This patch does the following: * Reduces interval between checks when waiting on amphora status in a devstack environment. At the same time we increase the number of retries so we are effectively waiting the same total time before a timeout error occurs. * Disables DNS resolution on the amphora image. Amphorae don't need to do any DNS resolution anyway since any outbound connections are done specifying IP addresses. This means that the amphora never waits for DNS timeouts to occur when booting and performing other tasks when operating in an environment where DNS resolution doesn't work (ie. devstack) In preliminary tests, the above optimizations seem to shave about 50-55 seconds off per test. (This is mostly due to the elimination of DNS timeouts.) Change-Id: Icc7d8e0ac18a4a18ed9eb0950081ddd198cf4684
This element clears out /etc/resolv.conf and prevents dhclient from populating it with data from DHCP. This means that DNS resolution will not work from the amphora. This is OK because all outbound connections from the amphora will be based using raw IP addresses.
This has the real benefit of speeding up host boot and configutation times. This is especially helpful when running tempest tests in a devstack environment where DNS resolution from the amphora usually doesn't work anyway: This means that the amphora never waits for DNS timeouts to occur.