#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # (c) 2014, Kevin Carter import argparse import copy import datetime import json import netaddr import os import Queue import random import sys import tarfile import uuid import yaml USED_IPS = set() INVENTORY_SKEL = { '_meta': { 'hostvars': {} } } # This is a list of items that all hosts should have at all times. # Any new item added to inventory that will used as a default argument in the # inventory setup should be added to this list. REQUIRED_HOSTVARS = [ 'properties', 'ansible_ssh_host', 'physical_host_group', 'container_address', 'container_name', 'container_networks', 'physical_host', 'component' ] class MultipleHostsWithOneIPError(Exception): def __init__(self, ip, assigned_host, new_host): self.ip = ip self.assigned_host = assigned_host self.new_host = new_host # Order the hostnames for predictable testing. host_list = [assigned_host, new_host] host_list.sort() error_msg = ("Both host:{} and host:{} have " "address:{} assigned. Cannot " "assign same ip to both hosts") self.message = error_msg.format(host_list[0], host_list[1], ip) def __str__(self): return self.message class ProviderNetworkMisconfiguration(Exception): def __init__(self, queue_name): self.queue_name = queue_name error_msg = ("Provider network with queue '{queue}' " "requires 'is_container_address' and " "'is_ssh_address' to be set to True.") self.message = error_msg.format(queue=self.queue_name) def __str__(self): return self.message class MultipleIpForHostError(Exception): def __init__(self, hostname, current_ip, new_ip): self.hostname = hostname self.current_ip = current_ip self.new_ip = new_ip # Sort the IPs for our error message so we're always consistent. ips = [current_ip, new_ip] ips.sort() error_msg = "Host {hostname} has both {ips[0]} and {ips[1]} assigned" self.message = error_msg.format(hostname=hostname, ips=ips) def __str__(self): return self.message class MissingStaticRouteInfo(Exception): def __init__(self, queue_name): self.queue_name = queue_name error_msg = ("Static route provider network with queue '{queue}' " "needs both 'cidr' and 'gateway' values.") self.message = error_msg.format(queue=self.queue_name) def __str__(self): return self.message def args(arg_list): """Setup argument Parsing.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage='%(prog)s', description='OpenStack Inventory Generator', epilog='Inventory Generator Licensed "Apache 2.0"') parser.add_argument( '--config', help='Path containing the user defined configuration files', required=False, default=None ) parser.add_argument( '--list', help='List all entries', action='store_true' ) parser.add_argument( '--check', help="Configuration check only, don't generate inventory", action='store_true', ) return vars(parser.parse_args(arg_list)) def get_ip_address(name, ip_q): """Return an IP address from our IP Address queue.""" try: ip_addr = ip_q.get(timeout=1) while ip_addr in USED_IPS: ip_addr = ip_q.get(timeout=1) else: USED_IPS.add(ip_addr) return str(ip_addr) except AttributeError: return None except Queue.Empty: raise SystemExit( 'Cannot retrieve requested amount of IP addresses. Increase the %s' ' range in your openstack_user_config.yml.' % name ) def _load_ip_q(cidr, ip_q): """Load the IP queue with all IP address from a given cidr. :param cidr: ``str`` IP address with cidr notation """ _all_ips = [str(i) for i in list(netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr))] base_exclude = [ str(netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr).network), str(netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr).broadcast) ] USED_IPS.update(base_exclude) for ip in random.sample(_all_ips, len(_all_ips)): if ip not in USED_IPS: ip_q.put(ip) def _parse_belongs_to(key, belongs_to, inventory): """Parse all items in a `belongs_to` list. :param key: ``str`` Name of key to append to a given entry :param belongs_to: ``list`` List of items to iterate over :param inventory: ``dict`` Living dictionary of inventory """ for item in belongs_to: if key not in inventory[item]['children']: append_if(array=inventory[item]['children'], item=key) def _build_container_hosts(container_affinity, container_hosts, type_and_name, inventory, host_type, container_type, container_host_type, physical_host_type, config, properties, assignment): """Add in all of the host associations into inventory. This will add in all of the hosts into the inventory based on the given affinity for a container component and its subsequent type groups. :param container_affinity: ``int`` Set the number of a given container :param container_hosts: ``list`` List of containers on an host :param type_and_name: ``str`` Combined name of host and container name :param inventory: ``dict`` Living dictionary of inventory :param host_type: ``str`` Name of the host type :param container_type: ``str`` Type of container :param container_host_type: ``str`` Type of host :param physical_host_type: ``str`` Name of physical host group :param config: ``dict`` User defined information :param properties: ``dict`` Container properties :param assignment: ``str`` Name of container component target """ container_list = [] is_metal = False if properties: is_metal = properties.get('is_metal', False) for make_container in range(container_affinity): for i in container_hosts: if '%s-' % type_and_name in i: append_if(array=container_list, item=i) existing_count = len(list(set(container_list))) if existing_count < container_affinity: hostvars = inventory['_meta']['hostvars'] container_mapping = inventory[container_type]['children'] address = None if is_metal is False: cuuid = '%s' % uuid.uuid4() cuuid = cuuid.split('-')[0] container_host_name = '%s-%s' % (type_and_name, cuuid) hostvars_options = hostvars[container_host_name] = {} if container_host_type not in inventory: inventory[container_host_type] = { "hosts": [], } append_if( array=inventory[container_host_type]["hosts"], item=container_host_name ) append_if(array=container_hosts, item=container_host_name) else: if host_type not in hostvars: hostvars[host_type] = {} hostvars_options = hostvars[host_type] container_host_name = host_type host_type_config = config[physical_host_type][host_type] address = host_type_config.get('ip') # Create a host types containers group and append it to inventory host_type_containers = '%s-host_containers' % host_type append_if(array=container_mapping, item=host_type_containers) hostvars_options.update({ 'properties': properties, 'ansible_ssh_host': address, 'container_address': address, 'container_name': container_host_name, 'physical_host': host_type, 'physical_host_group': physical_host_type, 'component': assignment }) def _append_container_types(inventory, host_type): """Append the "physical_host" type to all containers. :param inventory: ``dict`` Living dictionary of inventory :param host_type: ``str`` Name of the host type """ for _host in inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].keys(): hdata = inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][_host] if 'container_name' in hdata: if hdata['container_name'].startswith(host_type): if 'physical_host' not in hdata: hdata['physical_host'] = host_type def _append_to_host_groups(inventory, container_type, assignment, host_type, type_and_name, host_options): """Append all containers to physical (logical) groups based on host types. :param inventory: ``dict`` Living dictionary of inventory :param container_type: ``str`` Type of container :param assignment: ``str`` Name of container component target :param host_type: ``str`` Name of the host type :param type_and_name: ``str`` Combined name of host and container name """ physical_group_type = '%s_all' % container_type.split('_')[0] if physical_group_type not in inventory: inventory[physical_group_type] = {'hosts': []} iph = inventory[physical_group_type]['hosts'] iah = inventory[assignment]['hosts'] for hname, hdata in inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].iteritems(): is_metal = False properties = hdata.get('properties') if properties: is_metal = properties.get('is_metal', False) if 'container_types' in hdata or 'container_name' in hdata: if 'container_name' not in hdata: container = hdata['container_name'] = hname else: container = hdata['container_name'] component = hdata.get('component') if container.startswith(host_type): if 'physical_host' not in hdata: hdata['physical_host'] = host_type if container.startswith('%s-' % type_and_name): append_if(array=iah, item=container) elif is_metal is True: if component == assignment: append_if(array=iah, item=container) if container.startswith('%s-' % type_and_name): append_if(array=iph, item=container) elif is_metal is True: if container.startswith(host_type): append_if(array=iph, item=container) # Append any options in config to the host_vars of a container container_vars = host_options.get('container_vars') if isinstance(container_vars, dict): for _keys, _vars in container_vars.items(): # Copy the options dictionary for manipulation if isinstance(_vars, dict): options = _vars.copy() else: options = _vars limit = None # If a limit is set use the limit string as a filter # for the container name and see if it matches. if isinstance(options, (str, dict, list)): if 'limit_container_types' in options: limit = options.pop( 'limit_container_types', None ) if limit is None or (component and limit in component): hdata[_keys] = options def _add_container_hosts(assignment, config, container_name, container_type, inventory, properties): """Add a given container name and type to the hosts. :param assignment: ``str`` Name of container component target :param config: ``dict`` User defined information :param container_name: ``str`` Name fo container :param container_type: ``str`` Type of container :param inventory: ``dict`` Living dictionary of inventory :param properties: ``dict`` Dict of container properties """ physical_host_type = '%s_hosts' % container_type.split('_')[0] # If the physical host type is not in config return if physical_host_type not in config: return for host_type in inventory[physical_host_type]['hosts']: container_hosts = inventory[container_name]['hosts'] # If host_type is not in config do not append containers to it if host_type not in config[physical_host_type]: continue # Get any set host options host_options = config[physical_host_type][host_type] affinity = host_options.get('affinity', {}) container_affinity = affinity.get(container_name, 1) # Ensures that container names are not longer than 63 # This section will ensure that we are not it by the following bug: # https://bugzilla.mindrot.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2239 type_and_name = '%s_%s' % (host_type, container_name) max_hostname_len = 52 if len(type_and_name) > max_hostname_len: raise SystemExit( 'The resulting combination of [ "%s" + "%s" ] is longer than' ' 52 characters. This combination will result in a container' ' name that is longer than the maximum allowable hostname of' ' 63 characters. Before this process can continue please' ' adjust the host entries in your "openstack_user_config.yml"' ' to use a short hostname. The recommended hostname length is' ' < 20 characters long.' % (host_type, container_name) ) physical_host = inventory['_meta']['hostvars'][host_type] container_host_type = '%s-host_containers' % host_type if 'container_types' not in physical_host: physical_host['container_types'] = container_host_type elif physical_host['container_types'] != container_host_type: physical_host['container_types'] = container_host_type # Add all of the containers into the inventory _build_container_hosts( container_affinity, container_hosts, type_and_name, inventory, host_type, container_type, container_host_type, physical_host_type, config, properties, assignment, ) # Add the physical host type to all containers from the built inventory _append_container_types(inventory, host_type) _append_to_host_groups( inventory, container_type, assignment, host_type, type_and_name, host_options ) def user_defined_setup(config, inventory): """Apply user defined entries from config into inventory. :param config: ``dict`` User defined information :param inventory: ``dict`` Living dictionary of inventory """ hvs = inventory['_meta']['hostvars'] for key, value in config.iteritems(): if key.endswith('hosts'): if key not in inventory: inventory[key] = {'hosts': []} if value is None: return for _key, _value in value.iteritems(): if _key not in hvs: hvs[_key] = {} hvs[_key].update({ 'ansible_ssh_host': _value['ip'], 'container_address': _value['ip'], 'is_metal': True, 'physical_host_group': key }) # If the entry is missing the properties key add it. properties = hvs[_key].get('properties') if not properties or not isinstance(properties, dict): hvs[_key]['properties'] = dict() hvs[_key]['properties'].update({'is_metal': True}) if 'host_vars' in _value: for _k, _v in _value['host_vars'].items(): hvs[_key][_k] = _v USED_IPS.add(_value['ip']) append_if(array=inventory[key]['hosts'], item=_key) def skel_setup(environment, inventory): """Build out the main inventory skeleton as needed. :param environment: ``dict`` Known environment information :param inventory: ``dict`` Living dictionary of inventory """ for key, value in environment.iteritems(): if key == 'version': continue for _key, _value in value.iteritems(): if _key not in inventory: inventory[_key] = {} if _key.endswith('container'): if 'hosts' not in inventory[_key]: inventory[_key]['hosts'] = [] else: if 'children' not in inventory[_key]: inventory[_key]['children'] = [] if 'hosts' not in inventory[_key]: inventory[_key]['hosts'] = [] if 'belongs_to' in _value: for assignment in _value['belongs_to']: if assignment not in inventory: inventory[assignment] = {} if 'children' not in inventory[assignment]: inventory[assignment]['children'] = [] if 'hosts' not in inventory[assignment]: inventory[assignment]['hosts'] = [] def skel_load(skeleton, inventory): """Build out data as provided from the defined `skel` dictionary. :param skeleton: ``dict`` Dictionary defining group and component memberships for the inventory. :param inventory: ``dict`` Living dictionary