.. _quickstart-aio: =============== Quickstart: AIO =============== All-in-one (AIO) builds are a great way to perform an OpenStack-Ansible build for: * a development environment * an overview of how all of the OpenStack services fit together * a simple lab deployment Although AIO builds aren't recommended for large production deployments, they're great for smaller proof-of-concept deployments. Absolute minimum server resources (currently used for gate checks): * 8 vCPU's * 50GB free disk space on the root partition * 8GB RAM Recommended server resources: * CPU/motherboard that supports `hardware-assisted virtualization`_ * 8 CPU Cores * 80GB free disk space on the root partition, or 60GB+ on a blank secondary disk. Using a secondary disk requires the use of the ``bootstrap_host_data_disk_device`` parameter. Please see `Building an AIO`_ for more details. * 16GB RAM It's `possible` to perform AIO builds within a virtual machine for demonstration and evaluation, but your virtual machines will perform poorly. For production workloads, multiple nodes for specific roles are recommended. .. _hardware-assisted virtualization: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware-assisted_virtualization Building an AIO --------------- There are three steps to running an AIO build, with an optional first step should you need to customize your build: * Configuration *(this step is optional)* * Install and bootstrap Ansible * Initial host bootstrap * Run playbooks When building an AIO on a new server, it is recommended that all system packages are upgraded and then reboot into the new kernel: .. note:: Execute the following commands and scripts as the root user. .. code-block:: shell-session ## Ubuntu # apt-get dist-upgrade # reboot .. code-block:: shell-session ## CentOS # yum upgrade # yum install git # reboot .. code-block:: shell-session ## openSUSE # zypper up # zypper in git-core # reboot .. note:: If you are installing with limited connectivity, please review the *Installing with limited connectivity* appendix in the :deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide ` before proceeding. Start by cloning the OpenStack-Ansible repository and changing into the repository root directory: .. code-block:: shell-session # git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-ansible \ /opt/openstack-ansible # cd /opt/openstack-ansible Next switch the applicable branch/tag to be deployed from. Note that deploying from the head of a branch may result in an unstable build due to changes in flight and upstream OpenStack changes. For a test (for example, not a development) build it is usually best to checkout the latest tagged version. .. parsed-literal:: # # List all existing tags. # git tag -l # # Checkout the stable branch and find just the latest tag # git checkout |current_release_git_branch_name| # git describe --abbrev=0 --tags # # Checkout the latest tag from either method of retrieving the tag. # git checkout |latest_tag| .. note:: The |current_release_formal_name| release is only compatible with Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus), Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) Centos 7 and openSUSE Leap 42.X. By default the scripts deploy all OpenStack services with sensible defaults for the purpose of a gate check, development or testing system. Review the `bootstrap-host role defaults`_ file to see various configuration options. Deployers have the option to change how the host is bootstrapped. This is useful when you wish the AIO to make use of a secondary data disk, or when using this role to bootstrap a multi-node development environment. .. _bootstrap-host role defaults: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-ansible/tree/tests/roles/bootstrap-host/defaults/main.yml?h=stable/rocky The bootstrap script is pre-set to pass the environment variable ``BOOTSTRAP_OPTS`` as an additional option to the bootstrap process. For example, if you wish to set the bootstrap to re-partition a specific secondary storage device (``/dev/sdb``), which will erase all of the data on the device, then execute: .. code-block:: shell-session # export BOOTSTRAP_OPTS="bootstrap_host_data_disk_device=sdb" By default the filesystem type will be set to ext4, if you want another type of filesystem to be used, just use something similar to the following: .. code-block:: shell-session # export BOOTSTRAP_OPTS="bootstrap_host_data_disk_device=sdb bootstrap_host_data_disk_fs_type=xfs" Additional options may be implemented by simply concatenating them with a space between each set of options, for example: .. code-block:: shell-session # export BOOTSTRAP_OPTS="bootstrap_host_data_disk_device=sdb" # export BOOTSTRAP_OPTS="${BOOTSTRAP_OPTS} bootstrap_host_ubuntu_repo=http://mymirror.example.com/ubuntu" You may wish to change the role fetch mode. Options are ``galaxy`` and ``git-clone``. The default for this option is ``galaxy``. options: :galaxy: Resolve all role dependencies using the ``ansible-galaxy`` resolver :git-clone: Clone all of the role dependencies using native git Notes: When doing role development it may be useful to set ``ANSIBLE_ROLE_FETCH_MODE`` to ``git-clone``. This will provide you the ability to develop roles within the environment by modifying, patching, or committing changes using an intact git tree while the ``galaxy`` option scrubs the ``.git`` directory when it resolves a dependency. .. code-block:: bash $ export ANSIBLE_ROLE_FETCH_MODE=git-clone The next step is to bootstrap Ansible and the Ansible roles for the development environment. Deployers can customize roles by adding variables to override the defaults in each role (see :ref:`user-overrides`). Run the following to bootstrap Ansible: .. code-block:: shell-session # scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh Notes: You might encounter an error while running the Ansible bootstrap script when building some of the Python extensions (like pycrypto) which says: .. code-block:: shell-session configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs. The reason of this failure might be resulting from a noexec mount flag used for the filesystem associated with /tmp which you can check by running the following command: .. code-block:: shell-session # mount | grep $(df /tmp | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}') | grep noexec If this is the case you can specify an alternate path which does not have this mount option