--- # Copyright 2018, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # storage node count is equal to the cluster size storage_node_count: "{{ groups['elastic'] | length }}" # the elasticsearch cluster elects one master from all those which are marked as master-eligible # 1 node cluster can only have one master # 2 node clusters have 1 master-eligible nodes to avoid split-brain # 3 node clusters have 3 master-eligible nodes # >3 node clusters have (nodes // 2) eligable masters rounded up to the next odd number elastic_master_node_count: |- {% set masters = 0 %} {% if (storage_node_count | int) < 3 %} {% set masters = 1 %} {% elif (storage_node_count | int) == 3 %} {% set masters = 3 %} {% else %} {% set masters = (storage_node_count | int ) // 2 %} {% if ((masters | int) % 2 == 0) %} {% set masters = (masters | int) + 1 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ masters }} ## Assign node roles # By default, let all elastic cluster nodes be data unless overridden using elasticsearch_node_data: false data_nodes: |- {% set nodes = [] %} {% for node in groups['elastic'] %} {% if not ((hostvars[node]['elasticsearch_node_data'] is defined) and (not (hostvars[node]['elasticsearch_node_data'] | bool))) %} {% set _ = nodes.append(node) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ nodes }} data_node_count: "{{ data_nodes | length }}" # By default, let all elastic cluster nodes be ingest unless overridden using elasticsearch_node_ingest: false ingest_nodes: |- {% set nodes = [] %} {% for node in groups['elastic'] %} {% if not ((hostvars[node]['elasticsearch_node_ingest'] is defined) and (not (hostvars[node]['elasticsearch_node_ingest'] | bool))) %} {% set _ = nodes.append(node) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ nodes }} ## While the master node group is dynamically chosen the override ## `elasticsearch_node_master` can be used to override the node type. ## Dynamic node inclusion will still work for all other nodes in the group. _master_nodes: "{{ groups['elastic'][:elastic_master_node_count | int] }}" master_nodes: |- {% set nodes = [] %} {% for node in groups['elastic'] %} {% if (nodes | length) <= (elastic_master_node_count | int) %} {% if (hostvars[node]['elasticsearch_node_master'] is defined) and (hostvars[node]['elasticsearch_node_master'] | bool) and (node not in nodes) %} {% set _ = nodes.append(node) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for node in groups['elastic'] %} {% if (nodes | length) <= (elastic_master_node_count | int) %} {% if (node in _master_nodes) and (node not in nodes) %} {% set _ = nodes.append(node) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ nodes | unique }} master_node_count: "{{ master_nodes | length }}" coordination_nodes: |- {% if (groups['kibana'] | length) > 0 %} {% set c_nodes = groups['kibana'] %} {% else %} {% set c_nodes = groups['elastic'] %} {% endif %} {{ (elasticsearch_coordination_node_socket_addresses | default((c_nodes | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host')) | map('regex_replace', '^(.*)$' ,'\1:' ~ elastic_port) | list)) }} _elasticsearch_discovery_seed_hosts: >- {{ elasticsearch_discovery_seed_hosts | default((groups['elastic'] | union(groups['kibana'])) | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host') | list) }} elasticsearch_interface_speed: |- {% set default_interface_fact = hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + (elastic_data_interface | replace('-', '_'))] %} {% set speeds = [] %} {% if default_interface_fact['type'] == 'bridge' %} {% for interface in default_interface_fact['interfaces'] %} {% set interface_fact = hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + (interface | replace('-', '_'))] %} {% if 'speed' in interface_fact %} {% set speed = (interface_fact['speed'] | default(1000)) | string %} {% if speed == "-1" %} {% set _ = speeds.append(1000) %} {% else %} {% set _ = speeds.append(speed | int) %} {% endif %} {% if 'module' in interface_fact %} {% set _ = speeds.append((interface_fact['speed'] | default(1000)) | int) %} {% else %} {% set _ = speeds.append(1000) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% if ('module' in default_interface_fact) or (default_interface_fact['type'] == 'bond') %} {% set speed = (default_interface_fact['speed'] | default(1000)) | string %} {% if speed == "-1" %} {% set _ = speeds.append(1000) %} {% else %} {% set _ = speeds.append(speed | int) %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% set _ = speeds.append(1000) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% set interface_speed = ((speeds | min) * 0.20) | int %} {{ ((interface_speed | int) > 750) | ternary(750, interface_speed) }} # IP addresses for the elasticsearch data nodes # Override using elasticsearch_data_node_socket_addresses # to use a non-default (non-ansible) interface for elasticsearch elasticsearch_data_node_details: >- {{ elasticsearch_data_node_socket_addresses | default((data_nodes | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host')) | map('regex_replace', '^(.*)$' ,'\1:' ~ elastic_port) | list) }} # IP addresses for the logstash data nodes # Override using logstash_data_node_socket_addresses # to use a non-default (non-ansible) interface for logstash logstash_data_node_details: >- {{ logstash_data_node_socket_addresses | default((groups['logstash'] | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host')) | map('regex_replace', '^(.*)$' ,'\1:' ~ logstash_beat_input_port) | list) }} # based on the assignment of roles to hosts, set per host booleans master_node: "{{ (inventory_hostname in master_nodes) | ternary(true, false) }}" data_node: "{{ (inventory_hostname in data_nodes) | ternary(true, false) }}" elastic_processors_floor: "{{ ((ansible_processor_count | int) - 1) }}" elastic_processors_floor_set: "{{ ((elastic_processors_floor | int) > 0) | ternary(elastic_processors_floor, 1) }}" elastic_thread_pool_size: "{{ ((ansible_processor_count | int) >= 24) | ternary(23, elastic_processors_floor_set) }}" # Set a data node facts. The data nodes, in the case of elasticsearch are also # ingest nodes. elasticsearch_number_of_replicas: "{{ ((data_nodes | length) > 2) | ternary('2', ((data_nodes | length) > 1) | ternary('1', '0')) }}" # Input data for the beat config templates elasticsearch_beat_settings: number_of_replicas: "{{ elasticsearch_number_of_replicas }}" max_docvalue_fields_search: "{{ elastic_max_docvalue_fields_search | default('100') }}" shard_count: "{{ elastic_primary_shard_count | default(elasticsearch_data_node_details | length) }}" # Shuffled elasticsearch endpoints (with localhost if relevant) for use in beat config files elasticsearch_data_hosts: |- {% set data_hosts = elasticsearch_data_node_details | shuffle(seed=inventory_hostname) %} {% if inventory_hostname in data_nodes %} {% set _ = data_hosts.insert(0, '' ~ elastic_port) %} {% endif %} {{ data_hosts }} # Shuffled logstash endpoints (with localhost if relevant) for use in beat config files logstash_data_hosts: |- {% set data_hosts = logstash_data_node_details | shuffle(seed=inventory_hostname) %} {% if inventory_hostname in groups['logstash'] %} {% set _ = data_hosts.insert(0, '' ~ logstash_beat_input_port) %} {% endif %} {{ data_hosts }}