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# Copyright 2014 Rackspace
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import six
from wsme import types as wtypes
from octavia.common import exceptions
from octavia.common import validate
if six.PY3:
unicode = str
class IPAddressType(wtypes.UserType):
basetype = unicode
name = 'ipaddress'
def validate(value):
"""Validates whether value is an IPv4 or IPv6 address."""
return value
except ValueError:
return value
except ValueError:
error = 'Value should be IPv4 or IPv6 format'
raise ValueError(error)
class URLType(wtypes.UserType):
basetype = unicode
name = 'url'
def __init__(self, require_scheme=True):
super(URLType, self).__init__()
self.require_scheme = require_scheme
def validate(self, value):
validate.url(value, require_scheme=self.require_scheme)
except exceptions.InvalidURL:
error = 'Value must be a valid URL string'
raise ValueError(error)
return value
class URLPathType(wtypes.UserType):
basetype = unicode
name = 'url_path'
def validate(value):
except exceptions.InvalidURLPath:
error = 'Value must be a valid URL Path string'
raise ValueError(error)
return value
class BaseMeta(wtypes.BaseMeta):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct):
def get_tenant_id(self):
tenant_id = getattr(self, '_tenant_id', wtypes.Unset)
# If tenant_id was explicitly set to Unset, return that
if tenant_id is wtypes.Unset and self._unset_tenant:
return tenant_id
# Otherwise, assume we can return project_id
return self.project_id
def set_tenant_id(self, tenant_id):
self._tenant_id = tenant_id
if tenant_id is wtypes.Unset:
# Record that tenant_id was explicitly Unset
self._unset_tenant = True
# Reset 'unset' state, and update project_id as well
self._unset_tenant = False
self.project_id = tenant_id
if 'project_id' in dct and 'tenant_id' not in dct:
dct['tenant_id'] = wtypes.wsproperty(
get_tenant_id, set_tenant_id)
# This will let us know if tenant_id was explicitly set to Unset
dct['_unset_tenant'] = False
return super(BaseMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)
class BaseType(wtypes.Base):
def _full_response(cls):
return False
def from_data_model(cls, data_model, children=False):
"""Converts data_model to Octavia WSME type.
:param data_model: data model to convert from
:param children: convert child data models
if not hasattr(cls, '_type_to_model_map'):
return cls(**data_model.to_dict())
dm_to_type_map = {value: key
for key, value in cls._type_to_model_map.items()}
type_dict = data_model.to_dict()
new_dict = copy.deepcopy(type_dict)
for key, value in type_dict.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
for child_key, child_value in value.items():
if '.'.join([key, child_key]) in dm_to_type_map:
new_dict['_'.join([key, child_key])] = child_value
elif key in ['name', 'description'] and value is None:
new_dict[key] = ''
if key in dm_to_type_map:
new_dict[dm_to_type_map[key]] = value
del new_dict[key]
return cls(**new_dict)
def translate_dict_keys_to_data_model(cls, wsme_dict):
"""Translate the keys from wsme class type, to data_model."""
if not hasattr(cls, '_type_to_model_map'):
return wsme_dict
res = {}
for (k, v) in wsme_dict.items():
if k in cls._type_to_model_map:
k = cls._type_to_model_map[k]
if '.' in k:
parent, child = k.split('.')
if parent not in res:
res[parent] = {}
res[parent][child] = v
res[k] = v
return res
def to_dict(self, render_unsets=False):
"""Converts Octavia WSME type to dictionary.
:param render_unsets: If True, will convert items that are WSME Unset
types to None. If False, does not add the item
# Set project_id equal tenant_id if project_id is unset and tenant_id
# is
if hasattr(self, 'project_id') and hasattr(self, 'tenant_id'):
# pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition
if (isinstance(self.project_id, wtypes.UnsetType) and
not isinstance(self.tenant_id, wtypes.UnsetType)):
self.project_id = self.tenant_id
if hasattr(self, 'admin_state_up') and getattr(
self, 'admin_state_up') is None:
# This situation will be hit during request with
# admin_state_up is null. If users specify this field to null,
# then we treat it as False
self.admin_state_up = bool(self.admin_state_up)
wsme_dict = {}
for attr in dir(self):
if attr.startswith('_'):
value = getattr(self, attr, None)
# TODO(blogan): Investigate wsme types handling the duality of
# tenant_id and project_id in a clean way. One way could be
# wsme.rest.json.fromjson and using the @fromjson.when_object
# decorator.
if attr == 'tenant_id':
if value and callable(value):
if value and isinstance(value, BaseType):
value = value.to_dict(render_unsets=render_unsets)
if value and isinstance(value, list):
value = [val.to_dict(render_unsets=render_unsets)
if isinstance(val, BaseType) else val
for val in value]
if isinstance(value, wtypes.UnsetType):
if render_unsets:
value = None
wsme_dict[attr] = value
return self.translate_dict_keys_to_data_model(wsme_dict)
class IdOnlyType(BaseType):
id = wtypes.wsattr(wtypes.UuidType(), mandatory=True)
class NameOnlyType(BaseType):
name = wtypes.wsattr(wtypes.StringType(max_length=255), mandatory=True)
class PageType(BaseType):
href = wtypes.StringType()
rel = wtypes.StringType()