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# Copyright 2016 Rackspace
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import operator
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from octavia.common import constants
from octavia.tests.functional.api.v1 import base
class TestApiSort(base.BaseAPITest):
def setUp(self):
super(TestApiSort, self).setUp()
self.random_name_desc = [
('b', 'g'), ('h', 'g'), ('b', 'a'), ('c', 'g'),
('g', 'c'), ('h', 'h'), ('a', 'e'), ('g', 'h'),
('g', 'd'), ('e', 'h'), ('h', 'e'), ('b', 'f'),
('b', 'h'), ('a', 'h'), ('g', 'g'), ('h', 'f'),
('c', 'h'), ('g', 'f'), ('f', 'f'), ('d', 'd'),
('g', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('h', 'a'), ('h', 'c'),
('e', 'd'), ('d', 'g'), ('c', 'b'), ('f', 'b'),
('c', 'c'), ('d', 'c'), ('f', 'a'), ('h', 'd'),
('f', 'c'), ('d', 'a'), ('d', 'e'), ('d', 'f'),
('g', 'e'), ('a', 'a'), ('e', 'c'), ('e', 'b'),
('f', 'g'), ('d', 'b'), ('e', 'a'), ('b', 'e'),
('f', 'h'), ('a', 'g'), ('c', 'd'), ('b', 'd'),
('b', 'b'), ('a', 'b'), ('f', 'd'), ('f', 'e'),
('c', 'a'), ('b', 'c'), ('e', 'f'), ('a', 'f'),
('e', 'e'), ('h', 'b'), ('d', 'h'), ('e', 'g'),
('c', 'e'), ('g', 'a'), ('a', 'd'), ('c', 'f')]
self.headers = {'accept': constants.APPLICATION_JSON,
'content-type': constants.APPLICATION_JSON}
self.lbs = []
self.lb_names = ['lb_c', 'lb_a', 'lb_b', 'lb_e', 'lb_d']
def _create_loadbalancers(self):
for name in self.lb_names:
lb = self.create_load_balancer(
{'subnet_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid()}, name=name)
def test_lb_keysort(self):
params = {'sort': 'name:desc',
'project_id': self.project_id}
resp = self.get(self.LBS_PATH, params=params,
lbs = json.loads(resp.body)
act_names = [l['name'] for l in lbs]
ref_names = sorted(self.lb_names[:], reverse=True)
self.assertEqual(ref_names, act_names) # Should be in order
def test_loadbalancer_sorting_and_pagination(self):
# Python's stable sort will allow us to simulate the full sorting
# capabilities of the api during testing.
exp_order = self.random_name_desc[:]
exp_order.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=False)
exp_order.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
for (name, desc) in self.random_name_desc:
{'subnet_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid()},
name=name, description=desc)
params = {'sort': 'name:desc,description:asc',
'project_id': self.project_id}
# Get all lbs
resp = self.get(self.LBS_PATH, headers=self.headers, params=params)
all_lbs = json.loads(resp.body)
# Test the first 8 which is just limit=8
params.update({'limit': '8'})
resp = self.get(self.LBS_PATH, headers=self.headers, params=params)
lbs = json.loads(resp.body)
fnd_name_descs = [(lb['name'], lb['description']) for lb in lbs]
self.assertEqual(exp_order[0:8], fnd_name_descs)
# Test the slice at 8:24 which is marker=7 limit=16
params.update({'marker': all_lbs[7].get('id'), 'limit': '16'})
resp = self.get(self.LBS_PATH, headers=self.headers, params=params)
lbs = json.loads(resp.body)
fnd_name_descs = [(lb['name'], lb['description']) for lb in lbs]
self.assertEqual(exp_order[8:24], fnd_name_descs)
# Test the slice at 32:56 which is marker=31 limit=24
params.update({'marker': all_lbs[31].get('id'), 'limit': '24'})
resp = self.get(self.LBS_PATH, headers=self.headers, params=params)
lbs = json.loads(resp.body)
fnd_name_descs = [(lb['name'], lb['description']) for lb in lbs]
self.assertEqual(exp_order[32:56], fnd_name_descs)
# Test the last 8 entries which is slice 56:64 marker=55 limit=8
params.update({'marker': all_lbs[55].get('id'), 'limit': '8'})
resp = self.get(self.LBS_PATH, headers=self.headers, params=params)
lbs = json.loads(resp.body)
fnd_name_descs = [(lb['name'], lb['description']) for lb in lbs]
self.assertEqual(exp_order[56:64], fnd_name_descs)
