WangBinbin 039395f7ee Replace six.iteritems() with .items()
we should avoid using six.iteritems to achieve iterators.
We can use dict.items instead, as it will return iterators in PY3 as well.
And dict.items/keys will be more readable.

In py2, the performance about list should be negligible

Change-Id: I153d91e884ef0ea0a760527f3dab2b8d5ed3e38e
2017-03-13 02:56:27 +08:00
__init__.py Fix ups so pbr and setup works 2015-04-23 16:04:27 -05:00
agent.py Replace six.iteritems() with .items() 2017-03-13 02:56:27 +08:00
api.py [Trivial] Remove unnecessary executable privilege 2016-05-21 13:17:04 +00:00
haproxy_vrrp_check.py Fix active/standby under python3 2017-01-24 14:11:50 -08:00
health_manager.py Remove CONF.import_group 2016-11-21 15:54:15 -06:00
house_keeping.py Remove CONF.import_group 2016-11-21 15:54:15 -06:00
octavia_worker.py Update for new pep8 rules E402 and W503 2017-03-10 22:21:39 +00:00