pool_status) = get_stats(stat_sock_file)
for row in stats:
if row['svname'] == 'FRONTEND':
listener_id = row['pxname']
msg['listeners'][listener_id] = {
'status': row['status'],
'stats': {'tx': int(row['bout']),
'rx': int(row['bin']),
'conns': int(row['scur']),
'totconns': int(row['stot']),
'ereq': int(row['ereq'])}}
for pool_id, pool in pool_status.items():
msg['pools'][pool_id] = {"status": pool['status'],
"members": pool['members']}
# UDP listener part
udp_listener_ids = util.get_udp_listeners()
if udp_listener_ids:
listeners_stats = keepalivedlvs_query.get_udp_listeners_stats()
if listeners_stats:
for listener_id, listener_stats in listeners_stats.items():
pool_status = keepalivedlvs_query.get_udp_listener_pool_status(
udp_listener_dict = dict()
udp_listener_dict['status'] = listener_stats['status']
udp_listener_dict['stats'] = {
'tx': listener_stats['stats']['bout'],
'rx': listener_stats['stats']['bin'],
'conns': listener_stats['stats']['scur'],
'totconns': listener_stats['stats']['stot'],
'ereq': listener_stats['stats']['ereq']
udp_listener_dict['pools'] = {}
if pool_status:
udp_listener_dict['pools'] = {
pool_status['lvs']['uuid']: {
"status": pool_status['lvs']['status'],
"members": pool_status['lvs']['members']}}
msg['listeners'][listener_id] = udp_listener_dict
return msg