diff --git a/inventory/group_vars/haproxy/haproxy.yml b/inventory/group_vars/haproxy/haproxy.yml index 78601245cc..e7c25ffbdf 100644 --- a/inventory/group_vars/haproxy/haproxy.yml +++ b/inventory/group_vars/haproxy/haproxy.yml @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ haproxy_horizon_service: haproxy_redirect_scheme: "{{ (haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_enable | bool and haproxy_ssl | bool) | ternary('https if !{ ssl_fc } !{ path_beg /.well-known/acme-challenge/ }', 'https if !{ ssl_fc }') }}" haproxy_frontend_acls: "{{ (haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_enable | bool and haproxy_ssl | bool) | ternary(haproxy_ssl_letsencrypt_acl, {}) }}" haproxy_acls: "{{ keystone_security_txt_content is defined | ternary(haproxy_security_txt_acl, {}) }}" - haproxy_raw: "{{ (haproxy_ssl | bool and haproxy_security_headers is defined) | ternary( haproxy_security_headers + [ haproxy_horizon_csp | default(haproxy_security_headers_csp)], []) }}" + haproxy_frontend_raw: "{{ (haproxy_ssl | bool and haproxy_security_headers is defined) | ternary( haproxy_security_headers + [ haproxy_horizon_csp | default(haproxy_security_headers_csp)], []) }}" haproxy_ironic_api_service: haproxy_service_name: ironic_api