Kevin Carter 82f1994067
roll the network hosts into the infra hosts
By default we generally deploy the network agents onto the infra hosts.
This patch simply forces the multi-node-aio to follow that process which
is being done to lower resource consumption.

Change-Id: I6612a85cb669596893dbd3ee0a858a8ee5476729
Signed-off-by: Kevin Carter <>
2016-10-06 16:19:26 -05:00

118 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright [2016] [Kevin Carter]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Load all functions
source functions.rc
# Reset the ssh-agent service to remove potential key issues
# Install git and tmux for use within the OSA deploy
apt-get install -y git tmux
# Clone the OSA source code
git clone /opt/openstack-ansible || true
# Ensure the "/etc/openstack_deploy" exists
mkdir_check "/etc/openstack_deploy"
pushd /opt/openstack-ansible/
# Fetch all current refs
git fetch --all
# Checkout the OpenStack-Ansible branch
git checkout "${OSA_BRANCH:-master}"
# Copy the etc files into place
cp -vR etc/openstack_deploy/* /etc/openstack_deploy/
# Create a secondary static inventory for hosts
ansible_static_inventory "/opt/ansible-static-inventory.ini"
# Create the OpenStack User Config
HOSTIP="$(ip route get 1 | awk '{print $NF;exit}')"
sed "s/__HOSTIP__/${HOSTIP}/g" templates/openstack_user_config.yml > /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml
# Create the swift config: function group_name host_type
cp -v templates/osa-swift.yml /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/swift.yml
### =========== WRITE OF conf.d FILES =========== ###
# Setup cinder hosts: function group_name host_type
write_osa_general_confd storage-infra_hosts cinder
write_osa_cinder_confd storage_hosts cinder
# Setup nova hosts: function group_name host_type
write_osa_general_confd compute_hosts nova_compute
# Setup infra hosts: function group_name host_type
write_osa_general_confd identity_hosts infra
write_osa_general_confd repo-infra_hosts infra
write_osa_general_confd os-infra_hosts infra
write_osa_general_confd shared-infra_hosts infra
# Setup logging hosts: function group_name host_type
write_osa_general_confd log_hosts logging
# Setup network hosts: function group_name host_type
write_osa_general_confd network_hosts infra
# Setup swift hosts: function group_name host_type
write_osa_swift_proxy_confd swift-proxy_hosts swift
write_osa_swift_storage_confd swift_hosts swift
### =========== END WRITE OF conf.d FILES =========== ###
pushd /opt/openstack-ansible/
# Bootstrap ansible into the environment
bash ./scripts/
# Generate the passwords for the environment
python ./scripts/ --file /etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml
# This is happening so the VMs running the infra use less storage
osa_user_var_add lxc_container_backing_store 'lxc_container_backing_store: dir'
# Tempest is being configured to use a known network
osa_user_var_add tempest_public_subnet_cidr 'tempest_public_subnet_cidr:'
# This makes running neutron in a distributed system easier and a lot less noisy
osa_user_var_add neutron_l2_population 'neutron_l2_population: True'
# This makes the glance image store use swift instead of the file backend
osa_user_var_add glance_default_store 'glance_default_store: swift'
# Set the number of forks for the ansible client calls
pushd /opt/openstack-ansible
export DEPLOY_AIO=true
bash ./scripts/
pushd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks
# This is optional and only being done to give the cloud networks and an image.
# The tempest install will work out of the box because the deployment is setup
# already with all of the correct networks, devices, and other bits. If you want
# to test with tempest the OSA script will work out the box. Post deployment you
# can test with the following: `cd /opt/openstack-ansible; ./scripts/`
openstack-ansible os-tempest-install.yml