Austin Russell 9f05c2f941 loadbalancer vip-network-id IP availability check
The existing code selects the first IPv4 subnet in the network without
any consideration of ip availability.  If not enough IPs are available,
the loadbalancer creations fails.  This patch uses neutron ip
availability API to check the quantity of free IPs when creating
loadbalancer with vip-network-id and skips subnets that do not have
enough IPs for a loadbalancer on multi subnet networks.

Change-Id: If3c3cf9be085bb95b4ebbaf71e24f92d42b8d6e0
Task: 36004
Story: 2006293
2019-10-01 02:05:44 -04:00
__init__.py Add license for empty __init__.py 2018-03-14 07:02:56 +09:00
constants.py loadbalancer vip-network-id IP availability check 2019-10-01 02:05:44 -04:00
data_model_helpers.py Fix a bug where ports may not be deleted 2017-05-01 15:26:14 +09:00
utils.py Fix the amphora image support for RH Linux flavors 2017-01-31 20:05:07 +02:00