--- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ## Verbosity Options debug: False # Set the package install state for distribution and pip packages # Options are 'present' and 'latest' monasca_agent_package_state: "latest" monasca_agent_pip_package_state: "latest" monasca_agent_developer_mode: false monasca_agent_git_repo: "https://git.openstack.org/openstack/monasca-agent" monasca_agent_git_install_branch: master monasca_agent_developer_constraints: - "git+{{ monasca_agent_git_repo }}@{{ monasca_agent_git_install_branch }}#egg=monasca-agent" # TODO(odyssey4me): # This can be simplified once all the roles are using # python_venv_build. We can then switch to using a # set of constraints in pip.conf inside the venv, # perhaps prepared by giving a giving a list of # constraints to the role. monasca_agent_pip_install_args: >- {{ monasca_agent_developer_mode | ternary(pip_install_developer_constraints | default('--constraint /opt/developer-pip-constraints.txt'), '') }} {{ (pip_install_upper_constraints is defined) | ternary('--constraint ' + pip_install_upper_constraints | default(''), '') }} {{ pip_install_options | default('') }} # Name of the virtual env to deploy into monasca_agent_venv_tag: "{{ venv_tag | default('untagged') }}" monasca_agent_bin: "/openstack/venvs/monasca-agent-{{ monasca_agent_venv_tag }}/bin" monasca_agent_etc_dir: "{{ monasca_agent_bin | dirname }}/etc/monasca/agent" # venv_download, even when true, will use the fallback method of building the # venv from scratch if the venv download fails. monasca_agent_venv_download: "{{ not monasca_agent_developer_mode | bool }}" monasca_agent_venv_download_url: # System info monasca_agent_system_user_name: monasca-agent monasca_agent_system_group_name: monasca-agent monasca_agent_system_shell: /bin/false monasca_agent_system_comment: monasca-agent system user monasca_agent_system_user_home: "/var/lib/{{ monasca_agent_system_user_name }}" # Monasca-agent configuration monasca_agent_user_name: monasca-agent monasca_agent_project_name: admin monasca_service_region: RegionOne monasca_agent_check_frequency: 15 monasca_agent_log_level: WARN monasca_agent_infra_processes_to_monitor: infra: - name: nginx group: repo_all - name: apt-cacher-ng group: repo_all - name: haproxy.pid group: haproxy_all - name: memcached group: memcached_all - name: mysqld group: galera_all - name: rabbitmq group: rabbitmq_all - name: epmd group: rabbitmq_all - name: storm.daemon.nimbus group: monasca_api - name: storm.daemon.supervisor group: monasca_api - name: storm.daemon.worker group: monasca_api - name: zookeeper group: monasca_zookeeper - name: kafka group: monasca_kafka - name: influxdb group: monasca_influxdb - name: grafana-server group: monasca_grafana - name: rsyslogd group: all - name: chronyd group: hosts ceph: - name: ceph group: ceph_all monasca_agent_os_processes_to_monitor: alarming: - name: aodh-notifier group: aodh_alarm_notifier - name: aodh-evaluator group: aodh_alarm_evaluator - name: aodh-listener baremetal: - name: ironic-api - name: ironic-conductor container-infra: - name: magnum-api group: magnum - name: magnum-conductor group: magnum compute: - name: nova-api-metadata - name: nova-api-os-compute - name: nova-compute - name: nova-conductor - name: nova-consoleauth group: nova_console - name: nova-scheduler - name: "{% if nova_console_type is defined and nova_console_type == 'spice' %}nova-spicehtml5proxy{% else %}nova-novncproxy{% endif %}" group: nova_console - name: nova-placement-api group: nova_api_placement dashboard: - name: apache2 group: horizon database: - name: trove-api - name: trove-conductor - name: trove-taskmanager data-processing: - name: sahara-api - name: sahara-engine dns: - name: designate-central - name: designate-worker - name: designate-producer - name: designate-mdns - name: designate-sink - name: designate-api identity: - name: keystone group: keystone image: - name: glance-api - name: glance-registry load-balancer: - name: octavia-api group: octavia-api - name: