
333 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright 2016, Tata Consultancy Services
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## Verbosity Options
debug: False
# Enable/Disable Ceilometer
designate_ceilometer_enabled: "{{ (groups['ceilometer_all'] is defined) and (groups['ceilometer_all'] | length > 0) }}"
# Set the host which will execute the shade modules
# for the service setup. The host must already have
# clouds.yaml properly configured.
designate_service_setup_host: "{{ openstack_service_setup_host | default('localhost') }}"
designate_service_setup_host_python_interpreter: >-
openstack_service_setup_host_python_interpreter | default(
(designate_service_setup_host == 'localhost') | ternary(ansible_playbook_python, ansible_facts['python']['executable']))
# Set the package install state for distribution packages
# Options are 'present' and 'latest'
designate_package_state: "{{ package_state | default('latest') }}"
# Set installation method.
designate_install_method: "{{ service_install_method | default('source') }}"
designate_venv_python_executable: "{{ openstack_venv_python_executable | default('python3') }}"
## The git source/branch
designate_git_install_branch: master
designate_upper_constraints_url: >-
{{ requirements_git_url | default('' ~ requirements_git_install_branch | default('master')) }}
- "--constraint {{ designate_upper_constraints_url }}"
designate_pip_install_args: "{{ pip_install_options | default('') }}"
# Name of the virtual env to deploy into
designate_venv_tag: "{{ venv_tag | default('untagged') }}"
designate_bin: "{{ _designate_bin }}"
# Set the etc dir path where designate is installed.
# This is used for role access to the db migrations.
# Example:
# designate_etc_dir: "/usr/local/etc/designate"
designate_etc_dir: "{{ _designate_etc }}/designate"
## System info
designate_system_user_name: designate
designate_system_group_name: designate
designate_system_shell: /bin/false
designate_system_comment: designate system user
designate_system_user_home: "/var/lib/{{ designate_system_user_name }}"
## Coordination info
designate_coordination_driver: "{{ coordination_driver | default('zookeeper') }}"
designate_coordination_group: "{{ coordination_host_group | default('zookeeper_all') }}"
designate_coordination_enable: "{{ designate_coordination_group in groups and groups[designate_coordination_group] | length > 0 }}"
designate_coordination_namespace: designate
designate_coordination_client_ssl: "{{ coordination_client_ssl | default(False) }}"
designate_coordination_verify_cert: "{{ coordination_verify_cert | default(True) }}"
designate_coordination_port: "{{ coordination_port | default(designate_coordination_client_ssl | ternary('2281', '2181')) }}"
designate_coordination_url: "{{ _designate_coordination_url | default() }}"
## Database info
designate_db_setup_host: "{{ openstack_db_setup_host | default('localhost') }}"
designate_db_setup_python_interpreter: >-
openstack_db_setup_python_interpreter | default(
(designate_db_setup_host == 'localhost') | ternary(ansible_playbook_python, ansible_facts['python']['executable']))
designate_galera_address: "{{ galera_address | default('') }}"
designate_galera_user: designate
designate_galera_database: designate
designate_galera_use_ssl: "{{ galera_use_ssl | default(False) }}"
designate_galera_ssl_ca_cert: "{{ galera_ssl_ca_cert | default('') }}"
designate_galera_port: "{{ galera_port | default('3306') }}"
designate_db_max_overflow: "{{ openstack_db_max_overflow | default('50') }}"
designate_db_max_pool_size: "{{ openstack_db_max_pool_size | default('5') }}"
designate_db_pool_timeout: "{{ openstack_db_pool_timeout | default('30') }}"
designate_db_connection_recycle_time: "{{ openstack_db_connection_recycle_time | default('600') }}"
## Oslo Messaging
designate_oslomsg_rpc_host_group: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_host_group | default('rabbitmq_all') }}"
designate_oslomsg_rpc_setup_host: "{{ (designate_oslomsg_rpc_host_group in groups) | ternary(groups[designate_oslomsg_rpc_host_group][0], 'localhost') }}"
designate_oslomsg_rpc_transport: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_transport | default('rabbit') }}"
designate_oslomsg_rpc_servers: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_servers | default('') }}"
designate_oslomsg_rpc_port: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_port | default('5672') }}"
designate_oslomsg_rpc_use_ssl: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_use_ssl | default(False) }}"