of inventory """ for key, value in skeleton.iteritems(): _parse_belongs_to( key, belongs_to=value['belongs_to'], inventory=inventory ) def _load_optional_q(config, cidr_name): """Load optional queue with ip addresses. :param config: ``dict`` User defined information :param cidr_name: ``str`` Name of the cidr name """ cidr = config.get(cidr_name) ip_q = None if cidr is not None: ip_q = Queue.Queue() _load_ip_q(cidr=cidr, ip_q=ip_q) return ip_q def _add_additional_networks(key, inventory, ip_q, q_name, netmask, interface, bridge, net_type, net_mtu, user_config, is_ssh_address, is_container_address, static_routes): """Process additional ip adds and append then to hosts as needed. If the host is found to be "is_metal" it will be marked as "on_metal" and will not have an additionally assigned IP address. :param key: ``str`` Component key name. This could be a group or a host name :param inventory: ``dict`` Living dictionary of inventory. :param ip_q: ``object`` build queue of IP addresses. :param q_name: ``str`` key to use in host vars for storage. May be blank. :param netmask: ``str`` netmask to use. :param interface: ``str`` interface name to set for the network. :param user_config: ``dict`` user defined configuration details. :param is_ssh_address: ``bol`` set this address as ansible_ssh_host. :param is_container_address: ``bol`` set this address to container_address. :param static_routes: ``list`` List containing static route dicts. """ def network_entry(): """Return a network entry for a container.""" # TODO(cloudnull) After a few releases this conditional should be # simplified. The container address checking that is ssh address # is only being done to support old inventory. if is_metal: _network = dict() else: _network = {'interface': interface} if bridge: _network['bridge'] = bridge if net_type: _network['type'] = net_type if net_mtu: _network['mtu'] = net_mtu return _network base_hosts = inventory['_meta']['hostvars'] lookup = inventory.get(key, list()) if 'children' in lookup and lookup['children']: for group in lookup['children']: _add_additional_networks( group, inventory, ip_q, q_name, netmask, interface, bridge, net_type, net_mtu, user_config, is_ssh_address, is_container_address, static_routes ) # Make sure the lookup object has a value. if lookup: hosts = lookup.get('hosts') if not hosts: return else: return # TODO(cloudnull) after a few releases this should be removed. if q_name: old_address = '%s_address' % q_name else: old_address = '%s_address' % interface for container_host in hosts: container = base_hosts[container_host] # TODO(cloudnull) after a few releases this should be removed. # This removes the old container network value that now serves purpose. container.pop('container_network', None) if 'container_networks' in container: networks = container['container_networks'] else: networks = container['container_networks'] = dict() is_metal = False properties = container.get('properties') if properties: is_metal = properties.get('is_metal', False) # This should convert found addresses based on q_name + "_address" # and then build the network if its not found. if not is_metal and old_address not in networks: network = networks[old_address] = network_entry() if old_address in container and container[old_address]: network['address'] = container.pop(old_address) elif not is_metal: address = get_ip_address(name=q_name, ip_q=ip_q) if address: network['address'] = address network['netmask'] = netmask elif is_metal: network = networks[old_address] = network_entry() network['netmask'] = netmask if is_ssh_address or is_container_address: # Container physical host group cphg = container.get('physical_host_group') # user_config data from the container physical host group phg = user_config[cphg][container_host] network['address'] = phg['ip'] if is_ssh_address is True: container['ansible_ssh_host'] = networks[old_address]['address'] if is_container_address is True: container['container_address'] = networks[old_address]['address'] if static_routes: # NOTE: networks[old_address]['static_routes'] will get # regenerated on each run networks[old_address]['static_routes'] = [] for route in static_routes: # only add static routes if they are specified correctly; # that is, the key and a value must be present. This doesn't # ensure that the values provided are routable, just that # they are not empty. cidr_present = route.get('cidr', False) gateway_present = route.get('gateway', False) if not (cidr_present and gateway_present): raise MissingStaticRouteInfo(q_name) networks[old_address]['static_routes'].append(route) def container_skel_load(container_skel, inventory, config): """Build out all containers as defined in the environment file. :param