Add Root CA spec

Change-Id: Ib8d8274ea930c48be1fbb81206461c9ff221affc
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Dmitriy Rabotyagov 2020-10-19 15:18:19 +03:00
parent de94cbb648
commit 8df6a58bd3
2 changed files with 212 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,15 @@ Spec Templates
specs/templates/* specs/templates/*
Wallaby Specifications
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Rocky Specifications Rocky Specifications
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@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
SSL Root Certificate Authority
:date: 2020-10-19 14:00
:tags: ssl, haproxy, nova, galera, infra
Blueprint on Launchpad:
Having SSL encryption is a vital part of every service in the modern world.
OpenStack-Ansible already provide deployoers options how to cover public
and internal endpoints with SSL certificates and allows to generate and
use self-signed certificates. However we can make these certificates
"verified" by usage of the root CA, which will be distrivuted across all
containers and services. This will encrease security as users will be
alerted in case of the certificate mismatch, since certificate verification
will be enabled.
Problem description
At the moment bunch of roles do create self-singed certificates their own way
which does not provide any consistency and pretty hard to maintain. Moreover,
these certificates are self-signed ones, which means that certificate
verification has to be disabled for such certificates. So in case of the
certificate "impersonation" you won't be laerted, and ecrypted data might
be not secure anymore.
Futhermore, for mysql SSL usage, it is required to place Root CA on
the containers for mysqlclient to reach DB, while at the moment we
have only server side encryption covered, while Root CA distribution lies on
the deployer shoulders.
Another good example is nova, where in order to disable tunneling for the
live migrations and use block migrations, we need to secure connection with
"self-signed" certificates.
To resolve all of the problems above we need:
* Root CA certificate (and corresponding key which may not be available)
* An intermediate signing certificate and key
Proposed change
In order to resolve issue we need to create a root certificate authority on
the deploy host, which will be used for the futher creation of the
We need this for (but not limited to):
* Creating a self-signed certificate for HAProxy in CI
* Creating ssh signed certs to replace ssh keys in nova and keystone roles
* To use TLS for live migration
* To use TLS for galera and other infrastructure services
* To use TLS for connection between HAProxy and uwsgi
Create role in separate repo which would consist from 2 parts (galera way) which
would be included wherever needed:
# Create or verify existance provided CA on the deploy host.
Included in openstack_hosts, to distribute CA to certificate storage
# Create or verify existing key and certificate, which would be also stored
on the deploy host. Will be included in required roles during their runtime
Each instance of each component uses a unique certificate.
# Decide what we 'call' the internal VIP if it's needed to verify the dns name against subject name in an SSL certificate
Roles/service impact
For all hosts/containers
The Root CA is installed into the system trust store
Consider pointing REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE to the system trust store rather than certifi bundle
For HAproxy
We will have the following user scenarios:
* The user supplies their own cert and key and points variables to the files
* Letsencrypt creates the certificate
* A self signed certificate and key is created at deploy time by the OSA role
* Disable SSL certificate usage
.. note::
Self signed cert is required to bootstrap LE for the first run
For Galera (or other infrastructure service)
We will have the following user scenarios:
* The user supplies their own cert and key and points variables to the files
* A self signed certificate and key is created on the deploy host at deploy
time by the OSA role (stored in a well known location on the deploy host).
The existing ansible roles pick these up
* Disable SSL certificate usage
For service components such as Nova and Octavia which can use TLS
We will have the following user scenarios:
* The user supplies their own cert and key and points variables to the files
* A self signed certificate and key is created on the deploy host at deploy
time by the OSA role (stored in a well known location on the deploy host)
The existing ansible roles pick these up
* Disable SSL certificate usage
To replace ssh keys
* Signed ssh certificates are created on the deploy host and copied to the
relevant .ssh user directories. The signing CA is installed into the relevant
ssh_config file in /etc/
Upgrade impact
By default self-singed alternatives will be used for all types of services.
In case deployer would like to omit that, he will need to explicitly disable
that behaviour before upgrade.
No other impact for upgrades is planned at the moment.
Security impact
Realization of this blueprint should make systems more secure because
of the SSL usage for most of the interactions and enabling SSL verification
even for the self-singed sertificates.
Performance impact
This may decrease performance slightly because SSL encryption requires several
extra CPU cycles and TLS handshake to be performed, however this drawdown can
be neglected.
End user impact
No end user impact
Deployer impact
The deployer will be able to provide:
* Root CA
* An intermediate cert and key
Also we should leave possible to disable SSL usage for services.
Developer impact
This blueprint will ease maintenance of the roles, because all SSL-specific
parts will be moved to the standalone role. So in case of the need to change
specific task it would be done in a single place rather than in each role.
Primary assignee:
Other contributors:
Work items
We will enable self-singed certificates usage in CI
Documentation impact
Documentation of the added options and architecture should be added at the
end of the day, as well as release notes.
* Etherpad discussion: