`Home `_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide Removing nodes -------------- In the following example, all but one node was shut down gracefully: .. code-block:: shell-session # ansible galera_container -m shell -a "mysql -h localhost \ -e 'show status like \"%wsrep_cluster_%\";'" node3_galera_container-3ea2cbd3 | FAILED | rc=1 >> ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) node2_galera_container-49a47d25 | FAILED | rc=1 >> ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) node4_galera_container-76275635 | success | rc=0 >> Variable_name Value wsrep_cluster_conf_id 7 wsrep_cluster_size 1 wsrep_cluster_state_uuid 338b06b0-2948-11e4-9d06-bef42f6c52f1 wsrep_cluster_status Primary Compare this example output with the output from the multi-node failure scenario where the remaining operational node is non-primary and stops processing SQL requests. Gracefully shutting down the MariaDB service on all but one node allows the remaining operational node to continue processing SQL requests. When gracefully shutting down multiple nodes, perform the actions sequentially to retain operation. -------------- .. include:: navigation.txt