Michael Johnson 0b1fe6a526 Adds flavor support to the amphora driver
This patch adds support for flavor metadata validation by the amphora driver
and support for setting the load balancer topology via a flavor.
It also adds "flavor_id" to the load balancer table in the database.

Change-Id: I8eae870abdb20dc32917957e32606deef387ec88
2019-01-25 20:34:11 +00:00

385 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright 2011 VMware, Inc, 2014 A10 Networks
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Octavia base exception handling.
import six
from oslo_utils import excutils
from webob import exc
from octavia.i18n import _
class OctaviaException(Exception):
"""Base Octavia Exception.
To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define
a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd
with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.
message = _("An unknown exception occurred.")
orig_msg = None
orig_code = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
self.message = args[0]
self.orig_msg = kwargs.get('orig_msg')
self.orig_code = kwargs.get('orig_code')
super(OctaviaException, self).__init__(self.message % kwargs)
self.msg = self.message % kwargs
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt:
if not self.use_fatal_exceptions():
ctxt.reraise = False
# at least get the core message out if something happened
super(OctaviaException, self).__init__(self.message)
def __unicode__(self):
return six.text_type(self.msg)
def use_fatal_exceptions():
return False
# NOTE(blogan) Using webob exceptions here because WSME exceptions a very
# limited at this point and they do not work well in _lookup methods in the
# controllers
class APIException(exc.HTTPClientError):
msg = "Something unknown went wrong"
code = 500
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.msg = self.msg % kwargs
super(APIException, self).__init__(detail=self.msg)
class NotFound(APIException):
msg = _('%(resource)s %(id)s not found.')
code = 404
class PolicyForbidden(APIException):
msg = _("Policy does not allow this request to be performed.")
code = 403
class InvalidOption(APIException):
msg = _("%(value)s is not a valid option for %(option)s")
code = 400
class InvalidFilterArgument(APIException):
msg = "One or more arguments are either duplicate or invalid"
code = 400
class DisabledOption(APIException):
msg = _("The selected %(option)s is not allowed in this deployment: "
code = 400
class L7RuleValidation(APIException):
msg = _("Error parsing L7Rule: %(error)s")
code = 400
class SingleCreateDetailsMissing(APIException):
msg = _("Missing details for %(type)s object: %(name)s")
code = 400
class InvalidHMACException(OctaviaException):
message = _("HMAC hashes didn't match")
class MissingArguments(OctaviaException):
message = _("Missing arguments.")
class NetworkConfig(OctaviaException):
message = _("Unable to allocate network resource from config")
class NeedsPassphrase(OctaviaException):
message = _("Passphrase needed to decrypt key but client "
"did not provide one.")
class UnreadableCert(OctaviaException):
message = _("Could not read X509 from PEM")
class MisMatchedKey(OctaviaException):
message = _("Key and x509 certificate do not match")
class CertificateRetrievalException(APIException):
msg = _('Could not retrieve certificate: %(ref)s')
code = 400
class CertificateStorageException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Could not store certificate: %(msg)s')
class CertificateGenerationException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Could not sign the certificate request: %(msg)s')
class DuplicateListenerEntry(APIException):
msg = _("Another Listener on this Load Balancer "
"is already using protocol_port %(port)d")
code = 409
class DuplicateMemberEntry(APIException):
msg = _("Another member on this pool is already using ip %(ip_address)s "
"on protocol_port %(port)d")
code = 409
class DuplicateHealthMonitor(APIException):
msg = _("This pool already has a health monitor")
code = 409
class DuplicatePoolEntry(APIException):
msg = _("This listener already has a default pool")
code = 409
class PoolInUseByL7Policy(APIException):
msg = _("Pool %(id)s is in use by L7 policy %(l7policy_id)s")
code = 409
class ImmutableObject(APIException):
msg = _("%(resource)s %(id)s is immutable and cannot be updated.")
code = 409
class LBPendingStateError(APIException):
msg = _("Invalid state %(state)s of loadbalancer resource %(id)s")
code = 409
class TooManyL7RulesOnL7Policy(APIException):
msg = _("Too many rules on L7 policy %(id)s")
code = 409
class ComputeBuildException(OctaviaException):
message = _("Failed to build compute instance due to: %(fault)s")
class ComputeBuildQueueTimeoutException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to get an amphora build slot.')
class ComputeDeleteException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to delete compute instance.')
class ComputeGetException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to retrieve compute instance.')
class ComputeStatusException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to retrieve compute instance status.')
class ComputeGetInterfaceException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to retrieve compute virtual interfaces.')
class IDAlreadyExists(APIException):
msg = _('Already an entity with that specified id.')
code = 409
class RecordAlreadyExists(APIException):
msg = _('A %(field)s of %(name)s already exists.')
code = 409
class NoReadyAmphoraeException(OctaviaException):
message = _('There are not any READY amphora available.')
class GlanceNoTaggedImages(OctaviaException):
message = _("No Glance images are tagged with %(tag)s tag.")
