--- # Copyright 2023, BBC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This is packaged in ubuntu for Kinetic and later - name: Install step-ca packages package: deb: "{{ (ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt') | ternary(item, omit) }}" name: "{{ (ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'dnf') | ternary(item, omit) }}" with_items: "{{ step_ca_package_urls }}" - name: Ensure user is present user: name: "{{ step_ca_user }}" state: present create_home: yes home: "{{ step_ca_config_dir }}" system: yes shell: /bin/bash - name: Ensure group is present group: name: "{{ step_ca_group }}" state: present system: yes - name: Set STEPPATH variable to point to config directory to allow CLI commands to work lineinfile: dest: /etc/environment line: 'STEPPATH="{{ step_ca_config_dir }}"' state: present - name: Ensure that the config and db directories exists file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory owner: "{{ step_ca_user }}" group: "{{ step_ca_group }}" recurse: true with_items: - "{{ step_ca_config_dir }}" - "{{ step_ca_config_dir }}/config" - "{{ step_ca_config_dir }}/db" - name: Ensure that the intermediate key password file is created copy: content: "{{ step_ca_intermediate_password }}" dest: "{{ step_ca_config_dir}}/config/password.txt" mode: 0600 owner: "{{ step_ca_user }}" - name: Intialise Step-CA, only if config file doesn't exist become: yes become_user: "{{ step_ca_user }}" command: > step ca init --name="{{ step_ca_name }}" --dns="{{ step_ca_dns_name | join(',') }}" --provisioner=delete-me --password-file="{{ step_ca_config_dir}}/config/password.txt" --address="{{ step_ca_listen_address }}" args: creates: "{{ step_ca_config_dir }}/config/ca.json" - name: Create systemd unit file template: src: step-ca.service.j2 dest: /etc/systemd/system/step-ca.service - name: Restart step-ca to use initial configuration systemd: name: step-ca state: restarted daemon_reload: true - name: Create Go Template for x509 Certificate copy: src: step_ca_x509_template.tpl dest: "{{ step_ca_config_dir }}/templates/x509_template.tpl" owner: "{{ step_ca_user }}" group: "{{ step_ca_group }}" mode: 0600 - name: Check for ACME provisioner become: yes become_user: "{{ step_ca_user }}" shell: 'step ca provisioner list | grep acme-osa' failed_when: false register: step_ca_find_provisioner - name: Create ACME provisioner become: yes become_user: "{{ step_ca_user }}" command: > step ca provisioner add acme-osa --type ACME when: step_ca_find_provisioner.rc != 0 - name: Restart step-ca to use the ACME provisioner systemd: name: step-ca state: restarted when: step_ca_find_provisioner.rc != 0 - name: Retrieve the Root CA bundle from the CA server get_url: url: validate_certs: false dest: /opt/step_ca_roots.pem