Evaluate my_ip address once

Instead of evaluating same condition of my_ip in multiple places across
the role this patch suggests doing this once in vars and using the
resulting variable afterwards.

This not only reduce amount of evaluations made throughout the role runtime,
but also solves possible corner cases where some syntax may go off.

Closes-Bug: #2052884
Change-Id: I454b53713ecacf844ac14f77b6d1e1adc1322c0e
This commit is contained in:
Dmitriy Rabotyagov 2024-02-11 17:36:15 +01:00
parent 9843c47e81
commit b78e8a68ea
3 changed files with 12 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ nova_novncproxy_port: 6080
nova_novncproxy_host: "{{ openstack_service_bind_address | default('') }}"
nova_novncproxy_base_uri: "{{ nova_novncproxy_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ nova_novncproxy_port }}"
nova_novncproxy_base_url: "{{ nova_novncproxy_base_uri }}/vnc_lite.html"
nova_novncproxy_vncserver_proxyclient_address: "{{ (nova_management_address == 'localhost') | ternary('', nova_management_address) }}"
nova_novncproxy_vncserver_listen: "{{ (nova_management_address == 'localhost') | ternary('', nova_management_address) }}"
nova_novncproxy_vncserver_proxyclient_address: "{{ _nova_my_ip }}"
nova_novncproxy_vncserver_listen: "{{ _nova_my_ip }}"
nova_novncproxy_git_repo: "{{ novncproxy_git_repo | default('https://github.com/novnc/noVNC') }}"
nova_novncproxy_git_install_branch: "{{ novncproxy_git_install_branch | default('master') }}"
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ nova_libvirt_inject_partition: -2
nova_libvirt_inject_password: False
nova_libvirt_disk_cachemodes: '{{ (nova_libvirt_images_rbd_pool | length > 0) | ternary("network=writeback", "") }}'
nova_libvirt_hw_disk_discard: '{{ (nova_libvirt_images_rbd_pool | length > 0) | ternary("unmap", "ignore") }}'
nova_libvirt_live_migration_inbound_addr: '{{ (nova_management_address == "localhost") | ternary("", nova_management_address) }}'
nova_libvirt_live_migration_inbound_addr: '{{ _nova_my_ip }}'
## Nova console
# Set the console type for the compute host. Presently the only options are ["spice", "novnc", "serialconsole", "disabled"].
@ -628,9 +628,8 @@ nova_pki_regen_cert: ''
nova_pki_san: "{{ openstack_pki_san | default('DNS:' ~ ansible_facts['hostname'] ~ ',IP:' ~ management_address) }}"
nova_pki_compute_san: >-
'DNS:' ~ ansible_facts['hostname'] ~ ',DNS:' ~ ansible_facts['nodename'] ~ ',IP:' ~ (nova_management_address == 'localhost') | ternary(
'', nova_management_address) ~ (nova_libvirt_live_migration_inbound_addr != nova_management_address) |ternary(
',IP:' ~ nova_libvirt_live_migration_inbound_addr, '')
'DNS:' ~ ansible_facts['hostname'] ~ ',DNS:' ~ ansible_facts['nodename'] ~ ',IP:' ~ _nova_my_ip ~ (
nova_libvirt_live_migration_inbound_addr != nova_management_address) |ternary(',IP:' ~ nova_libvirt_live_migration_inbound_addr, '')
# Create client and server cert for compute hosts
# This certiticate is used to secure TLS live migrations and VNC sessions

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ enabled_apis = {{ nova_enabled_apis }}
transport_url = {{ nova_oslomsg_rpc_transport }}://{% for host in nova_oslomsg_rpc_servers.split(',') %}{{ nova_oslomsg_rpc_userid }}:{{ nova_oslomsg_rpc_password }}@{{ host }}:{{ nova_oslomsg_rpc_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% else %}/{{ _nova_oslomsg_rpc_vhost_conf }}{% if nova_oslomsg_rpc_use_ssl | bool %}?ssl=1&ssl_version={{ nova_oslomsg_rpc_ssl_version }}&ssl_ca_file={{ nova_oslomsg_rpc_ssl_ca_file }}{% else %}?ssl=0{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
# Network
my_ip = {% if nova_management_address == 'localhost' %}{% else %}{{ nova_management_address }}{% endif %}
my_ip = {{ _nova_my_ip }}
# Hypervisor
default_ephemeral_format = ext4
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ agent_enabled = {{ nova_spice_console_agent_enabled }}
enabled = {{ (nova_console_type == 'spice') | ternary(True, False) }}
{% if 'spice' in nova_console_proxy_types %}
html5proxy_base_url = {{ nova_spice_html5proxy_base_url }}
html5proxy_host = {% if nova_management_address == 'localhost' %}{% else %}{{ nova_management_address }}{% endif %}
server_listen = {% if nova_management_address == 'localhost' %}{% else %}{{ nova_management_address }}{% endif %}
server_proxyclient_address = {% if nova_management_address == 'localhost' %}{% else %}{{ nova_management_address }}{% endif %}
html5proxy_host = {{ _nova_my_ip }}
server_listen = {{ _nova_my_ip }}
server_proxyclient_address = {{ _nova_my_ip }}
{% endif %}
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ vencrypt_ca_certs={{ nova_vencrypt_ca_certs }}
enabled = {{ (nova_console_type == 'serialconsole') | ternary(True, False) }}
{% if 'serialconsole' in nova_console_proxy_types %}
base_url= {{ nova_serialconsoleproxy_base_url }}
proxyclient_address = {% if nova_management_address == 'localhost' +%}{% else +%}{{ nova_management_address }}{% endif +%}
proxyclient_address = {{ _nova_my_ip }}
port_range = {{ nova_serialconsoleproxy_port_range }}
serialproxy_host= {{ nova_serialconsoleproxy_serialconsole_proxyserver_proxyclient_address }}
serialproxy_port= {{ nova_serialconsoleproxy_port }}

View File

@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ nova_core_files:
group: "{{ nova_system_group_name }}"
mode: "0640"
_nova_my_ip: "{{ (nova_management_address == 'localhost') | ternary('', nova_management_address) }}"
_nova_scheduler_filters: |-
{% set default_filters = nova_scheduler_default_filters %}
{% if default_filters is not iterable and default_filters is string %}