octavia-worker group: octavia-worker - name: octavia-housekeeping group: octavia-housekeeping - name: octavia-health-manager group: octavia-health-manager metric: - name: gnocchi-api - name: gnocchi-metricd metering: - name: ceilometer-agent-notification - name: ceilometer-polling group: ceilometer_agent_compute monitoring: - name: monasca-api - name: monasca-notification - name: monasca_persister - name: apache-storm group: monasca_api network: - name: neutron-dhcp-agent - name: "{% if neutron_plugin_type is defined and 'ovs' in neutron_plugin_type %}neutron-openvswitch-agent{% else %}neutron-linuxbridge-agent{% endif %}" - name: neutron-metadata-agent - name: neutron-metering-agent - name: neutron-l3-agent - name: neutron-lbaasv2-agent group: neutron_lbaas_agent enabled: "{{ neutron_plugin_base is defined and 'neutron_lbaas.services.loadbalancer.plugin.LoadBalancerPluginv2' in neutron_plugin_base }}" - name: neutron-bgp-dragent enabled: "{{ neutron_bgp is defined and neutron_bgp | bool }}" - name: neutron-vpnaas-agent group: neutron_l3_agent enabled: "{{ neutron_plugin_base is defined and 'vpnaas' in neutron_plugin_base }}" - name: neutron-server object-store: - name: swift-account-replicator group: swift_acc - name: swift-account-server group: swift_acc - name: swift-account-auditor group: swift_acc - name: swift-account-reaper group: swift_acc - name: swift-container-replicator group: swift_cont - name: swift-container-server group: swift_cont - name: swift-container-auditor group: swift_cont - name: swift-container-sync group: swift_cont - name: swift-container-updater group: swift_cont - name: swift-container-reconciler group: swift_cont - name: swift-object-replicator group: swift_obj - name: swift-object-server group: swift_obj - name: swift-object-auditor group: swift_obj - name: swift-object-updater group: swift_obj - name: swift-object-expirer group: swift_obj - name: swift-object-reconstructor group: swift_obj - name: swift-proxy-server group: swift_proxy orchestration: - name: heat-api - name: heat-api-cfn - name: heat-api-cloudwatch - name: heat-engine volume: - name: cinder-api - name: cinder-scheduler - name: cinder-volume - name: cinder-backup enabled: "{{ cinder_service_backup_program_enabled | default(False) }}" haproxy_ssl: True galera_monitoring_user: "monitoring" monasca_agent_plugins_http_check_disabled: - repo_git - nova_console monasca_agent_plugins: - name: "ceph" where: "ceph-mon" - name: "cpu" where: "all" - name: "disk" where: "all" - name: "load" where: "all" - name: "memory" where: "all" - name: "network" where: "all" - name: "process" where: "all" - name: "supervisord" where: "all" - name: "http_check" where: "shared-infra_hosts" - name: "host_alive" where: "shared-infra_hosts" - name: "mcache" where: "memcached" - name: "mysql" where: "galera_all" - name: "rabbitmq" where: "rabbitmq_all" - name: "haproxy" where: "haproxy_hosts" - name: "postfix" where: "monasca_api" - name: "zk" where: "monasca_zookeeper" - name: "kafka_consumer" where: "monasca_kafka" - name: "apache" where: "horizon_all" - name: "libvirt" where: "compute_hosts" - name: "crash" where: "hosts" - name: "ntp" where: "hosts" monasca_agent_pip_packages: - keystoneauth1 - libvirt-python - monasca-agent - monasca-common - oslo.utils - PyMySQl - python-monascaclient - python-neutronclient - python-novaclient monasca_agent_services: monasca-agent: group: all service_name: monasca-agent service_init_bin: "{{ monasca_agent_bin}}/supervisord" service_init_options: "-c /etc/monasca/agent/supervisor.conf -n" init_config_overrides: "{{ monasca_agent_init_overrides }}" monasca_agent_init_overrides: {} # This variable is used by the repo_build process to determine # which host group to check for members of before building the # pip packages required by this role. The value is picked up # by the py_pkgs lookup. monasca_agent_role_project_group: all monasca_agent_yaml_overrides: {} monasca_agent_supervisor_conf_overrides: {} monasca_agent_reconfigure_overrides: {}