Make swift config tables the source of truth

As discussed on the mailing list, this patch will make the swift
configuration tables found in common a source of truth for the
helptext. The script that generates them has been updated for this,
and will now only add/remove options, update default values, and
replace helptext where it does not exist in the tables. Another
run of the script was done and tables were updated.

Backstory: All projects other than Swift use OpenStack Common for
configuration, and define option, default value and help text in the
code in a way that it's possible to extract.

Since the code is able to act in this way, we can stop maintaining
separate instructive lines for configuration options, and instead
fix any text problems in the code itself. This both improves the
quality of the code and fixes our double maintenance problem.

For swift, we needed a different approach. Unfortunately, I think we
don't have the ability to treat the code as the definitive source and
move all maintenance there. The lack of instruction for every option,
and absence of structure precludes this.

So I wrote some nasty scraping things (from RST and sample conf file)
to seed an initial list of configuration options.

My plan from here was to make the 'update' portion of the script
treat the textual descriptions in common/tables/swift-*.xml as

The script would still search the swift code to add or remove
options, so we could guarantee completeness, and after an initial
push to write out proper help text the maintenance becomes far

Change-Id: I2464f5c63cb0da110e1871a09a59380dad9b6b27
This commit is contained in:
Tom Fifield 2013-09-03 10:39:38 +10:00
parent 19220c93a1
commit 322892f4dd
1 changed files with 66 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
# and generally only having a single entry
# after the equals (the default value)
def parse_line(line):
takes a line from a swift sample configuration file and attempts
@ -32,26 +33,33 @@ def parse_line(line):
return None
return config, default.strip()
def get_existing_options(optfile):
def get_existing_options(optfiles):
parses an existing XML table to compile a list of existing options
options = []
xmldoc = minidom.parse(optfile)
tdlist = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('td')
for td in tdlist:
tdvalue = td.childNodes[0].nodeValue
except IndexError:
if '=' in tdvalue and ' ' not in tdvalue:
options = {}
for optfile in optfiles:
xmldoc = minidom.parse(optfile)
tbody = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
trlist = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr')
for tr in trlist:
optentry = tr.childNodes[1].childNodes[0]
option, default = optentry.nodeValue.split('=', 1)
helptext = tr.childNodes[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue
except IndexError:
if option not in options or 'No help text' in options[option]:
#options[option.split('=',1)[0]] = helptext
options[option] = helptext
return options
def extract_descriptions_from_devref(repo, options):
loop through the devref RST files, looking for lines formatted
such that they might contain a description of a particular
such that they might contain a description of a particular
option_descs = {}
@ -68,29 +76,31 @@ def extract_descriptions_from_devref(repo, options):
in_option_block = False
if line[0] == ' ' and prev_option is not None:
option_descs[prev_option] = option_descs[prev_option] + ' ' + line.strip()
option_descs[prev_option] = (option_descs[prev_option]
+ ' ' + line.strip())
for option in options:
line_parts = line.strip().split(None, 2)
if (' ' in line and len(line_parts) == 3
and option == line_parts[0]
and line_parts[1] != '=' and option != 'use'
and (option not in option_descs or
and (option not in option_descs or
len(option_descs[option]) < len(line_parts[2]))):
option_descs[option] = line_parts[2]
prev_option = option
return option_descs
def new_section_file(sample, current_section):
section_filename = ('swift-' +
+ '-' + current_section.replace('[','').replace(']','').replace(':','-')
+ '-'
+ current_section.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace(':', '-')
+ '.xml')
section_file = open(section_filename, 'w')
section_file.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\
<!-- Warning: Do not edit this file. It is automatically\n\
generated and your changes will be overwritten.\n\
The tool to do so lives in the tools directory of this\n\
repository -->\n\
<!-- The tool that generated this table lives in the\n\
tools directory of this repository. As it was a one-time\n\
generation, you can edit this file. -->\n\
<para xmlns="" version="5.0">\n\
<table rules="all">\n\
<caption>Description of configuration options for <literal>'
@ -107,66 +117,75 @@ def new_section_file(sample, current_section):
return section_file
def create_new_tables(repo, vebose, existing_options=None):
def create_new_tables(repo, verbose):
writes a set of docbook-formatted tables, one per section in swift
configuration files. Uses existing tables and swift devref as a source
of truth in that order to determine helptext for options found in
sample config files
existing_tables = glob.glob('../../doc/src/docbkx/common/tables/swift*xml')
options = []
for table in existing_tables:
options = {}
#use the existing tables to get a list of option names
options = get_existing_options(existing_tables)
option_descs = extract_descriptions_from_devref(repo, options)
conf_samples = glob.glob(repo + '/etc/*conf-sample')
conf_samples = glob.glob(repo + '/etc/*conf-sample')
for sample in conf_samples:
current_section = None
section_file = None
sample_file = open(sample,'r')
sample_file = open(sample, 'r')
for line in sample_file:
if '[' in line and ']\n' in line and '=' not in line:
#header line
it's a header line in the conf file, open a new table file
for this section and close any existing one
if current_section != line.strip('#').strip():
if section_file is not None:
section_file.write('\n </tbody>\n\
current_section = line.strip('#').strip()
current_section = line.strip('#').strip()
section_file = new_section_file(sample, current_section)
elif section_file is not None:
#config option line
it's a config option line in the conf file, find out the
help text and write to the table file.
parsed_line = parse_line(line)
if parsed_line is not None:
if parsed_line[0] in option_descs:
option_desc = option_descs[parsed_line[0]]
if (parsed_line[0] in options.keys()
and 'No help text' not in options[parsed_line[0]]):
# use the help text from existing tables
option_desc = options[parsed_line[0]].replace(u'\xa0', u' ')
elif parsed_line[0] in option_descs:
# use the help text from the devref
option_desc = option_descs[parsed_line[0]].replace(u'\xa0', u' ')
option_desc = 'No help text available for this option'
#if (existing_options is not None
# and parsed_line[0] not in existing_options):
# print "New Option: " + parsed_line[0]
#elif existing_options is not None:
# existing_options.remove(parsed_line[0])
if verbose > 0:
print parsed_line[0] + "has no help text"
section_file.write('\n <tr>\n\
<td>' + parsed_line[0] + '=' + escape(str(parsed_line[1])) +
'</td><td>'+ option_desc + '</td>\n' + ' </tr>')
<td>' + parsed_line[0] + '=' +
escape(str(parsed_line[1])) +
'</td><td>' + option_desc + '</td>\n' +
' </tr>')
if section_file is not None:
section_file.write('\n </tbody>\n\
#print "Removed: " + str(existing_options)
def main(repo, verbose=0):
writes a set of docbook-formatted files, based on configuration sections
in swift sample configuration files
actions: new - creates blank configuration files
update - creates updated configuration files based on existing ones
action = 'create'
#action = 'update'
if action == "create":
create_new_tables(repo, verbose)
elif action == "update":
options = get_existing_options('/home/fifieldt/temp/os-doc-on-a-plane-2/doc/src/docbkx/common/tables/swift-object-server-[DEFAULT].xml')
create_new_tables(repo, verbose, options)
create_new_tables(repo, verbose)
if __name__ == "__main__":