designate_oslomsg_rpc_userid: designate-rpc
# vhost name depends on value of oslomsg_rabbit_quorum_queues. In case quorum queues
# are not used - vhost name will be prefixed with leading `/`.
- name: /designate
state: "{{ designate_oslomsg_rabbit_quorum_queues | ternary('absent', 'present') }}"
- name: designate
state: "{{ designate_oslomsg_rabbit_quorum_queues | ternary('present', 'absent') }}"
designate_oslomsg_rpc_ssl_version: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_ssl_version | default('TLSv1_2') }}"
designate_oslomsg_rpc_ssl_ca_file: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_ssl_ca_file | default('') }}"
# Notify
designate_oslomsg_notify_host_group: "{{ oslomsg_notify_host_group | default('rabbitmq_all') }}"
designate_oslomsg_notify_setup_host: >-
{{ (designate_oslomsg_notify_host_group in groups) | ternary(groups[designate_oslomsg_notify_host_group][0], 'localhost') }}
designate_oslomsg_notify_transport: "{{ oslomsg_notify_transport | default('rabbit') }}"
designate_oslomsg_notify_servers: "{{ oslomsg_notify_servers | default('') }}"
designate_oslomsg_notify_port: "{{ oslomsg_notify_port | default('5672') }}"
designate_oslomsg_notify_use_ssl: "{{ oslomsg_notify_use_ssl | default(False) }}"
designate_oslomsg_notify_userid: "{{ designate_oslomsg_rpc_userid }}"
designate_oslomsg_notify_password: "{{ designate_oslomsg_rpc_password }}"
designate_oslomsg_notify_vhost: "{{ designate_oslomsg_rpc_vhost }}"
designate_oslomsg_notify_ssl_version: "{{ oslomsg_notify_ssl_version | default('TLSv1_2') }}"
designate_oslomsg_notify_ssl_ca_file: "{{ oslomsg_notify_ssl_ca_file | default('') }}"
## RabbitMQ integration
designate_oslomsg_rabbit_quorum_queues: "{{ oslomsg_rabbit_quorum_queues | default(True) }}"
designate_oslomsg_rabbit_quorum_delivery_limit: "{{ oslomsg_rabbit_quorum_delivery_limit | default(0) }}"
designate_oslomsg_rabbit_quorum_max_memory_bytes: "{{ oslomsg_rabbit_quorum_max_memory_bytes | default(0) }}"
## (Qdrouterd) info
# TODO(ansmith): Change structure when more backends will be supported
designate_oslomsg_amqp1_enabled: "{{ designate_oslomsg_rpc_transport == 'amqp' }}"
