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# Copyright 2014 Rackspace
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import ipaddress
from dateutil import parser
from wsme import types as wtypes
from octavia.common import constants
from octavia.common import exceptions
from octavia.common import validate
class IPAddressType(wtypes.UserType):
basetype = str
name = 'ipaddress'
def validate(value):
"""Validates whether value is an IPv4 or IPv6 address."""
return value
except ValueError:
return value
except ValueError as e:
error = 'Value should be IPv4 or IPv6 format'
raise ValueError(error) from e
class CidrType(wtypes.UserType):
basetype = str
name = 'cidr'
def validate(value):
"""Validates whether value is an IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR."""
return ipaddress.ip_network(value, strict=False).with_prefixlen
except Exception as e:
error = 'Value should be IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR format'
raise ValueError(error) from e
class AlpnProtocolType(wtypes.UserType):
basetype = str
name = 'alpn_protocol'
def validate(value):
"""Validates whether value is a valid ALPN protocol ID."""
if value in constants.SUPPORTED_ALPN_PROTOCOLS:
return value
error = 'Value should be a valid ALPN protocol ID'
raise ValueError(error)
class URLType(wtypes.UserType):
basetype = str
name = 'url'
def __init__(self, require_scheme=True):
self.require_scheme = require_scheme
def validate(self, value):
validate.url(value, require_scheme=self.require_scheme)
except exceptions.InvalidURL as e:
error = 'Value must be a valid URL string'
raise ValueError(error) from e
return value
class URLPathType(wtypes.UserType):
basetype = str
name = 'url_path'
def validate(value):
except exceptions.InvalidURLPath as e:
error = 'Value must be a valid URL Path string'
raise ValueError(error) from e
return value
class BaseMeta(wtypes.BaseMeta):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
def get_tenant_id(self):
tenant_id = getattr(self, '_tenant_id', wtypes.Unset)
# If tenant_id was explicitly set to Unset, return that
if tenant_id is wtypes.Unset and self._unset_tenant:
return tenant_id
# Otherwise, assume we can return project_id
return self.project_id
def set_tenant_id(self, tenant_id):
self._tenant_id = tenant_id
if tenant_id is wtypes.Unset:
# Record that tenant_id was explicitly Unset
self._unset_tenant = True
# Reset 'unset' state, and update project_id as well
self._unset_tenant = False
self.project_id = tenant_id
if 'project_id' in dct and 'tenant_id' not in dct:
dct['tenant_id'] = wtypes.wsproperty(
get_tenant_id, set_tenant_id)
# This will let us know if tenant_id was explicitly set to Unset
dct['_unset_tenant'] = False
return super(BaseMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
class BaseType(wtypes.Base, metaclass=BaseMeta):
def _full_response(cls):
return False
def from_data_model(cls, data_model, children=False):
"""Converts data_model to Octavia WSME type.
:param data_model: data model to convert from
:param children: convert child data models
type_dict = data_model.to_dict()
# We need to have json convertible data for storing it in persistence
# jobboard backend.
for k, v in type_dict.items():
if ('_at' in k or 'expiration' in k) and v is not None:
type_dict[k] = parser.parse(v)
if not hasattr(cls, '_type_to_model_map'):
return cls(**type_dict)
dm_to_type_map = {value: key
for key, value in cls._type_to_model_map.items()}
new_dict = copy.deepcopy(type_dict)
for key, value in type_dict.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
for child_key, child_value in value.items():
if '.'.join([key, child_key]) in dm_to_type_map:
new_dict['_'.join([key, child_key])] = child_value
elif key in ['name', 'description'] and value is None:
new_dict[key] = ''
if key in dm_to_type_map:
new_dict[dm_to_type_map[key]] = value
del new_dict[key]
return cls(**new_dict)
def translate_dict_keys_to_data_model(cls, wsme_dict):
"""Translate the keys from wsme class type, to data_model."""
if not hasattr(cls, '_type_to_model_map'):
return wsme_dict
res = {}
for (k, v) in wsme_dict.items():
if k in cls._type_to_model_map:
k = cls._type_to_model_map[k]
if '.' in k:
parent, child = k.split('.')
if parent not in res:
res[parent] = {}
res[parent][child] = v
res[k] = v
return res
def translate_key_to_data_model(cls, key):
"""Translate the keys from wsme class type, to data_model."""
if not hasattr(cls, '_type_to_model_map') or (
key not in cls._type_to_model_map):
return key
return cls._type_to_model_map[key]
def to_dict(self, render_unsets=False):
"""Converts Octavia WSME type to dictionary.
:param render_unsets: If True, will convert items that are WSME Unset
types to None. If False, does not add the item
# Set project_id equal tenant_id if project_id is unset and tenant_id
# is
if hasattr(self, 'project_id') and hasattr(self, 'tenant_id'):
# pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition
if (isinstance(self.project_id, wtypes.UnsetType) and
not isinstance(self.tenant_id, wtypes.UnsetType)):
self.project_id = self.tenant_id
if hasattr(self, 'admin_state_up') and getattr(
self, 'admin_state_up') is None:
# This situation will be hit during request with
# admin_state_up is null. If users specify this field to null,
# then we treat it as False
self.admin_state_up = bool(self.admin_state_up)
wsme_dict = {}
for attr in dir(self):
if attr.startswith('_'):
value = getattr(self, attr, None)
# TODO(blogan): Investigate wsme types handling the duality of
# tenant_id and project_id in a clean way. One way could be
# wsme.rest.json.fromjson and using the @fromjson.when_object
# decorator.
if attr == 'tenant_id':
if value and callable(value):
if value and isinstance(value, BaseType):
value = value.to_dict(render_unsets=render_unsets)
if value and isinstance(value, list):
value = [val.to_dict(render_unsets=render_unsets)
if isinstance(val, BaseType) else val
for val in value]
if isinstance(value, wtypes.UnsetType):
if render_unsets:
value = None
wsme_dict[attr] = value
return self.translate_dict_keys_to_data_model(wsme_dict)
class IdOnlyType(BaseType):
id = wtypes.wsattr(wtypes.UuidType(), mandatory=True)
class NameOnlyType(BaseType):
name = wtypes.wsattr(wtypes.StringType(max_length=255), mandatory=True)
class PageType(BaseType):
href = wtypes.StringType()
rel = wtypes.StringType()