Merge "Improve validation tools"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2013-09-23 13:29:09 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 03a7e44eaa
2 changed files with 324 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -29,13 +29,17 @@ import sys
import urllib2
# These are files that are known to not be in DocBook format
FILE_EXCEPTIONS = ['st-training-guides.xml', 'ha-guide-docinfo.xml', 'bk001-ch003-associate-general.xml', 'basic-install-pom.xml']
FILE_EXCEPTIONS = ['st-training-guides.xml',
# These are books that we aren't checking yet
# NOTE(berendt): check_output as provided in Python 2.7.5 to make script
# usable with Python < 2.7
def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
@ -108,8 +112,10 @@ def verify_nice_usage_of_whitespaces(docfile):
for element in elements:
checks.append(re.compile(".*<%s>\s+[\w\-().:!?{}\[\]]+.*\n" % element)),
checks.append(re.compile(".*[\w\-().:!?{}\[\]]+\s+<\/%s>.*\n" % element))
% element)),
% element))
lc = 0
affected_lines = []
@ -121,7 +127,8 @@ def verify_nice_usage_of_whitespaces(docfile):
if len(affected_lines) > 0:
raise ValueError("trailing or unnecessary whitespaces "
"in following lines: %s" % ", ".join(affected_lines))
"found in lines: %s"
% ", ".join(affected_lines))
def error_message(error_log):
@ -138,10 +145,12 @@ def error_message(error_log):
# Check whether only files in www got updated
def only_www_touched():
"""Check whether only files in www directory are touched"""
args = ["git", "diff", "--name-only", "HEAD", "HEAD~1"]
args = ["git", "diff", "--name-only", "HEAD~1", "HEAD"]
modified_files = check_output(args).strip().split()
except (CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
print("git failed: %s" % e)
@ -155,39 +164,44 @@ def only_www_touched():
return www_changed and not other_changed
def get_modified_files(rootdir, filter=None):
def get_modified_files(rootdir, filtering=None):
"""Get modified files below doc directory"""
# There are several tree traversals in this program that do a
# chroot, we need to run this git command always from the rootdir,
# chdir, we need to run this git command always from the rootdir,
# so assure that.
args = ["git", "diff", "--name-only", "--relative", "HEAD", "HEAD~1"]
if filter != None:
args = ["git", "diff", "--name-only", "--relative", "HEAD~1", "HEAD"]
if filtering is not None:
modified_files = check_output(args).strip().split()
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
print("git failed: %s" % e)
return modified_files
def check_deleted_files(rootdir, file_exceptions):
""" Check whether files got deleted and verify that no other file references them.
def check_deleted_files(rootdir, file_exceptions, verbose):
""" Check whether files got deleted and verify that no other file
references them.
print("\nChecking for removed files")
print("\nChecking that no removed files are referenced...")
deleted_files = get_modified_files(rootdir, "--diff-filter=D")
if not deleted_files:
print("No files were removed.")
if verbose:
print(" Removed files:")
for f in deleted_files:
print (" %s" % f)
deleted_files = map(lambda x: os.path.abspath(x), deleted_files)
no_checked_files = 0
# Figure out whether files were included anywhere
missing_reference = False
@ -208,13 +222,16 @@ def check_deleted_files(rootdir, file_exceptions):
f not in file_exceptions):
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, f))
doc = etree.parse(path)
no_checked_files = no_checked_files + 1
# Check for inclusion of files as part of imagedata
for node in doc.findall('//{}imagedata'):
for node in doc.findall(
href = node.get('fileref')
if (f not in file_exceptions and
os.path.abspath(href) in deleted_files):
print(" File %s has an imagedata href for deleted file %s " % (f, href))
print(" File %s has imagedata href for deleted "
"file %s" % (f, href))
missing_reference = True
@ -227,26 +244,93 @@ def check_deleted_files(rootdir, file_exceptions):
for node in doc.xpath('//xi:include', namespaces=ns):
href = node.get('href')
if (os.path.abspath(href) in deleted_files):
print(" File %s has an xi:include on deleted file %s " % (f, href))
print(" File %s has an xi:include on deleted file %s"
% (f, href))
missing_reference = True
if missing_reference:
print("Failed removed file check, %d files were removed, "
"%d files checked."
