--- # Copyright 2015, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - name: Ensure that temporary folders from previous build failures are absent file: path: "{{ item }}" state: "absent" with_items: - "{{ repo_build_dir }}" - "{{ repo_build_output }}" - name: Create temporary folders file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory owner: "{{ repo_build_service_user_name }}" with_items: - "{{ repo_build_dir }}" - "{{ repo_build_output }}" - name: Download requirement pip sources shell: >- yes i | pip install --timeout {{ repo_build_timeout }} --download {{ repo_build_output }} --no-binary :all: --constraint {{ repo_build_release_path }}/requirements_constraints.txt {% if repo_build_pip_default_index is defined %} --index-url {{ repo_build_pip_default_index }} --trusted-host {{ repo_build_pip_default_index | netloc_no_port }} {% endif %} {% if repo_build_pip_extra_indexes is defined %} --extra-index-url {{ repo_build_pip_extra_indexes | join(' --extra-index-url ') }} --trusted-host {{ repo_build_pip_extra_indexes | map('netloc_no_port') | join(' --trusted-host ') }} {% endif %} --requirement {{ repo_build_release_path }}/requirements.txt {{ pip_install_options }} 2>&1 | ts > /var/log/repo/source_download.log args: executable: "/bin/bash" when: repo_build_store_pip_sources | bool - name: Create OpenStack-Ansible requirement wheels shell: >- pip wheel --timeout {{ repo_build_timeout }} --wheel-dir {{ repo_build_output }} --find-links {{ repo_build_global_links_path }} --find-links {{ repo_build_output }} --constraint {{ repo_build_release_path }}/requirements_constraints.txt {% if repo_build_pip_no_binary is defined %} --no-binary {{ repo_build_pip_no_binary | join(' --no-binary ') }} {% endif %} {% if repo_build_pip_default_index is defined %} --index-url {{ repo_build_pip_default_index }} --trusted-host {{ repo_build_pip_default_index | netloc_no_port }} {% endif %} {% if repo_build_pip_extra_indexes is defined %} --extra-index-url {{ repo_build_pip_extra_indexes | join(' --extra-index-url ') }} --trusted-host {{ repo_build_pip_extra_indexes | map('netloc_no_port') | join(' --trusted-host ') }} {% endif %} --build {{ repo_build_dir }} --requirement {{ repo_build_release_path }}/requirements.txt {{ pip_install_options }} 2>&1 | ts > /var/log/repo/wheel_build.log args: executable: "/bin/bash" tags: - skip_ansible_lint - name: Register os-release files find: file_type: any paths: "{{ repo_build_release_path }}" patterns: - "*{{ ansible_architecture | lower }}.whl" - "*none-any.whl" register: os_release_files - name: Ensure os-release files are cleaned up file: path: "{{ item['path'] }}" state: "absent" with_items: "{{ os_release_files.files }}" - name: Index built wheels find: paths: "{{ repo_build_output }}" register: built_wheels - name: Create release process script template: src: "op-release-script.sh.j2" dest: "/opt/op-release-script.sh" mode: "0755" - name: Run release process script shell: "/opt/op-release-script.sh" args: executable: "/bin/bash" changed_when: false # This task requires the use of the shell module, so we skip lint # to avoid: # ANSIBLE0013 Use shell only when shell functionality is required tags: - skip_ansible_lint - name: Create absolute requirements template: src: "requirements_absolute_requirements.txt.j2" dest: "{{ repo_build_release_path }}/requirements_absolute_requirements.txt" - name: Copy get-pip script into release folder copy: src: "/opt/get-pip.py" dest: "{{ repo_build_release_path }}/" remote_src: yes - name: Clean up temporary build folders to save space file: path: "{{ item }}" state: "absent" with_items: - "{{ repo_build_dir }}" - "{{ repo_build_output }}" - name: Disable the wheel build requirement now that it is complete ini_file: dest: "/etc/ansible/facts.d/openstack_ansible.fact" section: repo_build option: need_wheel_build value: False