#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2016, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # WARNING: # This file is use by all OpenStack-Ansible roles for testing purposes. # Any changes here will affect all OpenStack-Ansible role repositories # with immediate effect. # PURPOSE: # This script prepares the host with all the required Ansible # roles and plugins to execute the test playbook. ## Shell Opts ---------------------------------------------------------------- set -e ## Vars ---------------------------------------------------------------------- export TESTING_HOME=${TESTING_HOME:-$HOME} export WORKING_DIR=${WORKING_DIR:-$(pwd)} export ROLE_NAME=${ROLE_NAME:-''} export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=${ANSIBLE_INVENTORY:-$WORKING_DIR/tests/inventory} export ANSIBLE_ROLE_REQUIREMENTS_PATH=${ANSIBLE_ROLE_REQUIREMENTS_PATH:-$WORKING_DIR/tests/ansible-role-requirements.yml} export ANSIBLE_EXTRA_ROLE_DIRS=${ANSIBLE_EXTRA_ROLE_DIRS:-''} export ANSIBLE_CFG_PATH="${TESTING_HOME}/.ansible.cfg" export ANSIBLE_LOG_DIR="${TESTING_HOME}/.ansible/logs" export ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR=1 export ANSIBLE_PLUGIN_DIR="${TESTING_HOME}/.ansible/plugins" export ANSIBLE_ROLE_DEP_DIR="${TESTING_HOME}/.ansible/roles" export ANSIBLE_ROLE_DIR="${TESTING_HOME}/.ansible/testing-role" export COMMON_TESTS_PATH="${WORKING_DIR}/tests/common" export OSA_OPS_DIR="${WORKING_DIR}/openstack-ansible-ops" echo "TESTING_HOME: ${TESTING_HOME}" echo "WORKING_DIR: ${WORKING_DIR}" echo "ROLE_NAME: ${ROLE_NAME}" echo "ANSIBLE_INVENTORY: ${ANSIBLE_INVENTORY}" # Output all the zuul parameters if they're set if [ -z "${ZUUL_CHANGE_IDS}" ]; then echo -e "\n### ZUUL PARAMETERS BEGIN ###\n" printenv | grep ^ZUUL || true echo -e "\n### ZUUL PARAMETERS END ###\n" fi # Toggle the reset of all data cloned from other repositories. export TEST_RESET=${TEST_RESET:-false} # Make sure that python is not buffering output so that the # console output is immediate. export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 ## Functions ----------------------------------------------------------------- function create_plugins_clonemap { # Prepare the clonemap for zuul-cloner to use cat > ${TESTING_HOME}/plugins-clonemap.yaml << EOF clonemap: - name: openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins dest: ${ANSIBLE_PLUGIN_DIR} - name: openstack/openstack-ansible-ops dest: ${OSA_OPS_DIR} EOF } function setup_ara { # Don't do anything if ARA has already been set up [[ -L "${ANSIBLE_PLUGIN_DIR}/callback/ara" ]] && return 0 # Install ARA from source if running in ARA gate, otherwise install from PyPi ARA_SRC_HOME="${TESTING_HOME}/src/git.openstack.org/openstack/ara" if [[ -d "${ARA_SRC_HOME}" ]]; then pip install --constraint "${COMMON_TESTS_PATH}/test-ansible-deps.txt" "${ARA_SRC_HOME}" else pip install --constraint "${COMMON_TESTS_PATH}/test-ansible-deps.txt" ara==0.14.0 fi # Dynamically figure out the location of ARA (ex: py2 vs py3) ara_location=$(python -c "import os,ara; print(os.path.dirname(ara.__file__))") echo "Linking ${ANSIBLE_PLUGIN_DIR}/callback/ara to ${ara_location}/plugins/callbacks/" mkdir -p "${ANSIBLE_PLUGIN_DIR}/callback/ara" ln -sf "${ara_location}/plugins/callbacks" "${ANSIBLE_PLUGIN_DIR}/callback/ara/" } ## Main ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If the test reset toggle is set, destroy the existing cloned data. if [ "${TEST_RESET}" == "true" ]; then echo "Resetting all cloned data." rm -f "${ANSIBLE_CFG_PATH}" rm -rf "${ANSIBLE_LOG_DIR}" rm -rf "${ANSIBLE_PLUGIN_DIR}" rm -rf "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_DIR}" fi # Create the directory which will hold all Ansible logs mkdir -p "${ANSIBLE_LOG_DIR}" # If zuul-cloner is present, use it so that we # also include any dependent patches from the # plugins repo noted in the commit message. # We only want to use