# Test that we don't get an overflow or some other error if
# the number of entries is less then the limit.
# This should only return 4 entries
params.update({'marker': all_lbs[59].get('id'), 'limit': '8'})
resp = self.get(self.LBS_PATH, headers=self.headers, params=params)
lbs = json.loads(resp.body)
fnd_name_descs = [(lb['name'], lb['description']) for lb in lbs]
self.assertEqual(exp_order[60:64], fnd_name_descs)
def test_listeners_sorting_and_pagination(self):
# Create a loadbalancer and create 2 listeners on it
lb = self.create_load_balancer(
{'subnet_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid()}, name="single_lb")
lb_id = lb['id']
exp_desc_names = self.random_name_desc[30:40]
exp_desc_names.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
exp_desc_names.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
port = 0
# We did some heavy testing already and the set_lb_status function
# is recursive and leads to n*(n-1) iterations during this test so
# we only test 10 entries
for (name, description) in self.random_name_desc[30:40]:
port += 1
opts = {"name": name, "description": description}
self.create_listener(lb_id, constants.PROTOCOL_HTTP, port, **opts)
# Set the lb to active but don't recurse the child objects as
# that will create a n*(n-1) operation in this loop
url = self.LISTENERS_PATH.format(lb_id=lb_id)
params = {'sort': 'description:desc,name:desc',
'project_id': self.project_id}
# Get all listeners
resp = self.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params)
all_listeners = json.loads(resp.body)
# Test the slice at 3:6
params.update({'marker': all_listeners[2].get('id'), 'limit': '3'})
resp = self.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params)
listeners = json.loads(resp.body)
fnd_name_desc = [(l['name'], l['description']) for l in listeners]
self.assertEqual(exp_desc_names[3:6], fnd_name_desc)
# Test the slice at 1:8
params.update({'marker': all_listeners[0].get('id'), 'limit': '7'})
resp = self.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params)
listeners = json.loads(resp.body)
fnd_name_desc = [(l['name'], l['description']) for l in listeners]
self.assertEqual(exp_desc_names[1:8], fnd_name_desc)
def test_members_sorting_and_pagination(self):
lb = self.create_load_balancer(
{'subnet_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid()}, name="single_lb")
lb_id = lb['id']
li = self.create_listener(lb_id, constants.PROTOCOL_HTTP, 80)
li_id = li['id']
p = self.create_pool(lb_id, li_id, constants.PROTOCOL_HTTP,
pool_id = p['id']
exp_ip_weights = [('', 3), ('', 1), ('', 5),
('', 4), ('', 2)]
for(ip, weight) in exp_ip_weights:
self.create_member(lb_id, pool_id, ip, 80, weight=weight)
url = self.MEMBERS_PATH.format(lb_id=lb_id, pool_id=pool_id)
params = {'sort': 'ip_address,weight:asc',
'project_id': self.project_id}
# Get all members
resp = self.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params)
all_members = json.loads(resp.body)
# These tests are getting exhaustive -- just test marker=0 limit=2
params.update({'marker': all_members[0].get('id'), 'limit': '2'})
resp = self.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=params)
members = json.loads(resp.body)
fnd_ip_subs = [(m['ip_address'], m['weight']) for m in members]
self.assertEqual(exp_ip_weights[1:3], fnd_ip_subs)
def test_invalid_limit(self):
params = {'project_id': self.project_id,
'limit': 'a'}
self.get(self.LBS_PATH, headers=self.headers, params=params,
def test_invalid_marker(self):
params = {'project_id': self.project_id,
'marker': 'not_a_valid_uuid'}
self.get(self.LBS_PATH, headers=self.headers, params=params,
def test_invalid_sort_key(self):
params = {'sort': 'name:desc:asc',
'project_id': self.project_id}
self.get(self.LBS_PATH, headers=self.headers, params=params,