--- # Copyright 2021, City Network International AB # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - name: Install the python venv import_role: name: "python_venv_build" vars: venv_python_executable: "{{ adjutant_venv_python_executable }}" venv_build_constraints: "{{ adjutant_git_constraints }}" venv_build_distro_package_list: "{{ adjutant_devel_distro_packages }}" venv_install_destination_path: "{{ adjutant_bin | dirname }}" venv_pip_install_args: "{{ adjutant_pip_install_args }}" venv_pip_packages: "{{ adjutant_pip_packages }}" venv_facts_when_changed: - section: "adjutant" option: "venv_tag" value: "{{ adjutant_venv_tag }}" tags: - adjutant-install # NOTE(noonedeadpunk): We perform all these tasks as mysqlclient library requires # mysql-dev to be installed both during wheels build and runtime (wheel installation). # To reduce places where we need mysql-devel, we install mysqlclient separately inside # venv on the adjutant containers directly. - name: Install maria devel packages import_role: name: galera_server vars: galera_install_devel: true - name: Install distro packages for extra package build package: name: "{{ adjutant_distro_packages }}" state: "{{ adjutant_package_state }}" update_cache: "{{ (ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt') | ternary('yes', omit) }}" cache_valid_time: "{{ (ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt') | ternary(cache_timeout, omit) }}" register: _install_distro_packages until: _install_distro_packages is success retries: 5 delay: 2 - name: Install extra pip packages into build venv pip: virtualenv: "{{ adjutant_bin | dirname }}" name: "{{ adjutant_pip_extra_packages }}" state: present extra_args: "{{ (adjutant_git_constraints + [adjutant_pip_install_args]) | join(' ') }}"