current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) client_opts = "--chef-license accept --force-formatter --no-color -z --config #{current_dir}/.chef/knife.rb" task default: ['test'] desc 'Default gate tests to run' task test: %i(rubocop berks_vendor json_check) def run_command(command) if File.exist?('/opt/chef/bin/chef-client') puts "PATH=/opt/chef/embedded/bin:$PATH #{command}" sh %(PATH=/opt/chef/embedded/bin:$PATH #{command}) else puts "chef exec #{command}" sh %(chef exec #{command}) end end task :destroy_all do run_command('rm -rf Gemfile.lock && rm -rf Berksfile.lock && rm -rf cookbooks/') end desc 'Vendor your cookbooks/' task :berks_vendor do if ENV['CHEF_MINIMAL'] == 'yes' run_command('berks vendor cookbooks') else berksfile = ENV['PROJECT_DIR'] + '/Berksfile' run_command("berks vendor -b #{berksfile} #{current_dir}/cookbooks") end end desc 'Create Chef Key' task :create_key do unless File.exist?('.chef/validator.pem') require 'openssl' File.binwrite('.chef/validator.pem', end end desc 'Blow everything away' task clean: [:destroy_all] # CI tasks require 'cookstyle' require 'rubocop/rake_task' desc 'Run RuboCop' do |task| task.options << '--display-cop-names' end desc 'Validate data bags, environments and roles' task :json_check do require 'json' ['data_bags/*', 'environments', 'roles'].each do |sub_dir| Dir.glob(sub_dir + '/*.json') do |env_file| puts "Checking #{env_file}" JSON.parse( end end end # Helper for running various testing commands def _run_commands(desc, commands, openstack = true) puts "## Running #{desc}" commands.each do |command, options| options.each do |option| if openstack sh %(sudo bash -c '. /root/openrc && #{command} #{option}') else sh %(#{command} #{option}) end end end puts "## Finished #{desc}" end # use the correct environment depending on platform if File.exist?('/usr/bin/apt-get') @platform = 'ubuntu18' elsif File.exist?('/usr/bin/yum') @platform = 'centos7' elsif File.exist?('/usr/bin/dnf') @platform = 'centos8' end # Helper for looking at the starting environment def _run_env_queries _run_commands( 'basic common env queries', { 'uname' => ['-a'], 'pwd' => [''], 'env' => [''], '/opt/chef/bin/chef-client' => ['--chef-license accept --version'], '/opt/chef/bin/inspec' => [ 'version --chef-license accept', 'detect --chef-license accept', ], }, false ) case @platform when 'ubuntu18' _run_commands( 'basic debian env queries', { 'ifconfig' => [''], 'cat' => ['/etc/apt/sources.list'], }, false ) when 'centos7', 'centos8' _run_commands( 'basic rhel env queries', { '/sbin/getenforce' => [''], '/usr/sbin/ip' => ['addr'], 'cat' => ['/etc/yum.repos.d/*'], }, false ) end end def _save_logs(prefix, log_dir) sh %(sleep 25) sh %(mkdir -p #{log_dir}/#{prefix}) sh %(sudo journalctl -l > #{log_dir}/#{prefix}/journalctl.log) case @platform when 'ubuntu18' sh %(sudo /bin/ss -tunlp > #{log_dir}/#{prefix}/netstat.log) when 'centos7', 'centos8' sh %(sudo /sbin/ss -tunlp > #{log_dir}/#{prefix}/netstat.log) end %w( apache2 ceilometer cinder designate glance gnocchi heat httpd keystone mariadb mysql mysql-default neutron nova openvswitch rabbitmq ).each do |project| sh %(mkdir -p #{log_dir}/#{prefix}/#{project}) sh %(sudo cp -rL /etc/#{project} #{log_dir}/#{prefix}/#{project}/etc || true) sh %(sudo cp -rL /var/log/#{project} #{log_dir}/#{prefix}/#{project}/log || true) end end desc 'Integration test on Infra' task integration: %i(create_key berks_vendor) do log_dir = ENV['WORKSPACE'] + '/logs' sh %(mkdir #{log_dir}) # Translates project name into shorter names with underscores project_name = ENV['PROJECT_NAME'].gsub('cookbook-openstack-', '').tr('-', '_') # Use special roles for openstack-chef and cookbook-openstackclient projects project_name = case project_name when 'openstack_chef' 'minimal' when 'cookbook_openstackclient' 'openstackclient' when 'integration_test' 'integration' else project_name end if ENV['CHEF_MINIMAL'] == 'yes' # If CHEF_MINIMAL is set, then let's assume we're running the full minimal suite project_name = 'minimal' end inspec_dir = 'test/integration/' +'_', '-') + '/inspec' run_list = "role[#{project_name}],role[#{project_name}_test]" # This is a workaround for allowing chef-client to run in local mode sh %(sudo mkdir -p /etc/chef && sudo cp .chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret /etc/chef/openstack_data_bag_secret) # Add a symlink in case we run cinc instead of chef sh %(sudo ln -s /etc/chef /etc/cinc) _run_env_queries # Three passes to ensure idempotency. prefer each to times, even if it # reads weird (1..3).each do |i| begin puts "####### Pass #{i}" # Kick off chef client in local mode, will converge OpenStack right on the gate job "in place" sh %(sudo chef-client #{client_opts} -E integration -r '#{run_list}' > #{log_dir}/chef-client-pass#{i}.txt 2>&1) rescue => e raise "####### Pass #{i} failed with #{e.message}" ensure # make sure logs are saved, pass or fail _save_logs("pass#{i}", log_dir) sh %(sudo chown -R $USER #{log_dir}/pass#{i}) sh %(sudo chmod -R go+rx #{log_dir}/pass#{i}) end end # Run InSpec & Tempest tests puts '## InSpec & Tempest' begin sh %(sudo /opt/chef/bin/inspec exec --no-color #{inspec_dir} --reporter=cli html:#{log_dir}/inspec.html) if File.exist?('/opt/tempest-venv/') # Run Tempest separately from InSpec due to no way of extending the command timeout beyond 600s # sh %(sudo /opt/tempest-venv/ else puts 'Skipping Tempest tests...' end rescue => e raise "####### InSpec & Tempest failed with #{e.message}" ensure # make sure logs are saved, pass or fail _save_logs('inspec', log_dir) sh %(sudo chown -R $USER #{log_dir}/inspec) sh %(sudo chmod -R go+rx #{log_dir}/inspec) end end