--- # Copyright 2018, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - import_playbook: run-setup.yml - name: Basic setup hosts: "all" become: true environment: # ZUUL_PROJECT is used by tests/get-ansible-role-requirements to # determine when CI provided repos should be used. ZUUL_PROJECT: "{{ zuul.project.short_name }}" ANSIBLE_PACKAGE: "{{ ansible_package | default('') }}" ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING: "False" ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH: "/tmp/skydive-logs/ansible-skydive-test.log" ANSIBLE_ACTION_PLUGINS: "${HOME}/ansible_venv/repositories/roles/config_template/action" ANSIBLE_CONNECTION_PLUGINS: "${HOME}/ansible_venv/repositories/roles/plugins/connection" ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH: "${HOME}/ansible_venv/repositories/roles" vars: inventory_file: "inventory/test-metal-inventory.yml" pre_tasks: - name: Create swap file command: "dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap.img bs=1M count=4096" args: creates: /swap.img register: swap_create - name: Format the swap file command: mkswap /swap.img when: - swap_create is changed tags: - swap-format - skip_ansible_lint - name: Enable swap file command: swapon /swap.img failed_when: false tags: - swap-format - skip_ansible_lint - name: Set system swappiness sysctl: name: vm.swappiness value: 10 state: present reload: "yes" sysctl_file: /etc/sysctl.d/99-skydive.conf - name: Create tmp skydive dir file: path: "/tmp/skydive-logs" state: directory - name: Flush iptables rules command: "{{ item }}" args: creates: "/tmp/skydive-logs/iptables.flushed" with_items: - "iptables -F" - "iptables -X" - "iptables -t nat -F" - "iptables -t nat -X" - "iptables -t mangle -F" - "iptables -t mangle -X" - "iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT" - "iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT" - "iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT" - "touch /tmp/skydive-logs/iptables.flushed" - name: First ensure apt cache is always refreshed apt: update_cache: yes when: - ansible_pkg_mgr == 'apt' tasks: - name: Run embedded ansible installation become: yes become_user: root command: "./bootstrap-embedded-ansible.sh" args: chdir: "src/{{ current_test_repo }}/skydive" - name: Run ansible-galaxy (tests) become: yes become_user: root command: "${HOME}/ansible_venv/bin/ansible-galaxy install --force --ignore-errors --roles-path=${HOME}/ansible_venv/repositories/roles -r ansible-role-requirements.yml" args: chdir: "src/{{ current_test_repo }}/skydive/tests" - name: Run ansible-galaxy (skydive) become: yes become_user: root command: "${HOME}/ansible_venv/bin/ansible-galaxy install --force --ignore-errors --roles-path=${HOME}/ansible_venv/repositories/roles -r ansible-role-requirements.yml" args: chdir: "src/{{ current_test_repo }}/skydive" - name: Run environment setup become: yes become_user: root command: "${HOME}/ansible_venv/bin/ansible-playbook -i {{ inventory_file }} -e @test-vars.yml _key-setup.yml" environment: ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH: "/tmp/skydive-logs/ansible-skydive-test-deployment.log" args: chdir: "src/{{ current_test_repo }}/skydive/tests" - name: Get the ops repo git: dest: "/opt/openstack-ansible-ops" repo: https://opendev.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-ops force: yes track_submodules: yes clone: yes update: yes recursive: yes version: "HEAD" - name: Run ansible-galaxy (elk_metrics_6x) become: yes become_user: root command: "${HOME}/ansible_venv/bin/ansible-galaxy install --force --ignore-errors --roles-path=${HOME}/ansible_venv/repositories/roles -r ansible-role-requirements.yml" args: chdir: "/opt/openstack-ansible-ops/elk_metrics_6x" - name: Deploy elk_metrics_6x become: yes become_user: root command: "${HOME}/ansible_venv/bin/ansible-playbook -i tests/{{ inventory_file }} -e @tests/test-vars.yml installElastic.yml" environment: ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH: "/tmp/skydive-logs/ansible-skydive-test-deployment.log" args: chdir: "/opt/openstack-ansible-ops/elk_metrics_6x" - name: Run functional test become: yes become_user: root command: "${HOME}/ansible_venv/bin/ansible-playbook -i tests/{{ inventory_file }} -e @tests/test-vars.yml site.yml" environment: ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH: "/tmp/skydive-logs/ansible-skydive-test-deployment.log" args: chdir: "src/{{ current_test_repo }}/skydive"