Remove duplicate and unnecessary pip packages

Most of the packages in barbican_pip_packages are already direct
requirements of barbican and do not need to be explicitly mentioned

Additionally, oslo.concurrency was removed as a requirement of barbican
with change I17fbd76f218b28030e604475fe7edd140e71831a

Change-Id: I8924756e71d932b1a2e8a0a4f2814f5febc195ba
This commit is contained in:
Jimmy McCrory 2016-10-13 20:12:39 -07:00
parent c5f93b19bf
commit 319812b1ce
1 changed files with 3 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -135,40 +135,10 @@ barbican_requires_pip_packages:
# packages required to run the barbican service
- alembic
- Babel
- cffi
- cryptography
- eventlet
- jsonschema
- oslo.concurrency
- oslo.config
- oslo.context
- oslo.i18n
- oslo.messaging
- oslo.middleware
- oslo.log
- oslo.policy
- oslo.serialization
- oslo.service
- oslo.utils
- Paste
- PasteDeploy
- pbr
- pecan
- pycadf
- pycrypto
- python-memcached
- pyOpenSSL
- ldap3
- keystonemiddleware
- six
- SQLAlchemy
- stevedore
- uwsgi
- webob
- barbican
- python-memcached
- uwsgi
# This variable is used by the repo_build process to determine
# which host group to check for members of before building the