Use ansible_facts[] instead of fact variables


Change-Id: Ic7b58cc4e4840d342f48b7c9ec90953d5dce4ab5
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Rosser 2021-03-15 18:16:43 +00:00
parent c0f9229980
commit f75dc9c797
4 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ magnum_ceilometer_enabled: "{{ (groups['ceilometer_all'] is defined) and (groups
# for the service setup. The host must already have
# clouds.yaml properly configured.
magnum_service_setup_host: "{{ openstack_service_setup_host | default('localhost') }}"
magnum_service_setup_host_python_interpreter: "{{ openstack_service_setup_host_python_interpreter | default((magnum_service_setup_host == 'localhost') | ternary(ansible_playbook_python, ansible_python['executable'])) }}"
magnum_service_setup_host_python_interpreter: "{{ openstack_service_setup_host_python_interpreter | default((magnum_service_setup_host == 'localhost') | ternary(ansible_playbook_python, ansible_facts['python']['executable'])) }}"
# Set the package install state for distribution packages
# Options are 'present' and 'latest'
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ magnum_git_constraints:
# Database vars
magnum_db_setup_host: "{{ openstack_db_setup_host | default('localhost') }}"
magnum_db_setup_python_interpreter: "{{ openstack_db_setup_python_interpreter | default((magnum_db_setup_host == 'localhost') | ternary(ansible_playbook_python, ansible_python['executable'])) }}"
magnum_db_setup_python_interpreter: "{{ openstack_db_setup_python_interpreter | default((magnum_db_setup_host == 'localhost') | ternary(ansible_playbook_python, ansible_facts['python']['executable'])) }}"
magnum_galera_address: "{{ galera_address | default('') }}"
magnum_galera_database_name: magnum_service
magnum_galera_user: magnum
@ -214,6 +214,6 @@ magnum_services:
# uWSGI Settings
magnum_api_uwsgi_ini_overrides: {}
magnum_wsgi_processes_max: 16
magnum_wsgi_processes: "{{ [[(ansible_processor_vcpus//ansible_processor_threads_per_core)|default(1), 1] | max * 2, magnum_wsgi_processes_max] | min }}"
magnum_wsgi_processes: "{{ [[(ansible_facts['processor_vcpus']//ansible_facts['processor_threads_per_core'])|default(1), 1] | max * 2, magnum_wsgi_processes_max] | min }}"
magnum_wsgi_threads: 1
magnum_api_uwsgi_bind_address: "{{ openstack_service_bind_address | default('') }}"

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
name: "{{ item.service_name }}"
enabled: yes
state: "restarted"
daemon_reload: "{{ (ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd') | ternary('yes', omit) }}"
daemon_reload: yes
with_items: "{{ filtered_magnum_services }}"
- "venv changed"

View File

@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ galaxy_info:
- role: apt_package_pinning
- ansible_pkg_mgr == 'apt'
- ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt'

View File

@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
- name: Gather variables for each operating system
include_vars: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version.split('.')[0] }}.yml"
- "{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower }}-{{ ansible_facts['distribution_version'] | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower }}.yml"
- "{{ ansible_facts['os_family'] | lower }}-{{ ansible_facts['distribution_version'].split('.')[0] }}.yml"
- "{{ ansible_facts['os_family'] | lower }}.yml"
- always