`Home `_ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide ================================================ Appendix E: Customizing host and service layouts ================================================ Understanding the default layout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The default layout of containers and services in OpenStack-Ansible is driven by the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file and the contents of the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/``, ``playbooks/inventory/env.d/`` and ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/`` directories. Use these sources to define the group mappings used by the playbooks to target hosts and containers for roles used in the deploy. Conceptually, these can be thought of as mapping from two directions. You define host groups, which gather the target hosts into inventory groups, through the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file and the contents of the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/`` directory. You define container groups, which can map from the service components to be deployed up to host groups, through files in the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/`` directory. To customize the layout of components for your deployment, modify the host groups and container groups appropriately to represent the layout you desire before running the installation playbooks. Understanding host groups ------------------------- As part of initial configuration, each target host appears in either the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml`` file or in files within the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/`` directory. We use a format for files in ``conf.d/`` which is identical to the syntax used in the ``openstack_user_config.yml`` file. These hosts are listed under one or more headings such as ``shared-infra_hosts`` or ``storage_hosts`` which serve as Ansible group mappings. We treat these groupings as mappings to the physical hosts. The example file ``haproxy.yml.example`` in the ``conf.d/`` directory provides a simple example of defining a host group (``haproxy_hosts``) with two hosts (``infra1`` and ``infra2``). A more complex example file is ``swift.yml.example``. Here, in addition, we specify host variables for a target host using the ``container_vars`` key. OpenStack-Ansible applies all entries under this key as host-specific variables to any component containers on the specific host. .. note:: Our current recommendation is for new inventory groups, particularly for new services, to be defined using a new file in the ``conf.d/`` directory in order to manage file size. Understanding container groups ------------------------------ Additional group mappings can be found within files in the ``playbooks/inventory/env.d/`` directory. These groupings are treated as virtual mappings from the host groups (described above) onto the container groups which define where each service deploys. By reviewing files within the ``env.d/`` directory, you can begin to see the nesting of groups represented in the default layout. We begin our review with ``shared-infra.yml``. In this file we define a new container group (``shared-infra_containers``) as a subset of the ``all_containers`` group. This new container group is mapped to a new (``shared-infra_hosts``) host group. This means you deploy all service components under the new (``shared-infra_containers``) container group to each target host in the host group (``shared-infra_hosts``). Within a ``physical_skel`` segment, the OpenStack-Ansible dynamic inventory expects to find a pair of keys. The first key maps to items in the ``container_skel`` and the second key maps to the target host groups (described above) which are responsible for hosting the service component. Next, we review ``memcache.yml``. Here, we define the new group ``memcache_container``. In this case we identify the new group as a subset of the ``shared-infra_containers`` group, which is itself a subset of the ``all_containers`` inventory group. .. note:: The ``all_containers`` group is automatically defined by OpenStack-Ansible. Any service component managed by OpenStack-Ansible maps to a subset of the ``all_containers`` inventory group, whether directly or indirectly through another intermediate container group. The default layout does not rely exclusively on groups being subsets of other groups. The ``memcache`` component group is part of the ``memcache_container`` group, as well as the ``memcache_all`` group and also contains a ``memcached`` component group. If you review the ``playbooks/memcached-install.yml`` playbook you see that the playbook applies to hosts in the ``memcached`` group. Other services may have more complex deployment needs. They define and consume inventory container groups differently. Mapping components to several groups in this way allows flexible targeting of roles and tasks. Customizing existing components ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Numerous customization scenarios are possible, but three popular ones are presented here as starting points and also as common recipes. Modifying the default environment --------------------------------- In order to avoid conflicts between deployer and project changes, the base configuration for the OpenStack-Ansible components resides in the ``playbooks/inventory/env.d/`` directory. The ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d`` directory is used to override and extend the environment to the deployer's needs. To modify an existing configuration, copy the relevant service file to the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d`` directory. Then, modify the values under the relevant keys. Only the keys and the modified value are required to be present; other information can safely be omitted. Deploying directly on hosts --------------------------- To deploy a component directly on the host instead of within a container, copy the relevant file to ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/`` and set the ``is_metal`` property to ``true`` for the container group under the ``container_skel``. The use of ``container_vars`` and mapping from container groups to host groups is the same for a service deployed directly onto the host. .. note:: The ``cinder_volume`` component is also deployed directly on the host by default. See the ``playbooks/inventory/env.d/cinder.yml`` file for this example. Omit a service or component from the deployment ----------------------------------------------- To omit a component from a deployment, several options exist. - You could remove the ``physical_skel`` link between the container group and the host group. The simplest way to do this is to simply copy the relevant file to the ``/etc/openstack_deploy/env.d/`` directory, and set the following information: .. code-block:: yaml physical_skel: {} - You could choose to not run the playbook which installs the component. Unless you specify the component to run directly on a host using is_metal, a container creates for this component. - You could adjust the ``affinity`` to 0 for the host group. Unless you specify the component to run directly on a host using is_metal, a container creates for this component. `Affinity`_ is discussed in the initial environment configuration section of the install guide. .. _Affinity: configure-initial.html#affinity Deploying existing components on dedicated hosts ------------------------------------------------ To deploy a shared-infra component onto dedicated hosts, modify both the files specifying the host groups and container groups for the component. For example, to run Galera directly on dedicated hosts the ``container_skel`` segment of the ``env.d/galera.yml`` file might look like: .. code-block:: yaml container_skel: galera_container: belongs_to: - db_containers contains: - galera properties: log_directory: mysql_logs service_name: galera is_metal: true .. note:: If you want to deploy within containers on these dedicated hosts, omit the ``is_metal: true`` property. We include it here as a recipe for the more commonly requested layout. Since we define the new container group (``db_containers`` above) we must assign that container group to a host group. To assign the new container group to a new host group, provide a ``physical_skel`` for the new host group (in a new or existing file, such as ``env.d/galera.yml``) like the following: .. code-block:: yaml physical_skel: db_containers: belongs_to: - all_containers db_hosts: belongs_to: - hosts Lastly, define the host group (db_hosts above) in a ``conf.d/`` file (such as ``galera.yml``). .. code-block:: yaml db_hosts: db-host1: ip: db-host2: ip: db-host3: ip: .. note:: Each of the custom group names in this example (``db_containers`` and ``db_hosts``) were arbitrary. You can choose your own group names but be sure the references are consistent between all relevant files.