% (len(deleted_files), no_checked_files))
print("Passed removed file check.")
print("Passed removed file check, %d files were removed, "
"%d files checked."
% (len(deleted_files), no_checked_files))
def validate_one_file(schema, rootdir, path, verbose,
any_failures, check_syntax, check_niceness):
"""Validate a single file"""
# We pass schema in as a way of caching it, generating it is expensive
if verbose:
print(" Validating %s" % os.path.relpath(path, rootdir))
if check_syntax:
doc = etree.parse(path)
if validation_failed(schema, doc):
any_failures = True
if check_niceness:
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:
any_failures = True
print(" %s: %s" % (os.path.relpath(path, rootdir), e))
except ValueError as e:
any_failures = True
print(" %s: %s" % (os.path.relpath(path, rootdir), e))
return any_failures
def is_xml(filename):
"""Returns true if file ends with .xml and is not a pom.xml file"""
return filename.endswith('.xml') and not filename.endswith('/pom.xml')
def validate_individual_files(rootdir, exceptions, verbose,
check_syntax=False, check_niceness=False,
"""Validate list of modified files."""
def validate_individual_files(rootdir, exceptions, force=False, niceness=False, voting=True):
schema = get_schema()
any_failures = False
if force:
print("\nValidating all files")
modified_files = get_modified_files(rootdir)
print("\nFollowing files will be validated:")
for f in modified_files:
print(">>> %s" % f)
no_validated = 0
# Do not select delete files, just Added, Copied, Modified, Renamed,
# or Type changed
modified_files = get_modified_files(rootdir, "--diff-filter=ACMRT")
modified_files = filter(is_xml, modified_files)
print("\nValidating files...")
modified_files = map(lambda x: os.path.abspath(x), modified_files)
for f in modified_files:
if os.path.basename(f) in exceptions:
any_failures = validate_one_file(
schema, rootdir, f, verbose, any_failures,
check_syntax, check_niceness)
no_validated = no_validated + 1
if voting and any_failures:
print("Validation failed, validated %d files.\n" % no_validated)
print("Validation passed, validated %d files.\n" % no_validated)
def validate_all_files(rootdir, exceptions, verbose,
check_syntax, check_niceness=False, voting=True):
"""Validate all xml files."""
schema = get_schema()
any_failures = False
no_validated = 0
print("\nValidating all files...")
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
# Don't descend into 'target' subdirectories
@ -260,35 +344,26 @@ def validate_individual_files(rootdir, exceptions, force=False, niceness=False,
if (f.endswith('.xml') and
f != 'pom.xml' and
f not in exceptions):
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, f))
if not force and path not in modified_files:
doc = etree.parse(path)
if validation_failed(schema, doc):
any_failures = True
if niceness:
verify_nice_usage_of_whitespaces(os.path.join(root, f))
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:
any_failures = True
print("%s: %s" % (path, e))
except ValueError as e:
any_failures = True
print("%s: %s" % (path, e))
any_failures = validate_one_file(
schema, rootdir, path, verbose, any_failures,
check_syntax, check_niceness)
no_validated = no_validated + 1
if voting and any_failures:
print("Validation failed, validated %d files.\n" % no_validated)
print("Validation passed.\n")
print("Validation passed, validated %d files.\n" % no_validated)
def logging_build_book(result):
"""Callback for book building"""
def build_book(rootdir, book):
def build_book(book):
"""Build a single book"""
result = True
returncode = 0
@ -305,7 +380,8 @@ def build_book(rootdir, book):
return (os.path.basename(book), result, output, returncode)
def build_affected_books(rootdir, book_exceptions, file_exceptions, force=False, voting=True):
def build_affected_books(rootdir, book_exceptions, file_exceptions,
force=False, voting=True):
"""Build all the books which are affected by modified files.
