<% public_ip = "" %> --- driver: name: vagrant customize: cpus: 4 memory: 8192 network: - ["forwarded_port", {guest: 443, host: 9443, auto_correct: true}] - ["private_network", {ip: <%= public_ip %>}] provisioner: name: chef_zero # You may wish to disable always updating cookbooks in CI or other testing # environments. # For example: # always_update_cookbooks: <%= !ENV['CI'] %> always_update_cookbooks: true product_name: <%= ENV['CHEF_PRODUCT_NAME'] || 'chef' %> product_version: 17 deprecations_as_errors: true multiple_converge: 2 # Copy secret to /tmp/kitchen on test VM. Kitchen tries to gather secrets # before any recipes had a chance to run -> we cannot use a recipe to put the # secrets file in place. encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path: .chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret roles_path: roles environments_path: environments attributes: openstack: secret: key_path: /tmp/kitchen/encrypted_data_bag_secret client_rb: environment: integration treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors: true resource_cloning: false chef_license: accept verifier: name: inspec platforms: - name: ubuntu-18.04 driver: box: bento/ubuntu-18.04 - name: centos-7 driver: box: bento/centos-7 - name: centos-stream-8 driver: box: bento/centos-stream-8 suites: - name: default run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[allinone] - role[minimal_test] provisioner: client_rb: environment: allinone - name: minimal run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[minimal] - role[minimal_test] - name: common run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[common] - role[common_test] - name: openstackclient run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[openstackclient] - recipe[openstack_test::openstackclient] - name: ops-database run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[ops_database] - name: ops-messaging run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[ops_messaging] - name: identity run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[identity] - role[identity_test] - name: image run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[image] - role[image_test] - name: network run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[identity] - role[network] - role[network_test] - name: compute run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[compute] - role[compute_test] - name: orchestration run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[orchestration] - role[orchestration_test] - name: block-storage run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[block_storage] - role[block_storage_test] - name: bare-metal run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[bare_metal] - role[bare_metal_test] - name: telemetry run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[telemetry] - role[telemetry_test] - name: dns run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[dns] - role[dns_test] - name: dashboard run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[dashboard] - role[dashboard_test] - name: integration run_list: - recipe[openstack_test] - role[integration] - role[integration_test]