--- # Copyright 2018, SUSE LINUX GmbH. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # (c) 2018, Jean-Philippe Evrard # This playbook is meant to run after setup-openstack, and expects # the openstack plays to have succeeded. # Test os-keystone-install.yml # Many parts of keystone testing is happening in playbooks already, as # we are using it for setting up all the other openstack services. - name: Test Keystone gather_facts: no hosts: localhost vars_files: - defaults/healthchecks-vars.yml tasks: - name: Authenticate to the cloud and retrieve the service catalog openstack.cloud.os_auth: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" - name: Show service catalog debug: var: service_catalog tags: - healthchecks - healthchecks-keystone-install # Test os-barbican-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED -- there is no ansible module for that so cli might be needed. # Test os-glance-install.yml # If tempest is installed, this is tested anyway and can be skipped. - name: Test Glance gather_facts: no hosts: localhost vars_files: - defaults/healthchecks-vars.yml tasks: - block: - name: Image(s) download get_url: url: "{{ item.url }}" dest: "{{ item.dest }}" checksum: "{{ item.checksum | default(omit) }}" with_items: "{{ glance_images }}" register: fetch_url until: fetch_url is success retries: 6 delay: 5 - name: Upload tempest images to glance openstack.cloud.os_image: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" name: "{{ item.name | default(item.url | basename) }}" filename: "{{ item.dest }}" container_format: bare disk_format: "{{ item.format }}" is_public: True with_items: "{{ glance_images }}" register: image_create until: image_create is success retries: 5 delay: 15 when: # No point of doing glance tests is glance isn't deployed. - "groups['glance_all'] | length > 0" tags: - healthchecks - healthchecks-glance-install # Test os-cinder-install.yml - name: Test cinder gather_facts: no hosts: localhost vars_files: - defaults/healthchecks-vars.yml tasks: - block: # This automatically waits for completion by default. # There is no module to check the current state of a creation, so we need to run # This synchronously - name: Create volumes openstack.cloud.os_volume: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" display_name: "{{ item.name }}" size: "{{ item.size }}" snapshot_id: "{{ item.snapshot_id | default(omit) }}" timeout: "{{ item.timeout | default(600) }}" #By default it's 180 but that's low. volume: "{{ item.volume | default(omit) }}" volume_type: "{{ item.volume_type | default(omit) }}" with_items: "{{ cinder_volumes }}" when: - groups['cinder_all'] | length > 0 tags: - healthchecks - healthchecks-cinder-install # NOTE(evrardjp): This doesn't respect playbook order, as we'll need neutron tests to # run before nova tests # Test os-neutron-install.yml - name: Test neutron gather_facts: no hosts: localhost vars_files: - defaults/healthchecks-vars.yml tasks: - block: - name: Create networks openstack.cloud.os_network: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" name: "{{ item.value.name }}" provider_network_type: "{{ item.value.pn_type }}" provider_physical_network: "{{ item.value.physical_network | default('') }}" provider_segmentation_id: "{{ item.value.segmentation_id | default(omit) }}" external: "{{ item.value.external | default(omit) }}" project: "{{ item.value.project | default(omit) }}" with_dict: "{{ neutron_networks }}" register: _create_net - fail: msg: "Creating network failure" with_items: "{{ _create_net.results }}" when: - "item.msg is defined" - "'Error' in item.msg" - "not 'is in use' in item.msg" - name: Store facts to see if everything is ok openstack.cloud.os_networks_facts: cloud: default interface: internal verify: no - name: Show networks debug: var: openstack_networks - name: Ensure subnet exists openstack.cloud.os_subnet: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" network_name: "{{ item[0].name }}" name: "{{ item[1].name }}" ip_version: "{{ item[1].ip_version }}" cidr: "{{ item[1].cidr }}" gateway_ip: "{{ item[1].gateway_ip | default(omit) }}" enable_dhcp: "{{ item[1].enable_dhcp | default(false) }}" allocation_pool_start: "{{ item[1].allocation_pool_start | default(omit) }}" allocation_pool_end: "{{ item[1].allocation_pool_end | default(omit) }}" dns_nameservers: "{{ item[1].dns_nameservers | default([]) }}" project: "{{ item[0].project | default(omit) }}" with_subelements: - "{{ neutron_networks }}" - "subnets" - name: Create router openstack.cloud.os_router: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" name: router network: "{{ neutron_networks['public']['name'] }}" interfaces: - "{{ item.name }}" with_items: "{{ neutron_networks['private']['subnets'] }}" when: - "groups['neutron_all'] | length > 0" tags: - healthchecks - healthchecks-neutron-install # Test os-heat-install.yml - name: Test heat gather_facts: no hosts: localhost vars_files: - defaults/healthchecks-vars.yml tasks: - block: - name: Fetch minimum heat stack get_url: url: "{{ heat_stack['source_url'] }}" dest: "{{ heat_stack['dest_file'] }}" - name: Create heat stack ignore_errors: True register: stack_create openstack.cloud.os_stack: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" name: "{{ heat_stack['name'] }}" tag: "{{ heat_stack['tag'] }}" state: present template: "{{ heat_stack['dest_file'] }}" parameters: "{{ heat_stack['parameters'] }}" when: - "groups['heat_all'] | length > 0" tags: - healthchecks - healthchecks-heat-install # Test os-nova-install.yml - name: Test nova gather_facts: no hosts: localhost vars_files: - defaults/healthchecks-vars.yml tasks: - block: - name: Create keypair for nova shell: "ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f {{ ssh_key }} -q -N ''" args: creates: "{{ ssh_key }}" - name: Upload keypair openstack.cloud.os_keypair: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" state: present name: "healthcheck" public_key_file: "{{ ssh_key }}.pub" - name: Create flavors of nova VMs openstack.cloud.os_nova_flavor: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" state: present name: "{{ item.name }}" ram: "{{ item.ram }}" vcpus: "{{ item.vcpus }}" disk: "{{ item.disk }}" swap: "{{ item.swap }}" ephemeral: "{{ item.ephemeral }}" with_items: "{{ nova_flavors }}" - name: Create security group for healthcheck openstack.cloud.os_security_group: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" name: "{{ security_group.name }}" state: present description: "Healthcheck servers" - name: Create security group rules openstack.cloud.os_security_group_rule: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" security_group: "{{ security_group.name }}" protocol: "{{ item.protocol }}" port_range_min: "{{ item.port_range_min }}" port_range_max: "{{ item.port_range_max }}" remote_ip_prefix: "{{ item.remote_ip_prefix }}" state: present with_items: "{{ security_group.rules }}" - name: Create instance in a network openstack.cloud.os_server: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" name: "{{ nova_vm.name }}" state: present image: "{{ nova_vm.image }}" flavor: "{{ nova_vm.flavor }}" network: "{{ nova_vm.network }}" floating_ip_pools: "{{ neutron_networks['public']['name'] }}" key_name: "healthcheck" # Ensure user_data is well passed. user_data: | cp /etc/fstab /root/fstab security_groups: - default - "{{ security_group.name }}" - name: Attach volume to instance when: "groups['cinder_all'] | length > 0" openstack.cloud.os_server_volume: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" state: present server: "{{ nova_vm.name }}" volume: "{{ cinder_volumes[0]['name'] }}" - name: Get server facts openstack.cloud.os_server_facts: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" server: "{{ nova_vm.name }}" - name: Show server facts debug: var: openstack_servers - name: Discover the healthcheck vm floating IP set_fact: _floating_ip: "{{ openstack_servers | json_query(_query) }}" vars: _query: "[?name == '{{ nova_vm.name }}'].addresses.