Looks for all directories with "pom.xml" and checks if a
@ -344,7 +420,8 @@ def build_affected_books(rootdir, book_exceptions, file_exceptions, force=False,
doc = etree.parse(path)
# Check for inclusion of files as part of imagedata
for node in doc.findall('//{}imagedata'):
for node in doc.findall(
href = node.get('fileref')
if (f not in file_exceptions and
os.path.abspath(href) in modified_files):
@ -380,7 +457,8 @@ def build_affected_books(rootdir, book_exceptions, file_exceptions, force=False,
print("Queuing the following books for building:")
for book in books:
print(" %s" % os.path.basename(book))
pool.apply_async(build_book, (rootdir, book), callback = logging_build_book)
pool.apply_async(build_book, book,
print("Building all books now...")
@ -391,7 +469,8 @@ def build_affected_books(rootdir, book_exceptions, file_exceptions, force=False,
print(">>> Build of book %s succeeded." % book)
any_failures = True
print(">>> Build of book %s failed (returncode = %d)." % (book, returncode))
print(">>> Build of book %s failed (returncode = %d)."
% (book, returncode))
print("\n%s" % output)
if voting and any_failures:
@ -404,14 +483,29 @@ def main(args):
print("Only files in www directory changed, nothing to do.")
if args.check_syntax:
validate_individual_files(args.path, FILE_EXCEPTIONS, args.force, args.with_niceness, args.non_voting)
if args.job_build:
args.check_delete = True
args.check_syntax = True
args.check_build = True
if args.job_niceness:
args.check_niceness = True
if args.check_delete:
check_deleted_files(args.path, FILE_EXCEPTIONS)
check_deleted_files(args.path, FILE_EXCEPTIONS, args.verbose)
if args.check_syntax or args.check_niceness:
if args.force:
validate_all_files(args.path, FILE_EXCEPTIONS, args.verbose,
args.check_niceness, args.non_voting)
validate_individual_files(args.path, FILE_EXCEPTIONS,
args.verbose, args.check_syntax,
args.check_niceness, args.non_voting)
if args.check_build:
build_affected_books(args.path, BOOK_EXCEPTIONS, FILE_EXCEPTIONS, args.force, args.non_voting)
build_affected_books(args.path, BOOK_EXCEPTIONS, FILE_EXCEPTIONS,
args.force, args.non_voting)
def default_root():
@ -422,7 +516,7 @@ def default_root():
args = ["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"]
gitroot = check_output(args).rstrip()
except (CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
print("git failed: %s" % e)
@ -434,18 +528,26 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser.add_argument('path', nargs='?', default=default_root(),
help="Root directory that contains DocBook files, "
"defaults to `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`/doc")
parser.add_argument("--force", help="force the validation of all files "
parser.add_argument("--force", help="Force the validation of all files "
"and build all books", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--check-build", help="try to build books using "
parser.add_argument("--check-build", help="Try to build books using "
"modified files", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--check-syntax", help="check the syntax of modified "
parser.add_argument("--check-syntax", help="Check the syntax of modified "
"files", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--check-delete", help="check that deleted files "
"are not used", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--with-niceness", help="when checking the syntax "
"also check the niceness of the syntax",
parser.add_argument("--check-delete", help="Check that deleted files "
"are not used.", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--check-niceness", help="Check the niceness of "
"files, for example whitespace.",
parser.add_argument("--non-voting", help="do not exit on failures",
parser.add_argument("--non-voting", help="Do not exit on failures",
parser.add_argument("--verbose", help="Verbose execution",
parser.add_argument("--job-niceness", help="Override values "
"for running as niceness gate-job",
parser.add_argument("--job-build", help="Override values "
"for running as build gate-job",
args = parser.parse_args()

View File

@ -30,13 +30,17 @@ import sys
import urllib2
# These are files that are known to not be in DocBook format
FILE_EXCEPTIONS = ['st-training-guides.xml', 'ha-guide-docinfo.xml', 'bk001-ch003-associate-general.xml', 'basic-install-pom.xml']
FILE_EXCEPTIONS = ['st-training-guides.xml',
# These are books that we aren't checking yet
# NOTE(berendt): check_output as provided in Python 2.7.5 to make script
# usable with Python < 2.7
def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
@ -109,8 +113,10 @@ def verify_nice_usage_of_whitespaces(rootdir, docfile, found_extra_whitespace):
for element in elements:
checks.append(re.compile(".*<%s>\s+[\w\-().:!?{}\[\]]+.*\n" % element)),
checks.append(re.compile(".*[\w\-().:!?{}\[\]]+\s+<\/%s>.*\n" % element))
% element)),
% element))
lc = 0
affected_lines = []
@ -128,6 +134,7 @@ def verify_nice_usage_of_whitespaces(rootdir, docfile, found_extra_whitespace):
", ".join(affected_lines)))
return found_extra_whitespace
def error_message(error_log):
"""Return a string that contains the error message.
