Change default output directory to working directory (systemwide script would by default try to create images in /usr/bin) Canonicalize output filename parameter, else relative paths would generate images in temporary directory) Clean devstack plugin to use the -o option again Fix yum package detection ("yum list" reports success if the package exists in enabled repositories) Add python-pip to the needed packages (for later pip calls) Change-Id: Iff22a83f4a73e7aa36ee892773c01f13738f7a43
This directory contains the octavia devstack plugin. To configure the neutron load balancer with octavia, in the local section you will need to enable the neutron-lbaas and octavia devstack plugins and enable the LBaaS and octavia services by editing the local section of your local.conf file.
- Enable the plugin
To enable the octavia plugin, add a line of the form:
enable_plugin octavia <GITURL> [GITREF]
<GITURL> is the URL of a octavia repository
[GITREF] is an optional git ref (branch/ref/tag). The default is
For example
enable_plugin octavia https://git.openstack.org/openstack/octavia master
- Enable the LBaaS Version 2 and Octavia services
For example
For more information, see the "Externally Hosted Plugins" section of http://docs.openstack.org/developer/devstack/plugins.html.