{{ nova_vm.network }}[] | [?contains(*,'floating')].addr" - name: Ensure connection to node works command: "scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i {{ ssh_key }} cirros@{{ _floating_ip[0] }}:/etc/fstab /tmp/fstab" when: - "groups['nova_all'] | length > 0" tags: - healthchecks - healthchecks-nova-install # Test os-horizon-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED # Test os-designate-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED with os_recordset # Test os-swift-install.yml - name: Test swift gather_facts: no hosts: localhost vars_files: - defaults/healthchecks-vars.yml tasks: - block: - name: Store data in swift openstack.cloud.os_object: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" state: present name: "{{ swift_object['name'] }}" container: "{{ swift_object['container'] }}" filename: "{{ swift_object['filename'] }}" when: - "groups['swift_all'] | length > 0" tags: - healthchecks - healthchecks-swift-install # Test os-gnocchi-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED # Test os-ceilometer-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED # Test os-aodh-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED # Test os-ironic-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED with os_ironic # Test os-magnum-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED # Test os-trove-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED # Test os-sahara-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED # Test os-molteniron-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED # Test os-octavia-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED # Test os-tacker-install.yml # TO BE IMPLEMENTED # Test os-tempest-install.yml # Tempest already has a test suite, so nothing should be added here. # Teardown - name: Teardown gather_facts: no hosts: localhost vars_files: - defaults/healthchecks-vars.yml tasks: - block: - name: Remove glance downloads file: state: absent path: "{{ item.dest }}" with_items: "{{ glance_images }}" - name: Remove glance image from the cloud openstack.cloud.os_image: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" name: "{{ item.name | default(item.url | basename) }}" state: absent with_items: "{{ glance_images }}" when: - "groups['glance_all'] | length > 0" - healthchecks_teardown | default(True) | bool tags: - healthchecks-teardown-glance - block: - name: Detach volume if attached when: "groups['nova_all'] | length > 0" openstack.cloud.os_server_volume: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" state: absent server: "{{ nova_vm.name }}" volume: "{{ cinder_volumes[0]['name'] }}" - name: Remove cinder volumes openstack.cloud.os_volume: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" display_name: "{{ item.name }}" state: absent with_items: "{{ cinder_volumes }}" when: - groups['cinder_all'] | length > 0 - healthchecks_teardown | default(True) | bool tags: - healthchecks-teardown-cinder - block: - name: Remove heat downloads file: path: "{{ heat_stack['dest_file'] }}" state: absent - name: Remove heat stack ignore_errors: True register: _stack_destroy openstack.cloud.os_stack: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" name: "{{ heat_stack['name'] }}" tag: "{{ heat_stack['tag'] }}" state: absent - name: Show results of heath stack destroy debug: var: _stack_destroy when: - "groups['heat_all'] | length > 0" - healthchecks_teardown | default(True) | bool tags: - healthchecks-teardown-heat - block: - name: Remove nova flavor openstack.cloud.os_nova_flavor: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" state: absent name: "{{ item.name }}" with_items: "{{ nova_flavors }}" - name: Remove nova instance openstack.cloud.os_server: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" name: "{{ nova_vm['name'] }}" state: absent - name: Remove SSH key(s) file: path: "{{ item }}" state: absent with_items: - "{{ ssh_key }}" - "{{ ssh_key }}.pub" - "{{ ssh_key | dirname }}/known_hosts" - name: Remove uploaded keypair openstack.cloud.os_keypair: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" state: absent name: healthcheck when: - "groups['nova_all'] | length > 0" - healthchecks_teardown | default(True) | bool tags: - healthchecks-teardown-nova - block: - name: Teardown swift data openstack.cloud.os_object: cloud: default interface: internal verify: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure | ternary(false, true) }}" state: absent name: "{{ swift_object['name'] }}" container: "{{ swift_object['container'] }}" when: - "groups['swift_all'] | length > 0" - healthchecks_teardown | default(True) | bool tags: - healthchecks-teardown-swift # - block: # - name: Remove # # when: # - "groups['_all'] | length > 0" # - healthchecks-teardown | default(True) | bool # tags: # - healthchecks-teardown- tags: - healthchecks - healthchecks-teardown