Kevin Carter f5542103b3
Changed for lxc-host setup/build for multi-distro
This change updates the lxc-host setup role to build the lxc cache using the
download template based on default images found here:[0]. These images are
upsteam builds from the greater LXC/D community.

This update adds support for Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04 and RHEL/CentOS 7 container
types and the cache will be generated from the host Operating system.

[0] -

Change-Id: Ie13be2322d28178760481c59805101d6aeef4f36
Co-Authored-By: Jesse Pretorius <>
Signed-off-by: Kevin Carter <>
2016-05-03 08:49:54 -05:00

45 lines
2.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is a very simple script to search a host for containers that have veth pairs that are not
# plugged into a given bridge. This can happen for a number of reasons however the most common
# one is due to a physical network interface being bounced which severs the containers connection
# to that interface. This script will identify container veth pairs. If any of the container veth
# devices are missing a master the script will attempt to locate the containers network information
# and connect the broken network link.
# Do a simple lxc command check, if the client errors assume its not installed or ready and return 0
lxc-ls --version || exit 0
# Set the default script exit status
# List all containers
for container in $(lxc-ls); do
# List Links for the containers
for net_info in $(lxc-info -n "${container}" | awk '/Link/ {print $2}'); do
# If the link information is a veth and does not have a "master" continue
if ! ip -o -d link show "${net_info}" | grep veth | grep -q master; then
# Search for the interface file that contains the veth
lxc_interface_file=$(grep -l "${net_info}" /var/lib/lxc/${container}/{config,*.ini} | head -n 1)
# If an interface file is found continue
if [ ! -z "${lxc_interface_file}" ];then
# Get the first network link line from the lxc configuration file
veth_bridge_line=$(grep -hA10 ${net_info} "${lxc_interface_file}" | grep | head -n 1)
# If a network interface file has a link entry continue
if [ ! -z "${veth_bridge_line}" ];then
# get the link name
veth_bridge=$(echo "${veth_bridge_line}" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | sed 's/\s//g')
# Plug the veth into the link
ip link set "${net_info}" master "${veth_bridge}"
echo "container ${container} had a broken veth ${net_info} not being plugged into "${veth_bridge}": this issue is now resolved"
# Notify the user that the issues can not be automatically fixed for a given container and veth
echo "container ${container} has a broken veth ${net_info} and an automated fix can not be found"
# Because of the inability to resolve the issue automatically set the exit_status to failure
exit "$exit_status"