Merge "Gather more logs when running tests"

This commit is contained in:
Zuul 2017-12-02 11:42:04 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 8fc92038f1

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@ -26,43 +26,98 @@
## Vars ----------------------------------------------------------------------
export WORKING_DIR=${WORKING_DIR:-$(pwd)}
export RSYNC_CMD="rsync --archive --safe-links --ignore-errors --quiet --no-perms --no-owner --no-group"
export RSYNC_ETC_CMD="${RSYNC_CMD} --no-links --exclude selinux/"
export RSYNC_CMD="rsync --archive --safe-links --ignore-errors --quiet --no-perms --no-owner --no-group"
# NOTE(cloudnull): This is a very simple list of common directories in /etc we
# wish to search for when storing gate artifacts. When adding
# things to this list please alphabetize the entries so it's
# easy for folks to find and adjust items as needed.
aodh \
barbican \
ceilometer \
cinder \
designate \
glance \
gnocchi \
haproxy \
heat \
horizon \
ironic \
keystone \
magnum \
memcached \
molteniron \
my.cnf \
mysql \
network \
nginx \
neutron \
nova \
octavia \
rabbitmq \
rally \
repo \
rsyslog \
sahara \
swift \
sysconfig/network-scripts \
sysconfig/network \
tacker \
tempest \
trove \
yum \
## Functions -----------------------------------------------------------------
function store_artifacts {
# Store known artifacts only if they exist. If the target directory does
# exist, it will be created.
# USAGE: store_artifacts /src/to/artifacts /path/to/store
if [[ -e "${1}" ]]; then
if [[ ! -d "${2}" ]]; then
mkdir -vp "${2}"
echo "Running artifact sync for \"${1}\" to \"${2}\""
sudo ${RSYNC_CMD} ${1} ${2} || true
## Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "#### BEGIN LOG COLLECTION ###"
mkdir -vp \
"${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ara" \
"${WORKING_DIR}/logs/host" \
"${WORKING_DIR}/logs/openstack" \
"${WORKING_DIR}/logs/etc/host" \
"${WORKING_DIR}/logs/etc/openstack" \
mkdir -vp "${WORKING_DIR}/logs"
# NOTE(mhayden): We use sudo here to ensure that all logs are copied.
sudo ${RSYNC_CMD} /var/log/ "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/host" || true
if [ -d "/openstack/log" ]; then
sudo ${RSYNC_CMD} /openstack/log/ "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/openstack" || true
# Gather basic logs
store_artifacts /openstack/log/ansible-logging/ "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ansible"
store_artifacts /openstack/log/ "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/openstack"
store_artifacts /var/log/ "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/host"
# Get the ara sqlite database
store_artifacts "${TESTING_HOME}/.ara/ansible.sqlite" "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ara/"
# Gather host etc artifacts
for service in ${COMMON_ETC_LOG_NAMES}; do
store_artifacts "/etc/${service}" "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/etc/host/"
# Gather container etc artifacts
if which lxc-ls &> /dev/null; then
for CONTAINER_NAME in $(sudo lxc-ls -1); do
CONTAINER_PID=$(sudo lxc-info -p -n ${CONTAINER_NAME} | awk '{print $2}')
for service in ${COMMON_ETC_LOG_NAMES}; do
store_artifacts ${ETC_DIR}/${service} "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/etc/openstack/${CONTAINER_NAME}/"
store_artifacts ${LOG_DIR}/${service} "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/openstack/${CONTAINER_NAME}/"
# NOTE(cloudnull): This is collection thousands of files resulting in infra upload
# issues. To remove immediate pressure this is being stopped and
# we can circle back on this to make the etc file collection more
# focused.
# # Archive host's /etc directory
# sudo ${RSYNC_ETC_CMD} /etc/ "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/etc/host/" || true
# # Loop over each container and archive its /etc directory
# if which lxc-ls &> /dev/null; then
# for CONTAINER_NAME in `sudo lxc-ls -1`; do
# CONTAINER_PID=$(sudo lxc-info -p -n ${CONTAINER_NAME} | awk '{print $2}')
# ETC_DIR="/proc/${CONTAINER_PID}/root/etc/"
# sudo ${RSYNC_ETC_CMD} ${ETC_DIR} "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/etc/openstack/${CONTAINER_NAME}/" || true
# done
# fi
# NOTE(mhayden): All of the files must be world-readable so that the log
# pickup jobs will work properly. Without this, you get a "File not found"
# when trying to read the files in the job results.
@ -72,18 +127,10 @@ fi
sudo chmod -R ugo+rX "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/"
sudo chown -R $(whoami) "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/"
if [ ! -z "${ANSIBLE_LOG_DIR}" ]; then
mkdir -p "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ansible"
${RSYNC_CMD} "${ANSIBLE_LOG_DIR}/" "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ansible" || true
# Rename all files gathered to have a .txt suffix so that the compressed
# files are viewable via a web browser in OpenStack-CI.
find "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/" -type f ! -name '*.html' -exec mv {} {}.txt \;
# Get the ara sqlite database
${RSYNC_CMD} "${TESTING_HOME}/.ara/ansible.sqlite" "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ara/" || true
# Figure out the correct path for ARA
# As this script is not run through tox, and the tox envs are all
# different names, we need to try and find the right path to execute
@ -99,6 +146,7 @@ if [[ "${ARA_CMD}" != "" ]]; then
# when the test result is a failure. The ARA sqlite database is
# still available for self generation if desired for successful
# tests.
mkdir -vp "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ara"
if [[ "${TEST_EXIT_CODE}" != "0" ]] && [[ "${TEST_EXIT_CODE}" != "true" ]]; then
echo "Generating ARA report."
${ARA_CMD} generate html "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ara" || true
@ -135,6 +183,11 @@ elif which apt-get &> /dev/null; then
sudo apt list --installed > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ubuntu-apt-list-installed.txt" || true
# Record the active interface configs
for interface in $(ip -o link | awk -F':' '{print $2}'); do
ethtool -k ${interface} > "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/ethtool-${interface}-cfg.txt"
# Compress the files gathered so that they do not take up too much space.
# We use 'command' to ensure that we're not executing with some sort of alias.
command gzip --best --recursive "${WORKING_DIR}/logs/"