container_skel: ``dict`` container skeleton for all known containers :param inventory: ``dict`` Living dictionary of inventory :param config: ``dict`` User defined information """ for key, value in container_skel.iteritems(): contains_in = value.get('contains', False) belongs_to_in = value.get('belongs_to', False) if contains_in or belongs_to_in: for assignment in value['contains']: for container_type in value['belongs_to']: _add_container_hosts( assignment, config, key, container_type, inventory, value.get('properties') ) else: cidr_networks = config.get('cidr_networks') provider_queues = {} for net_name in cidr_networks: ip_q = _load_optional_q( cidr_networks, cidr_name=net_name ) provider_queues[net_name] = ip_q if ip_q is not None: net = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr_networks.get(net_name)) provider_queues['%s_netmask' % net_name] = str(net.netmask) overrides = config['global_overrides'] # iterate over a list of provider_networks, var=pn pns = overrides.get('provider_networks', list()) for pn in pns: # p_net are the provider_network values p_net = pn.get('network') if not p_net: continue q_name = p_net.get('ip_from_q') ip_from_q = provider_queues.get(q_name) if ip_from_q: netmask = provider_queues['%s_netmask' % q_name] else: netmask = None for group in p_net.get('group_binds', list()): _add_additional_networks( key=group, inventory=inventory, ip_q=ip_from_q, q_name=q_name, netmask=netmask, interface=p_net['container_interface'], bridge=p_net['container_bridge'], net_type=p_net.get('container_type'), net_mtu=p_net.get('container_mtu'), user_config=config, is_ssh_address=p_net.get('is_ssh_address'), is_container_address=p_net.get('is_container_address'), static_routes=p_net.get('static_routes') ) def find_config_path(user_config_path=None): """Return the path to the user configuration files. If no directory is found the system will exit. The lookup will be done in the following directories: * user_config_path * ``/etc/openstack_deploy/`` :param user_config_path: ``str`` Location to look in FIRST for a file """ path_check = [ os.path.join('/etc', 'openstack_deploy'), ] if user_config_path is not None: path_check.insert(0, os.path.expanduser(user_config_path)) for f in path_check: if os.path.isdir(f): return f else: raise SystemExit('No config found at: %s' % path_check) def _set_used_ips(user_defined_config, inventory): """Set all of the used ips into a global list. :param user_defined_config: ``dict`` User defined configuration :param inventory: ``dict`` Living inventory of containers and hosts """ used_ips = user_defined_config.get('used_ips') if isinstance(used_ips, list): for ip in used_ips: split_ip = ip.split(',') if len(split_ip) >= 2: ip_range = list( netaddr.iter_iprange( split_ip[0], split_ip[-1] ) ) USED_IPS.update([str(i) for i in ip_range]) else: USED_IPS.add(split_ip[0]) # Find all used IP addresses and ensure that they are not used again for host_entry in inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].values(): networks = host_entry.get('container_networks', dict()) for network_entry in networks.values(): address = network_entry.get('address') if address: USED_IPS.add(address) def _ensure_inventory_uptodate(inventory, container_skel): """Update inventory if needed. Inspect the current inventory and ensure that all host items have all of the required entries. :param inventory: ``dict`` Living inventory of containers and hosts """ host_vars = inventory['_meta']['hostvars'] for hostname, _vars in host_vars.items(): if 'container_name' not in _vars: _vars['container_name'] = hostname for rh in REQUIRED_HOSTVARS: if rh not in _vars: _vars[rh] = None if rh == 'container_networks': _vars[rh] = {} # For each of the various properties in the container skeleton, # copy them into the host's properties dictionary for container_type, type_vars in container_skel.items(): item = inventory.get(container_type) # Note: this creates an implicit dependency on skel_setup which # adds the hosts entries. hosts = item.get('hosts') if hosts: for host in hosts: container = host_vars[host] if 'properties' in type_vars: container['properties'] = type_vars['properties'] def _parse_global_variables(user_cidr, inventory, user_defined_config): """Add any extra variables that may have been set in config. :param user_cidr: ``str`` IP address range in CIDR notation :param inventory: ``dict`` Living inventory of containers and hosts :param user_defined_config: ``dict`` User defined variables """ if 'all' not in inventory: inventory['all'] = {} if 'vars' not in inventory['all']: inventory['all']['vars'] = {} # Write the users defined cidr into global variables. inventory['all']['vars']['container_cidr'] = user_cidr