`Home `__ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide ========================================== Appendix D: Using PLUMgrid Neutron plugin ========================================== Installing source and host networking ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Clone the PLUMgrid ansible repository under the ``/opt/`` directory: .. code-block:: shell-session # git clone -b TAG https://github.com/plumgrid/plumgrid-ansible.git /opt/plumgrid-ansible Replace *``TAG``* with the current stable release tag. #. PLUMgrid will take over networking for the entire cluster. The bridges ``br-vxlan`` and ``br-vlan`` only need to be present to avoid relevant containers from erroring out on infra hosts. They do not need to be attached to any host interface or a valid network. #. PLUMgrid requires two networks: a `Management` and a `Fabric` network. Management is typically shared via the standard ``br-mgmt`` and Fabric must be specified in the PLUMgrid configuration file described below. The Fabric interface must be untagged and unbridged. Neutron configurations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To setup the neutron configuration to install PLUMgrid as the core neutron plugin, create a user space variable file ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_pg_neutron.yml`` and insert the following parameters. #. Set the ``neutron_plugin_type`` parameter to ``plumgrid``: .. code-block:: yaml # Neutron Plugins neutron_plugin_type: plumgrid #. In the same file, disable the installation of unnecessary ``neutron-agents`` in the ``neutron_services`` dictionary, by setting their ``service_en`` parameters to ``False``: .. code-block:: yaml neutron_metering: False neutron_l3: False neutron_lbaas: False neutron_lbaasv2: False neutron_vpnaas: False PLUMgrid configurations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the deployment host, create a PLUMgrid user variables file using the sample in ``/opt/plumgrid-ansible/etc/user_pg_vars.yml.example`` and copy it to ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_pg_vars.yml``. You must configure the following parameters. #. Replace ``PG_REPO_HOST`` with a valid repo URL hosting PLUMgrid packages: .. code-block:: yaml plumgrid_repo: PG_REPO_HOST #. Replace ``INFRA_IPs`` with comma separated Infrastructure Node IPs and ``PG_VIP`` with an unallocated IP on the management network. This will be used to access the PLUMgrid UI: .. code-block:: yaml plumgrid_ip: INFRA_IPs pg_vip: PG_VIP #. Replace ``FABRIC_IFC`` with the name of the interface that will be used for PLUMgrid Fabric. .. note:: PLUMgrid Fabric must be an untagged unbridged raw interface such as ``eth0``. .. code-block:: yaml fabric_interface: FABRIC_IFC #. Fill in the ``fabric_ifc_override`` and ``mgmt_override`` dicts with node ``hostname: interface_name`` to override the default interface names. #. Obtain a PLUMgrid License file, rename to ``pg_license`` and place it under ``/var/lib/plumgrid/pg_license`` on the deployment host. Gateway Hosts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLUMgrid-enabled OpenStack clusters contain one or more gateway nodes that are used for providing connectivity with external resources, such as external networks, bare-metal servers, or network service appliances. In addition to the `Management` and `Fabric` networks required by PLUMgrid nodes, gateways require dedicated external interfaces referred to as ``gateway_devs`` in the configuration files. #. Add a ``gateway_hosts`` section to ``/etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml``: .. code-block:: yaml gateway_hosts: gateway1: ip: GW01_IP_ADDRESS gateway2: ip: GW02_IP_ADDRESS Replace ``*_IP_ADDRESS`` with the IP address of the ``br-mgmt`` container management bridge on each Gateway host. #. Add a ``gateway_hosts`` section to the end of the PLUMgrid ``user_pg_vars.yml`` file: .. note:: This must contain hostnames and ``gateway_dev`` names for each gateway in the cluster. .. code-block:: yaml gateway_hosts: - hostname: gateway1 gateway_devs: - eth3 - eth4 Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Run the PLUMgrid playbooks (do this before the ``openstack-setup.yml`` playbook is run): .. code-block:: shell-session # cd /opt/plumgrid-ansible/plumgrid_playbooks # openstack-ansible plumgrid_all.yml .. note:: Contact PLUMgrid for an Installation Pack: info@plumgrid.com This includes a full trial commercial license, packages, deployment documentation, and automation scripts for the entire workflow described above. -------------- .. include:: navigation.txt