`Home `_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide Initial environment configuration ================================= OpenStack-Ansible depends on various files that are used to build an inventory for Ansible. Start by getting those files into the correct places: #. Copy the contents of the ``/opt/openstack-ansible/etc/openstack_deploy`` directory to the ``/etc/openstack_deploy`` directory. .. note:: As of Newton, the ``env.d`` directory has been moved from this source directory to ``playbooks/inventory/``. See `Appendix H`_ for more details on this change. #. Change to the ``/etc/openstack_deploy`` directory. #. Copy the ``openstack_user_config.yml.example`` file to ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml``. You can review the ``openstack_user_config.yml`` file and make changes to the deployment of your OpenStack environment. .. note:: The file is heavily commented with details about the various options. There are various types of physical hardware that are able to use containers deployed by OpenStack-Ansible. For example, hosts listed in the `shared-infra_hosts` run containers for many of the shared services that your OpenStack environments requires. Some of these services include databases, memcached, and RabbitMQ. There are several other host types that contain other types of containers and all of these are listed in ``openstack_user_config.yml``. For details about how the inventory is generated from the environment configuration, see :ref:`developer-inventory`. Affinity ~~~~~~~~ OpenStack-Ansible's dynamic inventory generation has a concept called `affinity`. This determines how many containers of a similar type are deployed onto a single physical host. Using `shared-infra_hosts` as an example, consider this ``openstack_user_config.yml``: .. code-block:: yaml shared-infra_hosts: infra1: ip: infra2: ip: infra3: ip: Three hosts are assigned to the `shared-infra_hosts` group, OpenStack-Ansible ensures that each host runs a single database container, a single memcached container, and a single RabbitMQ container. Each host has an affinity of 1 by default, and that means each host will run one of each container type. You can skip the deployment of RabbitMQ altogether. This is helpful when deploying a standalone swift environment. If you need this configuration, your ``openstack_user_config.yml`` would look like this: .. code-block:: yaml shared-infra_hosts: infra1: affinity: rabbit_mq_container: 0 ip: infra2: affinity: rabbit_mq_container: 0 ip: infra3: affinity: rabbit_mq_container: 0 ip: The configuration above deploys a memcached container and a database container on each host, without the RabbitMQ containers. .. _security_hardening: Security hardening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OpenStack-Ansible automatically applies host security hardening configurations using the `openstack-ansible-security`_ role. The role uses a version of the `Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG)`_ that has been adapted for Ubuntu 14.04 and OpenStack. The role is applicable to physical hosts within an OpenStack-Ansible deployment that are operating as any type of node, infrastructure or compute. By default, the role is enabled. You can disable it by changing a variable within ``user_variables.yml``: .. code-block:: yaml apply_security_hardening: false When the variable is set to ``true``, the ``setup-hosts.yml`` playbook applies the role during deployments. You can apply security configurations to an existing environment or audit an environment using a playbook supplied with OpenStack-Ansible: .. code-block:: bash # Perform a quick audit using Ansible's check mode openstack-ansible --check security-hardening.yml # Apply security hardening configurations openstack-ansible security-hardening.yml For more details on the security configurations that will be applied, refer to the `openstack-ansible-security`_ documentation. Review the `Configuration`_ section of the openstack-ansible-security documentation to find out how to fine-tune certain security configurations. .. _openstack-ansible-security: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible-security/ .. _Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_Technical_Implementation_Guide .. _Configuration: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible-security/configuration.html .. _Appendix H: ../install-guide/app-custom-layouts.html -------------- .. include:: navigation.txt