Jimmy McCrory e3004ccd15 Only install to virtual environment
Remove all tasks and variables related to toggling between installation
of ironic inside or outside of a Python virtual environment.
Installing within a venv is now the only supported deployment.

Additionally, a few changes have been made to make the creation of the
venv more resistant to interruptions during a run of the role.
* unarchiving a pre-built venv will now also occur when the venv
  directory is created, not only after being downloaded
* virtualenv-tools is run against both pre-built and non pre-built venvs
  to account for interruptions during or prior to unarchiving

Change-Id: I9df953f69eb86606ce8a6fe9f77e60c710549b8e
Implements: blueprint only-install-venvs
2016-07-08 05:49:42 -07:00

47 lines
1.3 KiB

# {{ ansible_managed }}
# vim:set ft=upstart ts=2 et:
description "{{ program_name }}"
author "Michael Davies <>"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
respawn limit 10 5
# Set the RUNBIN environment variable
env RUNBIN="{{ ironic_bin }}/{{ program_name }}"
env RUNOPTS="-v -d --config-file /etc/ironic/ironic.conf"
# Change directory to service users home
chdir "{{ service_home }}"
# Pre start actions
pre-start script
mkdir -p "/var/run/{{ program_name }}"
chown {{ system_user }}:{{ system_group }} "/var/run/{{ program_name }}"
mkdir -p "/var/lock/{{ program_name }}"
chown {{ system_user }}:{{ system_group }} "/var/lock/{{ program_name }}"
. {{ ironic_bin }}/activate
end script
# Post stop actions
post-stop script
rm "/var/run/{{ program_name }}/{{ program_name }}.pid"
end script
# Run the start up job
exec start-stop-daemon --start \
--chuid {{ system_user }} \
--make-pidfile \
--pidfile /var/run/{{ program_name }}/{{ program_name }}.pid \
--exec "{{ program_override|default('$RUNBIN') }}" \
-- {{ program_config_options|default('$RUNOPTS') }} \
--log-file={{ ironic_system_log_folder }}/{{ program_name }}.log