Gregory Thiemonge 0b468090e6 Fix spare amphora check and creation
This patch fixes an issue when the SparesPool table is empty that blocks
spare amphorae creation. It creates a new spares pool entry if the table
is empty.

Story 2005352
Task 30306

Change-Id: I0ce2778277640ee9e509c709bf8621b8b025d6d3
2019-04-03 14:13:59 -07:00
alembic_migrations Fix spare amphora check and creation 2019-04-03 14:13:59 -07:00
__init__.py Add license for empty __init__.py 2018-03-14 07:02:56 +09:00
alembic.ini Support db-manage command for db migration 2016-05-11 09:57:48 +12:00
cli.py Align logging on oslo_log 2018-06-17 11:32:32 -07:00