if 'global_overrides' in user_defined_config: if isinstance(user_defined_config['global_overrides'], dict): inventory['all']['vars'].update( user_defined_config['global_overrides'] ) # Remove global overrides that were deleted from inventory, too for key in inventory['all']['vars'].keys(): if key not in user_defined_config['global_overrides']: del inventory['all']['vars'][key] def append_if(array, item): """Append an ``item`` to an ``array`` if its not already in it. :param array: ``list`` List object to append to :param item: ``object`` Object to append to the list :returns array: returns the amended list. """ if item not in array: array.append(item) return array def _merge_dict(base_items, new_items): """Recursively merge new_items into some base_items. If an empty dictionary is provided as a new value, it will completely replace the existing dictionary. :param base_items: ``dict`` :param new_items: ``dict`` :return dictionary: """ for key, value in new_items.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, dict) and value: base_merge = _merge_dict(base_items.get(key, {}), value) base_items[key] = base_merge else: base_items[key] = new_items[key] return base_items def _extra_config(user_defined_config, base_dir): """Discover new items in any extra directories and add the new values. :param user_defined_config: ``dict`` :param base_dir: ``str`` """ for root_dir, _, files in os.walk(base_dir): for name in files: if name.endswith(('.yml', '.yaml')): with open(os.path.join(root_dir, name), 'rb') as f: _merge_dict( user_defined_config, yaml.safe_load(f.read()) or {} ) def _check_same_ip_to_multiple_host(config): """Check for IPs assigned to multiple hosts : param: config: ``dict`` User provided configuration """ ips_to_hostnames_mapping = dict() for key, value in config.iteritems(): if key.endswith('hosts'): for _key, _value in value.iteritems(): hostname = _key ip = _value['ip'] if not (ip in ips_to_hostnames_mapping): ips_to_hostnames_mapping[ip] = hostname else: if ips_to_hostnames_mapping[ip] != hostname: info = (ip, ips_to_hostnames_mapping[ip], hostname) raise MultipleHostsWithOneIPError(*info) def _check_multiple_ips_to_host(config): """Check for multiple IPs assigned to a single hostname :param: config: ``dict`` User provided configuration """ # Extract only the dictionaries in the host groups. host_ip_map = {} for groupnames, group in config.items(): if '_hosts' in groupnames: for hostname, entries in group.items(): if hostname not in host_ip_map: host_ip_map[hostname] = entries['ip'] else: current_ip = host_ip_map[hostname] new_ip = entries['ip'] if not current_ip == new_ip: raise MultipleIpForHostError(hostname, current_ip, new_ip) return True def _check_config_settings(cidr_networks, config, container_skel): """check preciseness of config settings :param cidr_networks: ``dict`` cidr_networks from config :param config: ``dict`` User defined information :param container_skel: ``dict`` container skeleton for all known containers """ # search for any container that doesn't have is_metal flag set to true is_provider_networks_needed = False for key, value in container_skel.iteritems(): properties = value.get('properties') is_metal = properties.get('is_metal', False) if not is_metal: is_provider_networks_needed = True break if is_provider_networks_needed: if ('global_overrides' not in config): raise SystemExit( "global_overrides can't be found in user config" ) elif ('provider_networks' not in config['global_overrides']): raise SystemExit( "provider networks can't be found under " "global_overrides in user config" ) else: # make sure that provider network's ip_from_q is valid overrides = config['global_overrides'] pns = overrides.get('provider_networks', list()) for pn in pns: p_net = pn.get('network') if not p_net: continue q_name = p_net.get('ip_from_q') if q_name and q_name not in cidr_networks: raise SystemExit( "can't find " + q_name + " in cidr_networks" ) if (p_net.get('container_bridge') == overrides.get('management_bridge')): if (not p_net.get('is_ssh_address') or not p_net.get('is_container_address')): raise ProviderNetworkMisconfiguration(q_name) # look for same ip address assigned to different hosts _check_same_ip_to_multiple_host(config) _check_multiple_ips_to_host(config) def load_environment(config_path, environment): """Create an environment dictionary from config files :param config_path: ``str`` path where the environment files are kept :param environment: ``dict`` dictionary to populate with environment data """ # Load all YAML files found in the env.d directory env_plugins = os.path.join(config_path, 'env.d') if os.path.isdir(env_plugins): _extra_config(user_defined_config=environment, base_dir=env_plugins) return