## DNS Backend Configuration
# Configuration for the DNS backend that Designate will talk to, Designate
# supports lots of backends, bind9, powerdns, nsd, djb, dyn, akamai, etc.
# DNS Backends are configured via a YAML file that Designate reads. The DNS
# server need not be in the actual Designate container, but for development,
# or for some internal addressing use cases, it may make sense.
# YAML to use for the Designate pools.yaml file. If this variable is defined,
# a pools.yaml file will be written to /etc/designate/pools.yaml with the
# provided YAML data.
# This is some example pools.yaml information that will work with a
# simple bind9 installation in the same container as Designate.
# designate_pools_yaml:
# - name: "default"
# description: Default BIND9 Pool
# attributes: {}
# ns_records:
# - hostname:
# priority: 1
# nameservers:
# - host:
# port: 53
# targets:
# - type: bind9
# description: BIND9 Server
# masters:
# - host:
# port: 5354
# options:
# host:
# port: 53
# rndc_host:
# rndc_port: 953
## rndc keys for authenticating with bind9
# define this to create as many key files as are required
# designate_rndc_keys
# - name: "rndc-key"
# file: /etc/designate/rndc.key
# algorithm: "hmac-md5"
# secret: "<key>"
# Owner of all managed resources - like auto-created records etc.
designate_managed_resource_project_name: "{{ designate_service_project_name }}"
## Service Type and Data
designate_service_region: "{{ service_region | default('RegionOne') }}"
designate_service_endpoint_type: internalURL
designate_service_name: designate
designate_bind_address: "{{ openstack_service_bind_address | default('') }}"
designate_service_port: 9001
designate_service_proto: http
designate_service_type: dns
designate_service_description: "Designate DNS as a Service"
designate_service_project_domain_id: default
designate_service_user_domain_id: default
designate_service_user_name: designate
designate_keystone_auth_type: password
designate_service_project_name: service
- admin
- service
- service
designate_service_token_roles_required: "{{ openstack_service_token_roles_required | default(True) }}"
designate_service_publicuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_publicuri_proto | default(designate_service_proto) }}"
designate_service_internaluri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_internaluri_proto | default(designate_service_proto) }}"
designate_service_adminuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_adminuri_proto | default(designate_service_proto) }}"
designate_service_publicuri: "{{ designate_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ designate_service_port }}"
designate_service_internaluri: "{{ designate_service_internaluri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ designate_service_port }}"
designate_service_adminuri: "{{ designate_service_adminuri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ designate_service_port }}"
designate_service_in_ldap: "{{ service_ldap_backend_enabled | default(False) }}"
# memcache override
designate_memcached_servers: "{{ memcached_servers }}"
# Common pip packages
- cryptography
- "git+{{ designate_git_repo }}@{{ designate_git_install_branch }}#egg=designate"
- osprofiler
- python-designateclient
- pymemcache
- python-memcached
- systemd-python
- "tooz[{{ designate_coordination_driver }}]"
- warlock
designate_user_pip_packages: []
- oslo.messaging[amqp1]
designate_central_init_overrides: {}
designate_worker_init_overrides: {}
designate_producer_init_overrides: {}
designate_mdns_init_overrides: {}
designate_sink_init_overrides: {}
designate_api_init_overrides: {}
## Service Name-Group Mapping
group: designate_central
service_name: designate-central
init_config_overrides: "{{ designate_central_init_overrides }}"
execstarts: "{{ designate_bin }}/designate-central"
start_order: 3
group: designate_worker
service_name: designate-worker
init_config_overrides: "{{ designate_worker_init_overrides }}"
execstarts: "{{ designate_bin }}/designate-worker"
start_order: 2
group: designate_producer
service_name: designate-producer
init_config_overrides: "{{ designate_producer_init_overrides }}"
execstarts: "{{ designate_bin }}/designate-producer"
start_order: 5
group: designate_mdns
service_name: designate-mdns
init_config_overrides: "{{ designate_mdns_init_overrides }}"
execstarts: "{{ designate_bin }}/designate-mdns"
start_order: 4
group: designate_sink
service_name: designate-sink
init_config_overrides: "{{ designate_sink_init_overrides }}"
execstarts: "{{ designate_bin }}/designate-sink"
start_order: 6
group: designate_api
service_name: designate-api
init_config_overrides: "{{ designate_api_init_overrides }}"
execstarts: "{{ designate_bin }}/designate-api"
start_order: 1
## Tunable overrides
designate_policy_overrides: {}
designate_designate_conf_overrides: {}
designate_api_paste_ini_overrides: {}
designate_rootwrap_conf_overrides: {}
### Backend TLS
# Define if communication between haproxy and service backends should be
# encrypted with TLS.
designate_backend_ssl: "{{ openstack_service_backend_ssl | default(False) }}"
# Storage location for SSL certificate authority
designate_pki_dir: "{{ openstack_pki_dir | default('/etc/openstack_deploy/pki') }}"
# Delegated host for operating the certificate authority
designate_pki_setup_host: "{{ openstack_pki_setup_host | default('localhost') }}"
# designate server certificate
designate_pki_keys_path: "{{ designate_pki_dir ~ '/certs/private/' }}"
designate_pki_certs_path: "{{ designate_pki_dir ~ '/certs/certs/' }}"
designate_pki_intermediate_cert_name: "{{ openstack_pki_service_intermediate_cert_name | default('ExampleCorpIntermediate') }}"
designate_pki_regen_cert: ''
designate_pki_san: "{{ openstack_pki_san | default('DNS:' ~ ansible_facts['hostname'] ~ ',IP:' ~ management_address) }}"
- name: "designate_{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}"
provider: ownca
cn: "{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}"
san: "{{ designate_pki_san }}"
signed_by: "{{ designate_pki_intermediate_cert_name }}"
# designate destination files for SSL certificates
designate_ssl_cert: /etc/designate/designate.pem
designate_ssl_key: /etc/designate/designate.key
# Installation details for SSL certificates
- src: "{{ designate_user_ssl_cert | default(designate_pki_certs_path ~ 'designate_' ~ ansible_facts['hostname'] ~ '-chain.crt') }}"
dest: "{{ designate_ssl_cert }}"
owner: "{{ designate_system_user_name }}"
group: "{{ designate_system_user_name }}"
mode: "0644"
- src: "{{ designate_user_ssl_key | default(designate_pki_keys_path ~ 'designate_' ~ ansible_facts['hostname'] ~ '.key.pem') }}"
dest: "{{ designate_ssl_key }}"
owner: "{{ designate_system_user_name }}"
group: "{{ designate_system_user_name }}"
mode: "0600"
# Define user-provided SSL certificates
# designate_user_ssl_cert: <path to cert on ansible deployment host>
# designate_user_ssl_key: <path to cert on ansible deployment host>