diff --git a/scripts/bootstrap-aio.sh b/scripts/bootstrap-aio.sh
index df778006c4..ac03ddc77c 100755
--- a/scripts/bootstrap-aio.sh
+++ b/scripts/bootstrap-aio.sh
@@ -25,8 +25,13 @@ export BOOTSTRAP_OPTS=${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS:-''}
 # Run AIO bootstrap playbook
 pushd tests
-  ansible-playbook -i test-inventory.ini \
-                   -e "${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS}" \
-                   bootstrap-aio.yml
+  if [ -z "${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS}" ]; then
+    ansible-playbook bootstrap-aio.yml \
+                     -i test-inventory.ini
+  else
+    ansible-playbook bootstrap-aio.yml \
+                     -i test-inventory.ini \
+                     -e "${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS}"
+  fi
diff --git a/scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh b/scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh
index 2af7f4f068..5b00198b43 100755
--- a/scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh
+++ b/scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ info_block "Checking for required libraries." 2> /dev/null ||
 ## Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 info_block "Bootstrapping System with Ansible"
+# Store the clone repo root location
+export OSA_CLONE_DIR="$(pwd)"
 # Set the variable to the role file to be the absolute path
@@ -106,32 +109,23 @@ ${PIP_COMMAND} install ${PIP_OPTS} ${PIP_INSTALL_OPTIONS} || ${PIP_COMMAND} inst
 # Install the required packages for ansible
 $PIP_COMMAND install $PIP_OPTS -r requirements.txt ${ANSIBLE_PACKAGE} || $PIP_COMMAND install --isolated $PIP_OPTS -r requirements.txt ${ANSIBLE_PACKAGE}
-# Link the venv installation of Ansible to the local path
-pushd /usr/local/bin
-    find /opt/ansible-runtime/bin/ -name 'ansible*' -exec ln -sf {} \;
+# Ensure that Ansible binaries run from the venv
+pushd /opt/ansible-runtime/bin
+  for ansible_bin in $(ls -1 ansible*); do
+    if [ "${ansible_bin}" == "ansible" ] || [ "${ansible_bin}" == "ansible-playbook" ]; then
+      # For the 'ansible' and 'ansible-playbook' commands we want to use our wrapper
+      ln -sf /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible /usr/local/bin/${ansible_bin}
+    else
+      # For any other commands, we want to link directly to the binary
+      ln -sf /opt/ansible-runtime/bin/${ansible_bin} /usr/local/bin/${ansible_bin}
+    fi
+  done
-# If the Ansible plugins are in the old location remove them.
-[[ -d "/etc/ansible/plugins" ]] && rm -rf "/etc/ansible/plugins"
-# Update dependent roles
-if [ -f "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE}" ]; then
-  if [[ "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FETCH_MODE}" == 'galaxy' ]];then
-    # Pull all required roles.
-    ansible-galaxy install --role-file="${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE}" \
-                           --force
-  elif [[ "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FETCH_MODE}" == 'git-clone' ]];then
-    pushd tests
-      ansible-playbook -i "localhost ansible-connection=local," \
-                       get-ansible-role-requirements.yml \
-                       -e role_file="${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE}"
-    popd
-  else
-    echo "Please set the ANSIBLE_ROLE_FETCH_MODE to either of the following options ['galaxy', 'git-clone']"
-    exit 99
-  fi
 # Copy the OSA Ansible rc file into place
 if [[ ! -f "/usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible.rc" ]]; then
   cp scripts/openstack-ansible.rc /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible.rc
@@ -161,21 +155,74 @@ cat > /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible <<EOF
 export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:${PATH}"
 function info() {
-    echo -e "\e[0;35m\${@}\e[0m"
+    if [ "\${ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR:-0}" -eq "1" ]; then
+      echo -e "\${@}"
+    else
+      echo -e "\e[0;35m\${@}\e[0m"
+    fi
-# Discover the variable files.
-VAR1="\$(for i in \$(ls /etc/openstack_deploy/user_*.yml); do echo -ne "-e @\$i "; done)"
+# Figure out which Ansible binary was executed
+RUN_CMD=\$(basename \${0})
-# Provide information on the discovered variables.