@ -139,12 +146,15 @@ def error_message(error_log):
return "\n".join(errs)
# Check whether only files in www got updated
def only_www_touched():
"""Check whether only files in www directory are touched"""
args = ["git", "diff", "--name-only", "HEAD~1", "HEAD"]
modified_files = check_output(args).strip().split()
except (CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
print("git failed: %s" % e)
@ -158,34 +168,37 @@ def only_www_touched():
return www_changed and not other_changed
def get_modified_files(rootdir, filter=None):
def get_modified_files(rootdir, filtering=None):
"""Get modified files below doc directory"""
# There are several tree traversals in this program that do a
# chroot, we need to run this git command always from the rootdir,
# chdir, we need to run this git command always from the rootdir,
# so assure that.
args = ["git", "diff", "--name-only", "--relative", "HEAD~1", "HEAD"]
if filter != None:
if filtering is not None:
modified_files = check_output(args).strip().split()
except (CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
print("git failed: %s" % e)
return modified_files
def check_deleted_files(rootdir, file_exceptions):
""" Check whether files got deleted and verify that no other file references them.
def check_deleted_files(rootdir, file_exceptions, verbose):
""" Check whether files got deleted and verify that no other file
references them.
print("\nChecking for removed files")
print("\nChecking that no removed files are referenced...")
deleted_files = get_modified_files(rootdir, "--diff-filter=D")
if not deleted_files:
print("No files were removed.")
if verbose:
print(" Removed files:")
for f in deleted_files:
print (" %s" % f)
@ -213,11 +226,13 @@ def check_deleted_files(rootdir, file_exceptions):
doc = etree.parse(path)
# Check for inclusion of files as part of imagedata
for node in doc.findall('//{}imagedata'):
for node in doc.findall(
href = node.get('fileref')
if (f not in file_exceptions and
os.path.abspath(href) in deleted_files):
print(" File %s has an imagedata href for deleted file %s " % (f, href))
print(" File %s has imagedata href for deleted "
"file %s" % (f, href))
missing_reference = True
@ -230,28 +245,87 @@ def check_deleted_files(rootdir, file_exceptions):
for node in doc.xpath('//xi:include', namespaces=ns):
href = node.get('href')
if (os.path.abspath(href) in deleted_files):
print(" File %s has an xi:include on deleted file %s " % (f, href))
print(" File %s has an xi:include on deleted file %s "
% (f, href))
missing_reference = True
if missing_reference:
print("Failed removed file check, %d files were removed."
% len(deleted_files))
print("Passed removed file check.")
print("Passed removed file check, %d files were removed."
% len(deleted_files))
def validate_individual_files(rootdir, exceptions, force):
def validate_one_file(schema, rootdir, path, verbose,
any_failures, found_extra_whitespace):
"""Validate a single file"""
# We pass schema in as a way of caching it, generating it is expensive
if verbose:
print(" Validating %s" % path)
doc = etree.parse(path)
if validation_failed(schema, doc):
any_failures = True
found_extra_whitespace = verify_nice_usage_of_whitespaces(
rootdir, path, found_extra_whitespace)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:
any_failures = True
print("%s: %s" % (path, e))
except ValueError as e:
any_failures = True
print("%s: %s" % (path, e))
return any_failures, found_extra_whitespace
def is_xml(filename):
"""Returns true if file ends with .xml and is not a pom.xml file"""
return filename.endswith('.xml') and not filename.endswith('/pom.xml')
def validate_individual_files(rootdir, exceptions, verbose):
"""Validate list of modified files."""
schema = get_schema()
found_extra_whitespace = False
extra_whitespace = False
any_failures = False
if force:
print("\nValidating all files")
modified_files = get_modified_files(rootdir)
print("\nFollowing files will be validated:")
for f in modified_files:
print(">>> %s" % f)
no_validated = 0
# Do not select delete files, just Added, Copied, Modified, Renamed,
# or Type changed
modified_files = get_modified_files(rootdir, "--diff-filter=ACMRT")
modified_files = filter(is_xml, modified_files)
print("\nValidating files...")
