--- # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - name: Record the installation method ini_file: dest: "/etc/ansible/facts.d/openstack_ansible.fact" section: "neutron" option: "install_method" value: "{{ neutron_install_method }}" - name: Refresh local facts to ensure the neutron section is present setup: filter: ansible_local gather_subset: "!all" - name: Install neutron role packages package: name: "{{ neutron_package_list }}" state: "{{ neutron_package_state }}" policy_rc_d: "{{ (neutron_needs_openvswitch | bool and ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt') | ternary(101, omit) }}" update_cache: "{{ (ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt') | ternary('yes', omit) }}" cache_valid_time: "{{ (ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt') | ternary(cache_timeout, omit) }}" register: install_packages until: install_packages is success retries: 5 delay: 2 notify: - "Restart neutron services" - "Restart provider services" - name: Remove known problem packages package: name: "{{ item }}" state: absent register: remove_packages until: remove_packages is success retries: 5 delay: 2 with_items: "{{ neutron_remove_distro_packages }}" # NOTE(jrosser) # ceilometer appears in u-c as is used by networking-odl stats plugin. # the new pip resolver will fail to install ceilometer if two contradictory # constraints are given which will always happen with a source install # and wheels built on the repo server. We must filter ceilometer out of u-c. # # NOTE(jrosser) # neutron itself also appears in u-c (!) as the split between neutron and # neutron-lib appears incomplete. - name: Retrieve the constraints URL uri: url: "{{ neutron_upper_constraints_url }}" return_content: yes register: _u_c_contents check_mode: false - name: Install the python venv import_role: name: "python_venv_build" vars: venv_python_executable: "{{ neutron_venv_python_executable }}" venv_build_constraints: "{{ _u_c_contents.content.split('\n') | reject('match', '^(ceilometer|neutron)=') | list }}" venv_build_distro_package_list: "{{ neutron_devel_distro_packages }}" venv_install_destination_path: "{{ neutron_bin | dirname }}" venv_pip_install_args: "{{ neutron_pip_install_args }}" venv_pip_packages: "{{ neutron_venv_packages }}" venv_facts_when_changed: - section: "neutron" option: "need_db_expand" value: "True" - section: "neutron" option: "need_db_contract" value: "True" - section: "neutron" option: "venv_tag" value: "{{ neutron_venv_tag }}" when: neutron_install_method == 'source' - name: Initialise the upgrade facts ini_file: dest: "/etc/ansible/facts.d/openstack_ansible.fact" section: neutron option: "{{ item.name }}" value: "{{ item.state }}" with_items: - name: "need_db_expand" state: "True" - name: "need_db_contract" state: "True" when: (install_packages is changed) or (ansible_local is not defined) or ('openstack_ansible' not in ansible_local) or ('neutron' not in ansible_local['openstack_ansible']) or ('need_db_expand' not in ansible_local['openstack_ansible']['neutron']) or ('need_db_contract' not in ansible_local['openstack_ansible']['neutron']) - name: Ensure Open vSwitch service state is set according to node group service: name: "{{ neutron_ovs_service_name }}" state: "{{ _neutron_ovs_disabled | ternary('stopped', 'started') }}" enabled: "{{ _neutron_ovs_disabled | ternary(false, true) }}" masked: "{{ _neutron_ovs_disabled | ternary(true, omit) }}" when: neutron_needs_openvswitch | bool # NOTE(hwoarang) contains may share the same physical host so we only # need to execute the apparmor configuration once per physical host. - name: Record the first container on each physical host delegate_to: 'localhost' run_once: True set_fact: neutron_apparmor_hosts: | {%- set apparmor_hosts = [] -%} {%- set physical_hosts = [] -%} {%- for host in groups[neutron_role_project_group] -%} {%- if hostvars[host]['physical_host'] is defined -%} {%- set phost = hostvars[host]['physical_host'] -%} {%- if phost not in physical_hosts -%} {%- set _ = apparmor_hosts.append(host) -%} {%- set _ = physical_hosts.append(phost) -%} {%- endif -%} {%- else -%} {%- set _ = apparmor_hosts.append('localhost') -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {{ apparmor_hosts | unique }} when: ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt' - import_tasks: neutron_apparmor.yml when: - ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt' - inventory_hostname in neutron_apparmor_hosts