
89 lines
3.6 KiB

#!/usr/local/env bash
set -ev
function venv_create {
# If the venv working directory already exists remove it
[[ -d "/tmp/${VENV_PATH}" ]] && rm -rf "/tmp/${VENV_PATH}"
# If the pip build directory already exists remove it
[[ -d "/tmp/${VENV_FILE}" ]] && rm -rf "/tmp/${VENV_FILE}"
# Create the virtualenv shell
{{ repo_build_venv_command_options.split() | join(' ') }} "${VENV_PATH}"
# Create the pip build directory
mkdir -p "/tmp/${VENV_FILE}"
# Activate the python virtual environment for good measure
source "${VENV_PATH}/bin/activate"
# Run the pip install within the venv and specify a specific build directory which
# resolves pip locking issues when run in parallel.
${VENV_PATH}/bin/pip install --build "/tmp/${VENV_FILE}" {{ repo_build_venv_pip_install_options.split() | join(' ') }} $3
# Deactivate the venv for good measure
# Find and remove all of the python pyc files
find "${VENV_PATH}" -type f -name '*.pyc' -delete
# Create the archive
tar czf "${VENV_FILE}.tgz" -C "${VENV_PATH}" .
# Create a checksum file for the archive
sha1sum "${VENV_FILE}.tgz" | awk '{print $1}' > "${VENV_FILE}.checksum"
# Remove the working directories
rm -rf "${VENV_PATH}"
rm -rf "/tmp/${VENV_FILE}"
# First operation is to sort and set the known os_* roles and create a unique dict.
# NOTE: this is a Jinja loop and will not be rendered within the script. For debugging
# purposes the group data will be rendered as a comment.
{% set os_group = {} %}
{% for role_name, role_data in local_packages.results.0.item.role_requirements.items() %}
{% set _host_group = role_data['project_group'] %}
{% if ("os_" in role_name) and ((not repo_build_venv_selective | bool) or ((groups[_host_group] is defined) and (groups[_host_group] | length > 0))) %}
{% set requirement_list = [] %}
{% for requirement_key, requirement_data in role_data.items() %}
{% if '_pip_packages' in requirement_key and 'requires' not in requirement_key and 'optional' not in requirement_key and 'proprietary' not in requirement_key %}
{% for requirement in requirement_data %}
{% set _ = requirement_list.append(requirement) %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
# venv to build {{ role_name }}
# * packages within the {{ role_name }} venv: {{ requirement_list }}
{% set _ = os_group.update({role_name: requirement_list}) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
# Run the venv create. This will loop over all of the os_group role packages and create a python virtual env.
# Venv creation is done parallel at a count of the known "ansible_processor_count" or using a default of 5.
# This loop will enter the venv build directory and create tagged venvs in a distribution directory
# If the venv archive already exists the creation process will be skipped
pushd "{{ repo_build_venv_dir }}/{{ repo_build_release_tag }}/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}"
{% for key, value in os_group.items() %}
ROLE_VENV_PATH="{{ repo_build_venv_build_dir }}/venvs/{{ key | replace('os_', '') }}"
ROLE_VENV_FILE="{{ key | replace('os_', '') }}-{{ repo_build_release_tag }}-{{ ansible_architecture | lower }}"
if [ ! -f "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}.tgz" ];then
venv_create "${ROLE_VENV_PATH}" "${ROLE_VENV_FILE}" "{{ value | join(' ') }}" &
pid[{{ loop.index }}]=$!
{% if loop.index is divisibleby(repo_build_concurrency | int) or loop.last %}
for job_pid in ${!pid[@]}; do
wait ${pid[$job_pid]} || exit 99
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}