Added playbook which replicates the actions of openstack-service-setup.sh which was present in earlier versions. This creates a sample set of flavors, Linux images, networks, security group rules and a router so OpenStack is ready to use. The data controlling what is created is all in the file multi-node-aio/playbooks/vars/openstack-service-config.yml Change-Id: Ib1999f215aabadb23a3ebeb55fbce4a2caf69030
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# Playbook to populate a newly deployed OpenStack cloud with some flavors, images, etc.
# Runs against the Utility container on infra1, relying on the clouds.yaml file
# left there by the OpenStack-Ansible playbooks to specify the API endpoint and
# auth parameters to use.
- name: OpenStack service setup
hosts: utility_all[0]
user: root
environment: "{{ deployment_environment_variables | default({}) }}"
# All the data is found in this file:
- vars/openstack-service-config.yml
- name: Ensure python-shade library is present to run ansible os_xxx modules
name: python-shade
state: present
- name: Create flavors of nova VMs
endpoint_type: internal
cloud: default
state: present
name: "{{ item.name }}"
ram: "{{ item.ram }}"
vcpus: "{{ item.vcpus }}"
disk: "{{ item.disk }}"
swap: "{{ item.swap }}"
ephemeral: "{{ item.ephemeral }}"
with_items: "{{ vm_flavors }}"
- name: Create networks
endpoint_type: internal
cloud: default
state: present
name: "{{ item.name }}"
shared: "{{ item.shared }}"
external: "{{ item.external }}"
provider_network_type: "{{ item.network_type }}"
provider_physical_network: "{{ item.physical_network | default ('') }}"
with_items: "{{ networks }}"
- name: Create subnets on networks
endpoint_type: internal
cloud: default
state: present
name: "{{ item.name }}"
network_name: "{{ item.network_name }}"
ip_version: "{{ item.ip_version }}"
cidr: "{{ item.cidr }}"
gateway_ip: "{{ item.gateway_ip }}"
enable_dhcp: "{{ item.enable_dhcp }}"
allocation_pool_start: "{{ item.allocation_pool_start }}"
allocation_pool_end: "{{ item.allocation_pool_end }}"
dns_nameservers: "{{ item.dns_nameservers | default([]) }}"
with_items: "{{ subnets }}"
- name: Create a router on both public and private networks
endpoint_type: internal
cloud: default
state: present
name: "{{ router_name }}"
network: "{{ provider_net_name }}"
- "{{ private_subnet_name }}"
ignore_errors: yes # will report error if this router already exists
register: router_details
- name: Get list of security groups
# Must use shell here because Ansible does not have os_security_group_facts module
shell: "source openrc ; openstack security group list -f yaml | awk '/ID/ {print $2}'"
executable: /bin/bash
register: sec_groups
- name: Setup rules on all security groups
endpoint_type: internal
cloud: default
security_group: "{{ item[1] }}"
protocol: "{{ item[0].protocol }}"
direction: "{{ item[0].direction }}"
port_range_min: "{{ item[0].port_min | default(-1) }}"
port_range_max: "{{ item[0].port_max | default(-1) }}"
- "{{ security_group_rules }}"
- "{{ sec_groups.stdout_lines }}"
# Install some Linux system images
- include: ./openstack-image-setup.yml
with_items: "{{ images }}"