modified_files = map(lambda x: os.path.abspath(x), modified_files)
for f in modified_files:
if os.path.basename(f) in exceptions:
any_failures, extra_whitespace = validate_one_file(
schema, rootdir, f, verbose, any_failures, extra_whitespace)
no_validated = no_validated + 1
if any_failures:
print("Validation passed, validated %d files.\n" % no_validated)
def validate_all_files(rootdir, exceptions, verbose):
"""Validate all xml files."""
schema = get_schema()
extra_whitespace = False
any_failures = False
no_validated = 0
print("\nValidating all files")
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
# Don't descend into 'target' subdirectories
@ -265,32 +339,25 @@ def validate_individual_files(rootdir, exceptions, force):
if (f.endswith('.xml') and
f != 'pom.xml' and
f not in exceptions):
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, f))
if not force and path not in modified_files:
doc = etree.parse(path)
if validation_failed(schema, doc):
any_failures = True
found_extra_whitespace = verify_nice_usage_of_whitespaces(rootdir, path, found_extra_whitespace)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:
any_failures = True
print("%s: %s" % (path, e))
except ValueError as e:
any_failures = True
print("%s: %s" % (path, e))
any_failures, extra_whitespace = validate_one_file(
schema, rootdir, path, verbose, any_failures,
no_validated = no_validated + 1
if any_failures:
print("Validation passed.\n")
print("Validation passed, validated %d files.\n" % no_validated)
def logging_build_book(result):
"""Callback for book building"""
def build_book(rootdir, book):
def build_book(book):
"""Build a single book"""
result = True
returncode = 0
@ -348,7 +415,8 @@ def build_affected_books(rootdir, book_exceptions, file_exceptions, force):
doc = etree.parse(path)
# Check for inclusion of files as part of imagedata
for node in doc.findall('//{}imagedata'):
for node in doc.findall(
href = node.get('fileref')
if (f not in file_exceptions and
os.path.abspath(href) in modified_files):
@ -384,7 +452,8 @@ def build_affected_books(rootdir, book_exceptions, file_exceptions, force):
print("Queuing the following books for building:")
for book in books:
print(" %s" % os.path.basename(book))
pool.apply_async(build_book, (rootdir, book), callback = logging_build_book)
pool.apply_async(build_book, book,
print("Building all queued books now...")
@ -395,14 +464,15 @@ def build_affected_books(rootdir, book_exceptions, file_exceptions, force):
print(">>> Build of book %s succeeded." % book)
any_failures = True
print(">>> Build of book %s failed (returncode = %d)." % (book, returncode))
print(">>> Build of book %s failed (returncode = %d)."
% (book, returncode))
print("\n%s" % output)
if any_failures:
def main(rootdir, force):
def main(rootdir, force, verbose):
if force:
print("Validation of all files and build of all books will be forced.")
@ -410,8 +480,12 @@ def main(rootdir, force):
print("Only files in www directory changed, no validation done.")
check_deleted_files(rootdir, FILE_EXCEPTIONS)
validate_individual_files(rootdir, FILE_EXCEPTIONS, force)
check_deleted_files(rootdir, FILE_EXCEPTIONS, verbose)
if force:
validate_all_files(rootdir, FILE_EXCEPTIONS, verbose)
validate_individual_files(rootdir, FILE_EXCEPTIONS, verbose)
build_affected_books(rootdir, BOOK_EXCEPTIONS, FILE_EXCEPTIONS, force)
@ -423,7 +497,7 @@ def default_root():
args = ["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"]
gitroot = check_output(args).rstrip()
except (CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e:
print("git failed: %s" % e)
@ -435,7 +509,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser.add_argument('path', nargs='?', default=default_root(),
help="Root directory that contains DocBook files, "
"defaults to `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`/doc/")
parser.add_argument("--force", help="force the validation of all files "
parser.add_argument("--force", help="Force the validation of all files "
"and build all books", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", help="Verbose execution",
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.path, args.force)
main(args.path, args.force, args.verbose)