# Render all openstack-service configuration files from attributes Note: This functionality has been added in mitaka and replaces most of the previously existing template files to generate service configurations like nova.conf, neutron.conf or even ml2_conf.ini. # Usage All service configuration files following the [INI file format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file) can be created with the template from the [openstack-common cookbook] (https://github.com/openstack/cookbook-openstack-common/blob/master/templates/default/openstack-service.conf.erb). The attributes to create for example the neutron.conf have to follow this format: ``` default['openstack']['network']['conf'][$SECTION][$PROPERTY][$VALUE] ``` In the case given above, you first have to select the proper section ($SECTION) like 'DEFAULT' or 'keystone_authtoken'. After that you can simply select the property (e.g. 'log_file', 'verbose' or 'password') and its value (e.g. '/var/log/neutron/neutron-server.log', true or 'mypass'). The given examples would render something similar to this: ``` ['DEFAULT'] log_file = /var/log/neutron/neutron-server.log verbose = true ['keystone_authtoken'] password = mypass ``` The exact same logic is used for most services (currently keystone, nova, neutron (conf and plugin files), cinder and glance) and will be adapted for all other services and config files throughout the openstack cookbooks if possible. TODO: add more specifics of the used defaults to each service cookbook and link these sections here