diff --git a/vars/redhat-7.yml b/vars/redhat-7.yml index 8ad32f5a..3477233f 100644 --- a/vars/redhat-7.yml +++ b/vars/redhat-7.yml @@ -43,11 +43,7 @@ openstack_host_kernel_modules: - name: nf_defrag_ipv4 - name: nf_nat - name: nf_nat_ipv4 - # TODO (odyssey4me): revise the minimum kernel version once this kernel version is commonplace - # If we end up with more requirements like this, then we should change the approach. - - name: "{% if hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_kernel'] | version_compare('4.4.0-0', '<') %}scsi_dh{% endif %}" - name: vhost_net - - name: x_tables ## Bare metal base packages _openstack_host_metal_distro_packages: