--- # Copyright 2015, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - import_playbook: test-repo-setup.yml - name: Playbook for configuring hosts hosts: localhost # This set of tasks runs against localhost # and requires root access, but tests run as # the user running the playbook (zuul). As # such, we use a local connection and become. connection: local become: yes vars_files: - test-vars.yml tasks: - include_tasks: "common-tasks/test-set-nodepool-vars.yml" - name: Clear iptables rules shell: "{{ playbook_dir }}/iptables-clear.sh" register: iptables_clear tags: - skip_ansible_lint - name: Set ssh key fact set_fact: lxc_container_ssh_key: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['lxc_container_ssh_key'] }}" - name: Ensure roots new public ssh key is in authorized_keys authorized_key: user: root key: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['lxc_container_ssh_key'] }}" manage_dir: no # This is a very dirty hack due to images.linuxcontainers.org # constantly failing to resolve in openstack-infra. - name: Implement hard-coded hosts entries for consistently failing name lineinfile: path: "/etc/hosts" line: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - " images.linuxcontainers.org us.images.linuxcontainers.org" - " images.linuxcontainers.org uk.images.linuxcontainers.org" # NOTE(mhayden): Using package_state=present on CentOS or openSUSE should allow for # more gate jobs to complete properly and expose more problems that can # be fixed (instead of timeouts). - name: Use present for package_state on CentOS and openSUSE set_fact: package_state: "{{ (ansible_pkg_mgr in ['dnf', 'yum', 'zypper']) | ternary('present', 'latest') }}" - name: Setup clouds.yaml for the test user include_role: name: openstack_openrc private: yes vars: openrc_file_dest: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}/openrc" openrc_file_owner: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}" openrc_openstack_client_config_dir_dest: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}/.config/openstack" openrc_openstack_client_config_dir_owner: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}" openrc_clouds_yml_file_owner: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}" - name: Setup clouds.yaml for the root user include_role: name: openstack_openrc private: yes vars: openrc_file_dest: "/root/openrc" openrc_file_owner: "root" openrc_openstack_client_config_dir_dest: "/root/.config/openstack" openrc_openstack_client_config_dir_owner: "root" openrc_clouds_yml_file_owner: "root" - import_playbook: test-install-openstack-hosts.yml - name: Playbook for configuring the LXC host hosts: localhost # This set of tasks runs against localhost # and requires root access, but tests run as # the user running the playbook (zuul). As # such, we use a local connection and become. connection: local become: yes vars_files: - test-vars.yml roles: - role: "lxc_hosts" post_tasks: - name: Trigger dnsmasq restart command: /bin/true changed_when: - (lxc_net_manage_iptables is defined) and (lxc_net_manage_iptables | bool) - (iptables_clear is defined) and (iptables_clear is changed) notify: - Restart dnsmasq - name: Playbook for configuring test host networking hosts: localhost # This set of tasks runs against localhost # and requires root access, but tests run as # the user running the playbook (zuul). As # such, we use a local connection and become. connection: local become: yes vars: iptool_path: debian: "/sbin/ip" gentoo: "/bin/ip" redhat: "/usr/sbin/ip" suse: "/bin/ip" vars_files: - test-vars.yml tasks: - name: Run the systemd-networkd role include_role: name: systemd_networkd private: true vars: systemd_interface_cleanup: true systemd_run_networkd: true systemd_netdevs: |- {% set systemd_network_devices = [] %} {% for interface in (bridges | default([])) %} {% if interface is string %} {% set _ = systemd_network_devices.append({'NetDev': {'Name': 'dummy-' + interface, 'Kind': 'dummy'}}) %} {% set _ = systemd_network_devices.append({'NetDev': {'Name': interface, 'Kind': 'bridge'}}) %} {% else %} {% set interface_name = (interface.name | default('br-mgmt')) %} {% set _ = systemd_network_devices.append({'NetDev': {'Name': 'dummy-' + interface_name, 'Kind': 'dummy'}}) %} {% set _ = systemd_network_devices.append({'NetDev': {'Name': interface_name, 'Kind': 'bridge'}}) %} {% if interface.veth_peer is defined %} {% set _ = systemd_network_devices.append({'NetDev': {'Name': interface_name + '-veth', 'Kind': 'veth'}, 'Peer': {'Name': interface.veth_peer}}) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ systemd_network_devices }} systemd_networks: |- {# If the interface is a string or no ip address is defined and the default address "" will be used #} {% set systemd_network_networks = [] %} {% for interface in (bridges | default([])) %} {% if interface is string %} {% set _ = systemd_network_networks.append({'interface': 'dummy-' + interface, 'bridge': interface}) %} {% set _ = systemd_network_networks.append({'interface': interface, 'address': '', 'netmask': ''}) %} {% else %} {% set interface_name = (interface.name | default('br-mgmt')) %} {% if interface.alias is defined %} {% set _ = systemd_network_networks.append({'interface': 'dummy-' + interface_name, 'bridge': interface_name}) %} {% set _ = systemd_network_networks.append({'interface': interface_name, 'netmask': (interface.netmask | default('')), 'config_overrides': {'Network': {'Address': {(interface.ip_addr | default('')): null, (interface.alias | string): null}}}}) %} {% else %} {% set _ = systemd_network_networks.append({'interface': 'dummy-' + interface_name, 'bridge': interface_name}) %} {% set _ = systemd_network_networks.append({'interface': interface_name, 'address': (interface.ip_addr | default('')), 'netmask': (interface.netmask | default('')), 'ipforward': true}) %} {% endif %} {% if interface.veth_peer is defined %} {% set _ = systemd_network_networks.append({'interface': interface.veth_peer + '-veth', 'bridge': interface_name}) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ systemd_network_networks }} - name: Run the systemd service role include_role: name: systemd_service private: true vars: systemd_services: - service_name: "networking-post-up" config_overrides: Unit: Description: networking-post-up After: network-online.target Wants: network-online.target Service: RemainAfterExit: yes service_type: oneshot execstarts: |- {% set veths = ['-/sbin/ethtool -K ' + (bootstrap_host_public_interface | default(ansible_default_ipv4['alias'])) + ' gso off sg off tso off tx off'] %} {% for interface in (bridges | default([])) %} {% if interface is string %} {% set _ = veths.append('-' + iptool_path[ansible_os_family | lower] + ' link set ' + interface + ' up') %} {% set _ = veths.append('-/sbin/ethtool -K ' + interface + ' gso off sg off tso off tx off') %} {% else %} {% set interface_name = (interface.name | default('br-mgmt')) %} {% set _ = veths.append('-' + iptool_path[ansible_os_family | lower] + ' link set ' + interface_name + ' up') %} {% set _ = veths.append('-/sbin/ethtool -K ' + interface_name + ' gso off sg off tso off tx off') %} {% if interface.veth_peer is defined %} {% set _ = veths.append('-' + iptool_path[ansible_os_family | lower] + ' link set ' + interface_name + '-veth up') %} {% set _ = veths.append('-' + iptool_path[ansible_os_family | lower] + ' link set ' + interface.veth_peer + ' up') %} {% set _ = veths.append('-/sbin/ethtool -K ' + interface.veth_peer + ' gso off sg off tso off tx off') %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ veths }} enabled: yes state: started systemd_tempd_prefix: openstack tags: - network-config post_tasks: - name: (RE)Gather facts post setup setup: gather_subset: "all" - name: Set interfaces fact set_fact: active_interfaces: |- {% set interfaces = [] %} {% for interface in (bridges | default([])) %} {% if interface is string %} {% set interface_name = interface %} {% else %} {% set interface_name = (interface.name | default('br-mgmt')) %} {% endif %} {% set _ = interfaces.append(hostvars[inventory_hostname][('ansible_' + (interface_name | replace('-', '_')))]['active'] == true) %} {% endfor %} {{ interfaces }} - name: Check that new network interfaces are up assert: that: "{{ active_interfaces }}"