--- # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Example usage: # ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts -M library/lxc -e "group=infra1-keystone name=keystone address= archive_name=keystone.tar.bz2" deploy-archived-container.yml # This will create a new container from an archive of an existing container. - hosts: "{{ host_group|default('hosts') }}" user: root tasks: # Create container directory - name: Create container directory file: path: "{{ lxcpath }}/{{ name }}" state: "directory" group: "root" owner: "root" recurse: "true" # If check for the lxc VG - name: Check for lxc volume group shell: "(which vgs > /dev/null && vgs | grep -o {{ vg_name }}) || false" register: vg_result ignore_errors: True # If lxc vg create new lv - name: Create new LV lvol: vg: "{{ vg_name }}" lv: "{{ name }}" size: "{{ lv_size }}" when: vg_result.rc == 0 # If lxc vg format new lv - name: Format the new LV filesystem: fstype: "{{ fstype }}" dev: "/dev/{{ vg_name }}/{{ name }}" when: vg_result.rc == 0 # If lxc vg mount new lv at $container/rootfs - name: Mount Container LV mount: name: "{{ lxcpath }}/{{ name }}/rootfs" src: "/dev/{{ vg_name }}/{{ name }}" fstype: "{{ fstype }}" state: "mounted" when: vg_result.rc == 0 # upload new archive to host - name: Upload Archive to host synchronize: src: "{{ local_store_path }}/{{ archive_name }}" dest: "{{ remote_store_path }}/{{ archive_name }}" archive: "yes" mode: "push" # Unarchive container - name: Unarchive a container unarchive: src: "{{ remote_store_path }}/{{ archive_name }}" dest: "{{ lxcpath }}/{{ name }}" register: result # If lxc vg unmount new lv - name: Unmount Container LV mount: name: "{{ lxcpath }}/{{ name }}/rootfs" src: "/dev/{{ vg_name }}/{{ name }}" fstype: "{{ fstype }}" state: "unmounted" when: vg_result.rc == 0 # Delete archive directory - name: Cleanup archive file: path: "{{ remote_store_path }}/{{ archive_name }}" state: "absent" when: result | changed # Ensure config is without old cruft - name: Ensure clean config lineinfile: dest: "{{ lxcpath }}/{{ name }}/config" regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}" state: "absent" backup: "yes" with_items: - { regexp: "^lxc.network.hwaddr" } - { regexp: "^lxc.mount.entry" } # If not lxc vg set the rootfs - name: Set rootfs to localfs lineinfile: dest: "{{ lxcpath }}/{{ name }}/config" regexp: "^lxc.rootfs" line: "lxc.rootfs = {{ lxcpath }}/{{ name }}/rootfs" state: "present" when: vg_result.rc != 0 # If lxc vg set the rootfs - name: Set rootfs to lvm lineinfile: dest: "{{ lxcpath }}/{{ name }}/config" regexp: "^lxc.rootfs" line: "lxc.rootfs = /dev/{{ vg_name }}/{{ name }}" state: "present" when: vg_result.rc == 0 # Ensure the configuration is complete - name: Ensure config updated lineinfile: dest: "{{ lxcpath }}/{{ name }}/config" regexp: "^lxc.utsname" line: "lxc.utsname = {{ name }}" state: "present" # Ensure the mount point is correct - name: Ensure mount point updated updated lineinfile: dest: "{{ lxcpath }}/{{ name }}/config" regexp: "^lxc.mount" line: "lxc.mount = /var/lib/lxc/{{ name }}/fstab" state: "present" # Start the new container - name: Start new Container lxc: command: "start" name: "{{ name }}" # If address is set update it in the network script - name: Update networking lxc: command: "attach" name: "{{ name }}" container_command: "sed -i 's/address.*/address\ {{ address }}/g' /etc/network/interfaces" when: address is defined # Restart the new container - name: Restart new container lxc: command: "restart" name: "{{ name }}" vars: local_store_path: /tmp remote_store_path: /tmp lv_size: 5g vg_name: lxc fstype: ext4 lxcpath: /var/lib/lxc