Jesse Pretorius c505f88b12 Remove deprecated tasks/variable
Some tasks are no longer necessary in Pike
and the variable removed was deprecated in
Mitaka, so it's time to go.

Change-Id: Ibabe46967582929a441e66848c5267f0460a358b
2017-06-12 19:04:37 +00:00

138 lines
10 KiB

# The purpose of this file is to provide the configuration options to the venv
# build script for each venv. These options are all set out in a file in order
# to enable the idempotence of the venv build process.
# The working directory for the venv build
ROLE_VENV_PATH="{{ repo_build_venv_build_dir }}/venvs/{{ item['role_name'] | replace('os_', '') }}"
# The name used for the venv working directory, and resulting compressed venv
ROLE_VENV_FILE="{{ item['role_name'] | replace('os_', '') }}-{{ repo_build_release_tag }}-{{ ansible_architecture | lower }}"
# The index options used by pip when building the venvs
{# #}
{# In order to build venvs with packages not generally available in the #}
{# repo through the wheel build, the boolean 'venvwithindex' flag provided #}
{# in the remote_package_parts data enables the use of additional indexes. #}
{# This is useful when building venvs which require different constraints. #}
{# #}
{% for clone_item in local_packages.results.0.item.remote_package_parts %}
{# #}
{# Loop through the remote_package_parts to find the role #}
{% if clone_item['name'] == item['role_name'] | replace('os_', '') %}
{# #}
{# Check whether there is a venvwithindex setting #}
{% if clone_item['original'] | search('venvwithindex') %}
{# #}
{# Check if venvwithindex is set to boolean true #}
{% set venvwithindex=clone_item['original'] | regex_replace('(?i).*venvwithindex=(true|false).*', '\\1') %}
{% if venvwithindex | bool %}
{# #}
{# Add the extra indexes if they're defined #}
{% if repo_build_pip_default_index is defined %}
PIP_INDEX_OPTIONS="${PIP_INDEX_OPTIONS} --index-url {{ repo_build_pip_default_index }}"
PIP_INDEX_OPTIONS="${PIP_INDEX_OPTIONS} --trusted-host {{ repo_build_pip_default_index | netloc_no_port }}"
{% endif %}
{% if repo_build_pip_extra_indexes is defined %}
PIP_INDEX_OPTIONS="${PIP_INDEX_OPTIONS} --extra-index-url {{ repo_build_pip_extra_indexes | join(' --extra-index-url ') }}"
PIP_INDEX_OPTIONS="${PIP_INDEX_OPTIONS} --trusted-host {{ repo_build_pip_extra_indexes | map('netloc_no_port') | join(' --trusted-host ') }}"
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{# If not true, then venvwithindex is set to boolean false #}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{# If not set, then assume that venvwithindex is false #}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
# The options used by pip when building the venvs
PIP_INSTALL_OPTIONS="{{ repo_build_venv_pip_install_options }}"
# The command used when creating the venv
VENV_CREATE_COMMAND="{{ repo_build_venv_command_options }}"
# The requirements list for the venv
{# #}
{# Rules for inclusion: #}
{# - The requirements are compiled from the *_pip_packages values. #}
{# - Any key containing the word 'requires' will be ignored as these #}
{# packages are destined for installation on the host, not in the venv. #}
{# - Any key containing the word 'optional' will be ignored as these #}
{# are destined for optional installation into the venv at run time #}
{# based on the user configuration. #}
{# - Any key containing the word 'proprietary' will be ignored as these #}
{# are destined for optional installation into the venv at run time #}
{# based on the user configuration and are not available on pypi. #}
{# #}
{# Input Example: #}
{# #}
{# role_name: os_neutron #}
{# role_data: neutron_optional_calico_pip_packages: #}
{# - calico #}
{# - networking-calico #}
{# - python-etcd #}
{# neutron_pip_packages: #}
{# - cliff #}
{# - configobj #}
{# - keystonemiddleware #}
{# - neutron #}
{# - neutron_dynamic_routing #}
{# - neutron_fwaas #}
{# - neutron_lbaas #}
{# - neutron_vpnaas #}
{# - pycrypto #}
{# - pymysql #}
{# - python-glanceclient #}
{# - python-keystoneclient #}
{# - python-memcached #}
{# - python-neutronclient #}
{# - python-novaclient #}
{# - repoze.lru #}
{# neutron_requires_pip_packages: #}
{# - httplib2 #}
{# - python-keystoneclient #}
{# - virtualenv #}
{# - virtualenv-tools #}
{# project_group: neutron_all #}
{# #}
{# Output Example: #}
{# #}
{# cliff #}
{# configobj #}
{# keystonemiddleware #}
{# neutron #}
{# neutron_dynamic_routing #}
{# neutron_fwaas #}
{# neutron_lbaas #}
{# neutron_vpnaas #}
{# pycrypto #}
{# pymysql #}
{# python-glanceclient #}
{# python-keystoneclient #}
{# python-memcached #}
{# python-neutronclient #}
{# python-novaclient #}
{# repoze.lru #}
{# #}
{# Here we loop through the data, and apply the rules to produce the list #}
{# of requirements. #}
{# #}
{% set requirement_list = [] %}
{% for requirement_key, requirement_data in item['role_data'].items() %}
{% if (requirement_key | match(".*_pip_packages$")) and
(not requirement_key | match(".*_requires_.*")) and
(not requirement_key | match(".*_optional_.*")) and
(not requirement_key | match(".*_proprietary_.*")) %}
{% for requirement in requirement_data %}
{% set _ = requirement_list.append(requirement) %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# #}
{# Finally, we output the alphabetically sorted requirements. #}
{# #}
ROLE_VENV_REQUIREMENTS="{{ (requirement_list | sort) | join(' ') }}"