--- # (c) 2019, James Denton # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - name: Set alternative ovs-vswitchd service alternatives: name: ovs-vswitchd path: /usr/lib/openvswitch-switch-dpdk/ovs-vswitchd-dpdk when: - ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] in ['apt'] - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - '"nova_compute" in group_names' - name: Configure DPDK interface to driver bindings template: src: dpdk_interfaces.j2 dest: "/etc/dpdk/interfaces" owner: "root" group: "root" mode: "0640" when: - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - '"nova_compute" in group_names' - name: Configure DPDK hugepage allocation template: src: dpdk.conf.j2 dest: "/etc/dpdk/dpdk.conf" owner: "root" group: "root" mode: "0640" when: - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - '"nova_compute" in group_names' - name: Ensure DPDK service is started and enabled systemd: name: "{{ dpdk_service_name }}" state: restarted enabled: yes when: - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - '"nova_compute" in group_names' - name: Ensure Open vSwitch service is started and enabled systemd: name: "{{ neutron_ovs_service_name }}" state: restarted enabled: yes when: - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - name: Set DPDK lcore mask command: "ovs-vsctl --no-wait set Open_vSwitch . other_config:dpdk-lcore-mask={{ ovs_dpdk_lcore_mask }}" when: - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - '"nova_compute" in group_names' - name: Set DPDK PMD cpu mask command: "ovs-vsctl --no-wait set Open_vSwitch . other_config:pmd-cpu-mask={{ ovs_dpdk_pmd_cpu_mask }}" when: - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - '"nova_compute" in group_names' - name: Set DPDK socket memory command: "ovs-vsctl --no-wait set Open_vSwitch . other_config:dpdk-socket-mem={{ ovs_dpdk_socket_mem }}" when: - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - '"nova_compute" in group_names' - name: Enable DPDK support for openvswitch command: "ovs-vsctl --no-wait set Open_vSwitch . other_config:dpdk-init=true" when: - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - '"nova_compute" in group_names' # (jamesdenton) Should replace hard dir with var, and only do this on computes - name: Create vhost_socket directory file: path: /var/lib/vhost_socket state: directory owner: "{{ vhost_socket_directory_owner }}" group: "{{ vhost_socket_directory_group }}" mode: "0755" when: - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - '"nova_compute" in group_names' # NOTE: This needs to be netdev for compute and system for network node # Should I set an override for network nodes (non-dpdk)to default 'system' rather than 'netdev'? - name: Setup Network Provider Bridges openvswitch_bridge: bridge: "{{ bridge_mapping.split(':')[1] }}" set: "bridge {{ bridge_mapping.split(':')[1] }} datapath_type={{ ovs_datapath }}" fail_mode: secure state: present with_items: "{{ neutron_provider_networks.network_mappings.split(',') }}" loop_control: loop_var: bridge_mapping when: - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - neutron_plugin_type in ['ml2.ovs', 'ml2.ovs.dvr'] - neutron_provider_networks.network_mappings is defined # Adds a single host interface to an OVS bridge - name: Add ports to Network Provider Bridges openvswitch_port: bridge: "{{ interface_mapping.split(':')[0] }}" port: "{{ interface_mapping.split(':',1)[1] }}" set: "Interface {{ interface_mapping.split(':',1)[1] }} type=dpdk options:dpdk-devargs='{{ interface_mapping.split(':',1)[1] }}'" state: present with_items: "{{ neutron_provider_networks.network_interface_mappings.split(',') }}" loop_control: loop_var: interface_mapping when: - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - neutron_plugin_type in ['ml2.ovs', 'ml2.ovs.dvr'] - neutron_provider_networks.network_interface_mappings is defined and (neutron_provider_networks.network_interface_mappings|length > 0) # Adds a DPDK-accelerated bond interface to an OVS bridge - name: Add Bonds to Network Provider Bridges openvswitch.openvswitch.openvswitch_bond: bridge: "{{ bond_interfaces_mapping.bridge }}" port: "{{ bond_interfaces_mapping.bridge }}-dpdkbond" interfaces: "{{ bond_interfaces_mapping.interfaces }}" bond_mode: "{{ bond_interfaces_mapping.bond_mode | default('active-backup') }}" lacp: "{{ bond_interfaces_mapping.lacp | default('off') }}" bond_updelay: "{{ bond_interfaces_mapping.bond_updelay | default(100) }}" bond_downdelay: "{{ bond_interfaces_mapping.bond_downdelay | default(100) }}" set: "{% for interface in bond_interfaces_mapping.interfaces %}interface {{ interface }} type=dpdk options:dpdk-devargs='{{ interface }}'{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}" state: present with_items: "{{ neutron_provider_networks.network_bond_interfaces_mappings }}" loop_control: loop_var: bond_interfaces_mapping when: - neutron_services['neutron-openvswitch-agent']['group'] in group_names - neutron_plugin_type in ['ml2.ovs', 'ml2.ovs.dvr'] - neutron_provider_networks.network_bond_interfaces_mappings is defined and (neutron_provider_networks.network_bond_interfaces_mappings|length > 0)