# This is an internal use exception for the taskflow work flow
# and will not be exposed to the customer. This means it is a
# normal part of operation while waiting for compute to go active
# on the instance
class ComputeWaitTimeoutException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Waiting for compute id %(id)s to go active timeout.')
class InvalidTopology(OctaviaException):
message = _('Invalid topology specified: %(topology)s')
# L7 policy and rule exceptions
class InvalidL7PolicyAction(APIException):
msg = _('Invalid L7 Policy action specified: %(action)s')
code = 400
class InvalidL7PolicyArgs(APIException):
msg = _('Invalid L7 Policy arguments: %(msg)s')
code = 400
class InvalidURL(OctaviaException):
message = _('Not a valid URL: %(url)s')
class InvalidURLPath(APIException):
msg = _('Not a valid URLPath: %(url_path)s')
code = 400
class InvalidString(OctaviaException):
message = _('Invalid characters in %(what)s')
class InvalidRegex(OctaviaException):
message = _('Unable to parse regular expression: %(e)s')
class InvalidL7Rule(OctaviaException):
message = _('Invalid L7 Rule: %(msg)s')
class ServerGroupObjectCreateException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to create server group object.')
class ServerGroupObjectDeleteException(OctaviaException):
message = _('Failed to delete server group object.')
class InvalidAmphoraOperatingSystem(OctaviaException):
message = _('Invalid amphora operating system: %(os_name)s')
class QuotaException(APIException):
msg = _('Quota has been met for resources: %(resource)s')
code = 403
class ProjectBusyException(APIException):
msg = _('Project busy. Unable to lock the project. Please try again.')
code = 503
class MissingProjectID(OctaviaException):
message = _('Missing project ID in request where one is required.')
class MissingAPIProjectID(APIException):
message = _('Missing project ID in request where one is required.')
code = 400
class InvalidSubresource(APIException):
msg = _('%(resource)s %(id)s not found.')
code = 400
class ValidationException(APIException):
msg = _('Validation failure: %(detail)s')
code = 400
class VIPValidationException(APIException):
msg = _('Validation failure: VIP must contain one of: %(objects)s.')
code = 400
class InvalidSortKey(APIException):
msg = _("Supplied sort key '%(key)s' is not valid.")
code = 400
class InvalidSortDirection(APIException):
msg = _("Supplied sort direction '%(key)s' is not valid.")
code = 400
class InvalidMarker(APIException):
msg = _("Supplied pagination marker '%(key)s' is not valid.")
code = 400
class InvalidLimit(APIException):
msg = _("Supplied pagination limit '%(key)s' is not valid.")
code = 400
class MissingVIPSecurityGroup(OctaviaException):
message = _('VIP security group is missing for load balancer: %(lb_id)s')
class ProviderNotEnabled(APIException):
msg = _("Provider '%(prov)s' is not enabled.")
code = 400
class ProviderNotFound(APIException):
msg = _("Provider '%(prov)s' was not found.")
code = 501
class ProviderDriverError(APIException):
msg = _("Provider '%(prov)s' reports error: %(user_msg)s")
code = 500
class ProviderNotImplementedError(APIException):
msg = _("Provider '%(prov)s' does not support a requested action: "
code = 501
class ProviderUnsupportedOptionError(APIException):
msg = _("Provider '%(prov)s' does not support a requested option: "
code = 501
class InputFileError(OctaviaException):
message = _('Error with file %(file_name)s. Reason: %(reason)s')
class ObjectInUse(APIException):
msg = _("%(object)s %(id)s is in use and cannot be modified.")
code = 409
class ProviderFlavorMismatchError(APIException):
msg = _("Flavor '%(flav)s' is not compatible with provider '%(prov)s'")
code = 400