environment def load_user_configuration(config_path): """Create a user configuration dictionary from config files :param config_path: ``str`` path where the configuration files are kept """ user_defined_config = dict() # Load the user defined configuration file user_config_file = os.path.join(config_path, 'openstack_user_config.yml') if os.path.isfile(user_config_file): with open(user_config_file, 'rb') as f: user_defined_config.update(yaml.safe_load(f.read()) or {}) # Load anything in a conf.d directory if found base_dir = os.path.join(config_path, 'conf.d') if os.path.isdir(base_dir): _extra_config(user_defined_config, base_dir) # Exit if no user_config was found and loaded if not user_defined_config: raise SystemExit( 'No user config loaded\n' 'No openstack_user_config files are available in either \n%s' '\nor \n%s/conf.d directory' % (config_path, config_path) ) return user_defined_config def make_backup(config_path, inventory_file_path): # Create a backup of all previous inventory files as a tar archive inventory_backup_file = os.path.join( config_path, 'backup_openstack_inventory.tar' ) with tarfile.open(inventory_backup_file, 'a') as tar: basename = os.path.basename(inventory_file_path) backup_name = get_backup_name(basename) tar.add(inventory_file_path, arcname=backup_name) def get_backup_name(basename): utctime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() utctime = utctime.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") return '%s-%s.json' % (basename, utctime) def get_inventory(config_path, inventory_file_path): if os.path.isfile(inventory_file_path): with open(inventory_file_path, 'rb') as f: dynamic_inventory = json.loads(f.read()) make_backup(config_path, inventory_file_path) else: dynamic_inventory = copy.deepcopy(INVENTORY_SKEL) return dynamic_inventory def main(all_args): """Run the main application.""" # Get the path to the user configuration files config_path = find_config_path( user_config_path=all_args.get('config') ) user_defined_config = load_user_configuration(config_path) base_env = load_environment(os.path.dirname(__file__), {}) environment = load_environment(config_path, base_env) # Load existing inventory file if found dynamic_inventory_file = os.path.join( config_path, 'openstack_inventory.json' ) dynamic_inventory = get_inventory(config_path, dynamic_inventory_file) # Save the users container cidr as a group variable cidr_networks = user_defined_config.get('cidr_networks') if not cidr_networks: raise SystemExit('No container CIDR specified in user config') if 'container' in cidr_networks: user_cidr = cidr_networks['container'] elif 'management' in cidr_networks: user_cidr = cidr_networks['management'] else: raise SystemExit('No container or management network ' 'specified in user config.') # make sure user_defined config is self contained _check_config_settings( cidr_networks, user_defined_config, environment.get('container_skel') ) # Add the container_cidr into the all global ansible group_vars _parse_global_variables(user_cidr, dynamic_inventory, user_defined_config) # Load all of the IP addresses that we know are used and set the queue _set_used_ips(user_defined_config, dynamic_inventory) user_defined_setup(user_defined_config, dynamic_inventory) skel_setup(environment, dynamic_inventory) skel_load( environment.get('physical_skel'), dynamic_inventory ) skel_load( environment.get('component_skel'), dynamic_inventory ) container_skel_load( environment.get('container_skel'), dynamic_inventory, user_defined_config ) # Look at inventory and ensure all entries have all required values. _ensure_inventory_uptodate( inventory=dynamic_inventory, container_skel=environment.get('container_skel'), ) # Load the inventory json dynamic_inventory_json = json.dumps( dynamic_inventory, indent=4, sort_keys=True ) check = all_args.get('check') if check: return 'Configuration ok!' # Generate a list of all hosts and their used IP addresses hostnames_ips = {} for _host, _vars in dynamic_inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].iteritems(): host_hash = hostnames_ips[_host] = {} for _key, _value in _vars.iteritems(): if _key.endswith('address') or _key == 'ansible_ssh_host': host_hash[_key] = _value # Save a list of all hosts and their given IP addresses hostnames_ip_file = os.path.join( config_path, 'openstack_hostnames_ips.yml') with open(hostnames_ip_file, 'wb') as f: f.write( json.dumps( hostnames_ips, indent=4, sort_keys=True ) ) # Save new dynamic inventory with open(dynamic_inventory_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(dynamic_inventory_json) return dynamic_inventory_json if __name__ == '__main__': all_args = args(sys.argv[1:]) output = main(all_args) print(output)