zuul-cloner if we detect # zuul v2 running, so we check for the presence # of the ZUUL_REF environment variable. # ref: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul/tree/zuul/ansible/filter/zuul_filters.py?h=feature/zuulv3#n17 if [[ -x /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner ]] && [[ "${ZUUL_REF:-none}" != "none" ]]; then # Prepare the clonemap for zuul-cloner to use create_plugins_clonemap # Execute the clone /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner \ --cache-dir /opt/git \ --map ${TESTING_HOME}/plugins-clonemap.yaml \ git://git.openstack.org \ openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins \ openstack/openstack-ansible-ops # Clean up the clonemap. rm -f ${TESTING_HOME}/plugins-clonemap.yaml # Alternatively, use a simple git-clone. We do # not re-clone if the directory exists already # to prevent overwriting any local changes which # may have been made. else if [[ ! -d "${ANSIBLE_PLUGIN_DIR}" ]]; then # The plugins repo doesn't need a clone, we can just # symlink it. As zuul v3 clones into a folder called # 'workspace' we have to use one of its environment # variables to determine the project name. if [[ "${ZUUL_SHORT_PROJECT_NAME:-none}" == "openstack-ansible-plugins" ]] ||\ [[ "$(basename ${WORKING_DIR})" == "openstack-ansible-plugins" ]]; then ln -s ${WORKING_DIR} "${ANSIBLE_PLUGIN_DIR}" else git clone -b stable/pike \ https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins \ "${ANSIBLE_PLUGIN_DIR}" fi fi if [[ ! -d "${OSA_OPS_DIR}" ]]; then # The ops repo doesn't need a clone, we can just # symlink it. As zuul v3 clones into a folder called # 'workspace' we have to use one of its environment # variables to determine the project name. if [[ "${ZUUL_SHORT_PROJECT_NAME:-none}" == "openstack-ansible-ops" ]] ||\ [[ "$(basename ${WORKING_DIR})" == "openstack-ansible-ops" ]]; then ln -s ${WORKING_DIR} "${OSA_OPS_DIR}" else git clone -b stable/pike \ https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-ops \ "${OSA_OPS_DIR}" fi fi fi # Download the Ansible role repositories if they are not present on the host. # This is ignored if there is no ansible-role-requirements file. if [ ! -d "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_DEP_DIR}" ] && [ -f "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_REQUIREMENTS_PATH}" ]; then ansible-playbook -i ${ANSIBLE_INVENTORY} \ ${COMMON_TESTS_PATH}/get-ansible-role-requirements.yml \ -v fi # If a role name is provided, replace the role in the roles folder with a link # to the current folder. This ensures that the test executes with the checked # out git repo. if [ ! -z "${ROLE_NAME}" ]; then echo "Linking ${ANSIBLE_ROLE_DIR}/${ROLE_NAME} to ${WORKING_DIR}" mkdir -p "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_DIR}" rm -rf "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_DIR}/${ROLE_NAME}" ln -s "${WORKING_DIR}" "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_DIR}/${ROLE_NAME}" else echo "Skipping the role link because no role name was provided." fi # Ensure that the Ansible configuration file is in the right place if [ ! -f "${ANSIBLE_CFG_PATH}" ]; then if [ -f "${COMMON_TESTS_PATH}/test-ansible.cfg" ]; then echo "Linking ${ANSIBLE_CFG_PATH} to ${COMMON_TESTS_PATH}/test-ansible.cfg" ln -s "${COMMON_TESTS_PATH}/test-ansible.cfg" "${ANSIBLE_CFG_PATH}" else echo "Skipping the ansible.cfg link because ${COMMON_TESTS_PATH}/test-ansible.cfg is not there!" fi else echo "Found ${ANSIBLE_CFG_PATH} so there's nothing more to do." fi # Adjust the Ansible configuration file to include the extra # role paths if any are provided and they're not already set. if [ ! -z "${ANSIBLE_EXTRA_ROLE_DIRS}" ]; then if ! grep -q "roles_path.*${ANSIBLE_EXTRA_ROLE_DIRS}" "${ANSIBLE_CFG_PATH}"; then sed -i "s|HOME/.ansible/roles.*|HOME/.ansible/roles:${ANSIBLE_ROLE_DIR}:${ANSIBLE_EXTRA_ROLE_DIRS}|" "${ANSIBLE_CFG_PATH}" fi fi setup_ara