-info "Variable files: \"\${VAR1}\""
+# Apply the OpenStack-Ansible configuration selectively.
+if [[ "\${PWD}" == *"${OSA_CLONE_DIR}"* ]] || [ "\${RUN_CMD}" == "openstack-ansible" ]; then
-# Run the ansible playbook command.
-. /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible.rc && \$(which ansible-playbook) \${VAR1} \$@
+  # Source the Ansible configuration.
+  . /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible.rc
+  # Check whether there are any user configuration files
+  if ls -1 /etc/openstack_deploy/user_*.yml &> /dev/null; then
+    # Discover the variable files.
+    VAR1="\$(for i in \$(ls /etc/openstack_deploy/user_*.yml); do echo -ne "-e @\$i "; done)"
+    # Provide information on the discovered variables.
+    info "Variable files: \"\${VAR1}\""
+  fi
+  # If you're not executing 'openstack-ansible' and are
+  # not in the OSA git clone root, then do not source
+  # the configuration and do not add extra vars.
+  VAR1=""
+# Execute the Ansible command.
+if [ "\${RUN_CMD}" == "openstack-ansible" ] || [ "\${RUN_CMD}" == "ansible-playbook" ]; then
+  /opt/ansible-runtime/bin/ansible-playbook \${@} \${VAR1}
+  /opt/ansible-runtime/bin/\${RUN_CMD} "\${@}"
 # Ensure wrapper tool is executable
 chmod +x /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible
-echo "openstack-ansible script created."
+echo "openstack-ansible wrapper created."
+# If the Ansible plugins are in the old location remove them.
+[[ -d "/etc/ansible/plugins" ]] && rm -rf "/etc/ansible/plugins"
+# Update dependent roles
+if [ -f "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE}" ]; then
+  if [[ "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FETCH_MODE}" == 'galaxy' ]];then
+    # Pull all required roles.
+    ansible-galaxy install --role-file="${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE}" \
+                           --force
+  elif [[ "${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FETCH_MODE}" == 'git-clone' ]];then
+    pushd tests
+      ansible-playbook get-ansible-role-requirements.yml \
+                       -i ${OSA_CLONE_DIR}/tests/test-inventory.ini \
+                       -e role_file="${ANSIBLE_ROLE_FILE}"
+    popd
+  else
+    echo "Please set the ANSIBLE_ROLE_FETCH_MODE to either of the following options ['galaxy', 'git-clone']"
+    exit 99
+  fi
 echo "System is bootstrapped and ready for use."
diff --git a/scripts/gate-check-commit.sh b/scripts/gate-check-commit.sh
index 31310adf7e..bb22fa9bf4 100755
--- a/scripts/gate-check-commit.sh
+++ b/scripts/gate-check-commit.sh
@@ -72,10 +72,16 @@ iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
 # Bootstrap an AIO
 pushd "$(dirname "${0}")/../tests"
-  ansible-playbook -i test-inventory.ini \
-                   -e "${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS}" \
-                   ${ANSIBLE_PARAMETERS} \
-                   bootstrap-aio.yml
+  if [ -z "${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS}" ]; then
+    ansible-playbook bootstrap-aio.yml \
+                     -i test-inventory.ini \
+                     ${ANSIBLE_PARAMETERS}
+  else
+    ansible-playbook bootstrap-aio.yml \
+                     -i test-inventory.ini \
+                     -e "${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS}" \
+                     ${ANSIBLE_PARAMETERS}
+  fi
 # Implement the log directory
diff --git a/scripts/scripts-library.sh b/scripts/scripts-library.sh
index 4d835b547a..d93316f177 100755
--- a/scripts/scripts-library.sh
+++ b/scripts/scripts-library.sh
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ function successerator {
 function install_bits {
   # Use the successerator to run openstack-ansible
-  successerator openstack-ansible ${ANSIBLE_PARAMETERS} $@
+  successerator openstack-ansible $@ ${ANSIBLE_PARAMETERS}
 function ssh_key_create {