set: .. code-block:: shell-session # TMPDIR=/var/tmp scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh In order for all the services to run, the host must be prepared with the appropriate disks partitioning, packages, network configuration and configurations for the OpenStack Deployment. For the default AIO scenario, this preparation is completed by executing: .. code-block:: shell-session # scripts/bootstrap-aio.sh If you wish to use a different scenario, for example, the Ceph scenario, execute the following: .. code-block:: shell-session # export SCENARIO='ceph' # scripts/bootstrap-aio.sh **Tested Scenarios** .. raw:: html :file: scenario-table-gen.html To add OpenStack Services over and above the `bootstrap-aio default services`_ for the applicable scenario, copy the ``conf.d`` files with the ``.aio`` file extension into ``/etc/openstack_deploy`` and rename then to ``.yml`` files. For example, in order to enable the OpenStack Telemetry services, execute the following: .. code-block:: shell-session # cd /opt/openstack-ansible/ # cp etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/{aodh,gnocchi,ceilometer}.yml.aio /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/ # for f in $(ls -1 /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/*.aio); do mv -v ${f} ${f%.*}; done To add any global overrides, over and above the defaults for the applicable scenario, edit ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml``. See the :deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide ` for more details. Finally, run the playbooks by executing: .. code-block:: shell-session # cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks # openstack-ansible setup-hosts.yml # openstack-ansible setup-infrastructure.yml # openstack-ansible setup-openstack.yml The installation process will take a while to complete, but here are some general estimates: * Bare metal systems with SSD storage: ~ 30-50 minutes * Virtual machines with SSD storage: ~ 45-60 minutes * Systems with traditional hard disks: ~ 90-120 minutes Once the playbooks have fully executed, it is possible to experiment with various settings changes in ``/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml`` and only run individual playbooks. For example, to run the playbook for the Keystone service, execute: .. code-block:: shell-session # cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks # openstack-ansible os-keystone-install.yml .. _bootstrap-aio default services: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-ansible/tree/tests/bootstrap-aio.yml Rebooting an AIO ---------------- As the AIO includes all three cluster members of MariaDB/Galera, the cluster has to be re-initialized after the host is rebooted. This is done by executing the following: .. code-block:: shell-session # cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks # openstack-ansible -e galera_ignore_cluster_state=true galera-install.yml If this fails to get the database cluster back into a running state, then please make use of the :dev_docs:`Galera Cluster Recovery ` section in the operations guide. Rebuilding an AIO ----------------- Sometimes it may be useful to destroy all the containers and rebuild the AIO. While it is preferred that the AIO is entirely destroyed and rebuilt, this isn't always practical. As such the following may be executed instead: .. code-block:: shell-session # # Move to the playbooks directory. # cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks # # Destroy all of the running containers. # openstack-ansible lxc-containers-destroy.yml # # On the host stop all of the services that run locally and not # # within a container. # for i in \ $(ls /etc/init \ | grep -e "nova\|swift\|neutron\|cinder" \ | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'); do \ service $i stop; \ done # # Uninstall the core services that were installed. # for i in $(pip freeze | grep -e "nova\|neutron\|keystone\|swift\|cinder"); do \ pip uninstall -y $i; done # # Remove crusty directories. # rm -rf /openstack /etc/{neutron,nova,swift,cinder} \ /var/log/{neutron,nova,swift,cinder} # # Remove the pip configuration files on the host # rm -rf /root/.pip # # Remove the apt package manager proxy # rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00apt-cacher-proxy Should an existing AIO environment need to be reinstalled, the most efficient method is to destroy the host operating system and start over. For this reason, AIOs are best run inside of some form of virtual machine or cloud guest. Reference Diagram for an AIO Build ---------------------------------- Here is a basic diagram that attempts to illustrate what the resulting AIO deployment looks like. This diagram is not to scale and is not even 100% accurate, this diagram was built for informational purposes only and should **ONLY** be used as such. .. code-block:: text ------->[ ETH0 == Public Network ] | V [ * ] Socket Connections [ HOST MACHINE ] [ <>v^ ] Network Connections * ^ * | | |------------------------------------------------------- | | | | |---------------->[ HAProxy ] | | ^ | | | | | V | | (BR-Interfaces)<------ | | ^ * | | *-[ LXC ]*--*----------------------|-----|------|----| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | V * | | | * | | [ Galera x3 ] | | [ Memcached ]<------------| | | | *-------*[ Rsyslog ]<--------------|--| | * | | [ Repos Server x3 ]<------| ---|-->[ RabbitMQ x3 ] | | [ Horizon x2 ]<-----------| | | | | [ Nova api ec2 ]<---------|--| | | | [ Nova api os ]<----------|->| | | | [ Nova console ]<---------| | | | | [ Nova Cert ]<------------|->| | | | [ Cinder api ]<-----------|->| | | | [ Glance api ]<-----------|->| | | | [ Heat apis ]<------------|->| | [ Loop back devices ]*-* | [ Heat engine ]<----------|->| | \ \ | | ------>[ Nova api metadata ] | | | { LVM } { XFS x3 } | | | [ Nova conductor ]<-------| | | * * | | |----->[ Nova scheduler ]--------|->| | | | | | | [ Keystone x3 ]<----------|->| | | | | | | |--->[ Neutron agents ]*-------|--|---------------------------* | | | [ Neutron server ]<-------|->| | | | | | | |->[ Swift proxy ]<----------- | | | | *-|-|-|-*[ Cinder volume ]*----------------------* | | | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------- | | | | ----------------------------------------- | | | | | -------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | V | | * | ---->[ Compute ]*[ Neutron linuxbridge ]<---| |->[ Swift storage ]-