Jean-Philippe Evrard fd159b456d Update scripts for Queens
Update various scripts for Queens branch.

Change-Id: Ic53ed53c84a991e1a702348462565f9c13513936
2018-02-14 17:13:10 +00:00

206 lines
6.2 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright 2017, SUSE LINUX GmbH.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script will sync $files_to_sync files across all supported repositories as
# returned by the script. The goal here is to try and sync
# all these files at regular intervals so the code in the repositories is
# tested in the same way on both the OpenStack CI and the Vagrant platforms.
# This script will open reviews in the OpenStack gerrit so make sure your system is
# configured properly to submit upstream reviews. Use ./ -h
# to get more information on how to use this script. Bugs about this script
# should be submitted to the openstack-ansible project on launchpad as usual.
set -eu
usage() {
cat <<EOF
${0} [options]
Valid options are:
-h, --help: This message
-i, --interactive: Shows git diffs and requires user confirmation before
submitting reviews
-n, --dry-run: Shows git diffs and executes 'git-review -n' to show
what will happen on a normal run
exclude_project() {
excluded_projects+="${1} "
cleanup() {
[[ -d ${tempdir} ]] && { echo "Cleaning up ${tempdir}"; rm -rf ${tempdir}; }
process_changes() {
local project=${1}
local review=${2}
cd ${project}
# if nothing changed just return
git diff --quiet && echo "No new changes to commit" && return 0
${dry_run} || ${interactive} && git diff
if ${interactive}; then
read -p 'Submit review? [y/N] ' review
! [[ ${review} =~ ^(Y|y) ]] && return 0
# Prepare gerrit
git review -s
# Commit changes
git add .
git commit $([[ ${review} == "__no_review__" ]] || printf %s '--amend') -m 'Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests'
git review $(${dry_run} && printf %s '-n')
check_and_ignore() {
for z in $(echo ${excluded_projects} | tr ' ' '\n'); do
[[ ${1} == ${z} ]] && return 0
return 1
copy_files() {
local osa_project=${1}
# Copy files
for f in ${files_to_sync[@]}; do
[[ ! -e ${osa_project}/$f ]] && continue
cp $f ${osa_project}/$f
# Do not change these files unless you know what you are doing
declare -ra files_to_sync=( bindep.txt Vagrantfile tests/ .gitignore)
declare -r openstack_git_url="git://"
OPTS=$(getopt -o hin --long help,interactive,dry-run -n '$(basename ${0}' -- "$@")
eval set -- "${OPTS}"
while true; do
case "${1}" in
-i|--interactive) interactive=true; shift ;;
-n|--dry-run) dry_run=true; shift ;;
--) shift; break ;;
-h|--help) usage; exit 1 ;;
# Always exclude openstack-ansible-tests repository. This is not
# necessary because osa_projects should never include "openstack-ansible-tests"
# but it can serve as an example for users who may add more
# projects in the future.
exclude_project "openstack-ansible-tests"
############################# ZUUL SYNCING ###################################
# If we running in the OpenStack CI then the first argument is going to be the
# project directory and all we need to do is to simply copy files. The
# environment is already prepared.
if env | grep -q ^ZUUL; then
# Some debug information.
echo "Running in a Zuul environment"
echo "Current directory: $(pwd)"
echo "OSA project: '${1}'"
# Do we need to skip that repo?
check_and_ignore ${1} && exit 0
# This should never happen if Zuul is working properly
[[ ! -d ${1} ]] && { echo "${1} does not exit! Refusing to proceed"; exit 1; }
copy_files ${1}
# Return back to zuul. No furher processing is required.
exit 0
declare -ra osa_projects=($(./
# Make sure interactive and dry run can't be used together
${dry_run} && ${interactive} && \
echo "Can't use interactive and dry-run at the same time. Disabling interactive mode..." && \
# Create a temporary directory
tempdir=$(mktemp -d -q || { echo "Failed to create temporary directory"; exit 1; })
trap cleanup EXIT
# make sure this is brand new
echo "=> Temporary directory for OSA repositories: ${tempdir}"
mkdir ${tempdir}
pushd ${tempdir} &> /dev/null
echo "=> Cloning openstack-ansible-tests repository"
eval git clone -b stable/queens ${openstack_git_url}/openstack/openstack-ansible-tests
echo -e "\n---------------------------------------------\n"
for proj in ${osa_projects[@]}; do
proj_dir=$(basename ${proj})
# Skip the project if it is in the excluded list
check_and_ignore ${proj_dir} && continue
echo "=> ##### ${proj} #####"
eval git clone -b stable/queens ${openstack_git_url}/$proj
pushd $proj_dir &> /dev/null
git checkout -b openstack/openstack-ansible-tests/sync-tests
# if there an open review, re-use it
open_review=$(git review --no-color -l | \
grep -v "^Found" | \
grep "Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests" | \
tail -n1 | awk '{print $1}')
[[ -n ${open_review} ]] && \
echo "Using existing review #${open_review} for ${proj_dir}" && \
git review -x ${open_review}
popd &> /dev/null
# Copy files
pushd openstack-ansible-tests &> /dev/null
copy_files ${proj_dir}
popd &> /dev/null
process_changes ${proj_dir} ${open_review:="__no_review__"}
# Clean up the directory
rm -rf ${proj_dir}
echo -e "=> ##################################################\n"
popd &> /dev/null
echo "All OpenStack Ansible repositories have been synced successfully!"
echo "Happy testing ;-)"
exit 0