--- # Copyright 2017, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. _gnocchi_is_first_play_host: >- {{ (gnocchi_services['gnocchi-api']['group'] in group_names and inventory_hostname == (groups[gnocchi_services['gnocchi-api']['group']] | intersect(ansible_play_hosts)) | first) | bool }} # These vars find a file on the deployment node, if it exists - otherwise the result is empty. gnocchi_api_paste_user_content: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'cat ' ~ gnocchi_api_paste_default_file_path ~ ' 2>/dev/null || true') }}" gnocchi_policy_user_content: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'cat ' ~ gnocchi_policy_default_file_path ~ ' 2>/dev/null || true') }}" # These vars find the appropriate result content from the with_items loop gnocchi_api_paste_default_content: | {{ _git_file_fetch.results | selectattr( 'item', 'equalto', gnocchi_git_config_lookup_location ~ '/' ~ gnocchi_api_paste_git_file_path) | map(attribute='content') | first }} # NOTE(noonedeadpunk): We prefer using ceph_alternative when storage driver is ceph. # However, if we define ceph_alternative here, gnocchi with setup.cfg # will attempt to install python-rados which is not available from pypi # anyway. We symlink required package with ceph_client role. gnocchi_storage_driver_pip_extra: |- {% if gnocchi_storage_driver not in ['ceph', 'file'] %} {% set extra_package = gnocchi_storage_driver %} {% endif %} {{ extra_package | default('') }} gnocchi_incoming_driver_pip_extra: |- {% if gnocchi_storage_driver != gnocchi_incoming_driver and gnocchi_incoming_driver not in ['ceph', 'file'] %} {% set extra_package = gnocchi_storage_driver %} {% endif %} {{ extra_package | default('') }} filtered_gnocchi_services: |- {% set services = [] %} {% for name, service in gnocchi_services.items() %} {% if (service['group'] in group_names) and (('service_enabled' not in service) or ('service_enabled' in service and service['service_enabled'])) and not ('wsgi_app' in service and service['wsgi_app']) %} {% set _ = service.update( { 'service_key': name, 'enabled': service['enabled'] | default(True), 'state': service['state'] | default('started'), 'config_overrides': service.init_config_overrides } ) %} {% set _ = service.pop('init_config_overrides') -%} {# Note (noonedeadpunk): The following if statement is added for backwards compatability #} {# As up to stein release gnocchi role didn't have 'execstarts' in gnocchi_services keys #} {% if ('execstarts' not in service) %} {% set _ = service.update({'execstarts': gnocchi_bin ~ '/' ~ service.service_name}) %} {% endif %} {% set _ = services.append(service) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ services }} uwsgi_gnocchi_services: |- {% set services = {} %} {% for name, service in gnocchi_services.items() %} {% if (service['group'] in group_names) and (('service_enabled' not in service) or ('service_enabled' in service and service['service_enabled'])) and ('wsgi_app' in service and service['wsgi_app']) %} {% set _ = service.update( { 'wsgi_venv': gnocchi_bin | dirname, 'uwsgi_uid': gnocchi_system_user_name, 'uwsgi_guid': gnocchi_system_group_name, 'uwsgi_processes': gnocchi_wsgi_processes, 'uwsgi_threads': gnocchi_wsgi_threads, } ) %} {% set _ = services.update({name: service}) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ services }}